diff options
authoryleo77 <>2013-07-16 16:37:18 +0800
committeryleo77 <>2013-07-16 16:37:18 +0800
commit67b2781f6200a0dff35055eb67937a0df2be2c51 (patch)
parent6b832b93588567cb00b9a9e8170a5ebf539dea51 (diff)
parent7f74294d7aa7ab86e18e70a1153c15fa373c5849 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'robbyrussell/master'
38 files changed, 1000 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/README.textile b/README.textile
index 5f8067499..1916d9f4e 100644
--- a/README.textile
+++ b/README.textile
@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ To disable updates entirely, put this in your ~/.zshrc
+To upgrade directly from the command line, just run @upgrade_oh_my_zsh@
h3. Uninstalling
If you want to uninstall it, just run @uninstall_oh_my_zsh@ from the command line and it'll remove itself and revert you to bash (or your previous zsh config).
diff --git a/lib/aliases.zsh b/lib/aliases.zsh
index 2b58c4faa..9b3709172 100644
--- a/lib/aliases.zsh
+++ b/lib/aliases.zsh
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ alias history='fc -l 1'
# List direcory contents
alias lsa='ls -lah'
-#alias l='ls -la'
+alias l='ls -la'
alias ll='ls -l'
alias la='ls -lA'
alias sl=ls # often screw this up
diff --git a/lib/git.zsh b/lib/git.zsh
index 96598cf5f..df0fcedbb 100644
--- a/lib/git.zsh
+++ b/lib/git.zsh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# get the name of the branch we are on
function git_prompt_info() {
- ref=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) || \
- ref=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null) || return
+ ref=$(command git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) || \
+ ref=$(command git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null) || return
echo "$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_PREFIX${ref#refs/heads/}$(parse_git_dirty)$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SUFFIX"
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ parse_git_dirty() {
local GIT_STATUS=''
local CLEAN_MESSAGE='nothing to commit (working directory clean)'
- if [[ "$(git config --get oh-my-zsh.hide-status)" != "1" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$(command git config --get oh-my-zsh.hide-status)" != "1" ]]; then
if [[ $POST_1_7_2_GIT -gt 0 ]]; then
- if [[ "$DISABLE_UNTRACKED_FILES_DIRTY" != "true" ]]; then
- GIT_STATUS=$(git status -s ${SUBMODULE_SYNTAX} 2> /dev/null | tail -n1)
+ if [[ "$DISABLE_UNTRACKED_FILES_DIRTY" == "true" ]]; then
+ GIT_STATUS=$(command git status -s ${SUBMODULE_SYNTAX} -uno 2> /dev/null | tail -n1)
- GIT_STATUS=$(git status -s ${SUBMODULE_SYNTAX} -uno 2> /dev/null | tail -n1)
+ GIT_STATUS=$(command git status -s ${SUBMODULE_SYNTAX} 2> /dev/null | tail -n1)
- if [[ -n $(git status -s ${SUBMODULE_SYNTAX} -uno 2> /dev/null) ]]; then
+ if [[ -n $GIT_STATUS ]]; then
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ parse_git_dirty() {
# get the difference between the local and remote branches
git_remote_status() {
- remote=${$(git rev-parse --verify ${hook_com[branch]}@{upstream} --symbolic-full-name 2>/dev/null)/refs\/remotes\/}
+ remote=${$(command git rev-parse --verify ${hook_com[branch]}@{upstream} --symbolic-full-name 2>/dev/null)/refs\/remotes\/}
if [[ -n ${remote} ]] ; then
- ahead=$(git rev-list ${hook_com[branch]}@{upstream}..HEAD 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
- behind=$(git rev-list HEAD..${hook_com[branch]}@{upstream} 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
+ ahead=$(command git rev-list ${hook_com[branch]}@{upstream}..HEAD 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
+ behind=$(command git rev-list HEAD..${hook_com[branch]}@{upstream} 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
if [ $ahead -eq 0 ] && [ $behind -gt 0 ]
@@ -52,24 +52,24 @@ git_remote_status() {
# Checks if there are commits ahead from remote
function git_prompt_ahead() {
- if $(echo "$(git log origin/$(current_branch)..HEAD 2> /dev/null)" | grep '^commit' &> /dev/null); then
+ if $(echo "$(command git log origin/$(current_branch)..HEAD 2> /dev/null)" | grep '^commit' &> /dev/null); then
# Formats prompt string for current git commit short SHA
function git_prompt_short_sha() {
- SHA=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null) && echo "$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SHA_BEFORE$SHA$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SHA_AFTER"
+ SHA=$(command git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null) && echo "$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SHA_BEFORE$SHA$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SHA_AFTER"
# Formats prompt string for current git commit long SHA
function git_prompt_long_sha() {
+ SHA=$(command git rev-parse HEAD 2> /dev/null) && echo "$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SHA_BEFORE$SHA$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SHA_AFTER"
# Get the status of the working tree
git_prompt_status() {
- INDEX=$(git status --porcelain -b 2> /dev/null)
+ INDEX=$(command git status --porcelain -b 2> /dev/null)
if $(echo "$INDEX" | grep -E '^\?\? ' &> /dev/null); then
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ git_prompt_status() {
elif $(echo "$INDEX" | grep '^AD ' &> /dev/null); then
- if $(git rev-parse --verify refs/stash >/dev/null 2>&1); then
+ if $(command git rev-parse --verify refs/stash >/dev/null 2>&1); then
if $(echo "$INDEX" | grep '^UU ' &> /dev/null); then
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ function git_compare_version() {
- INSTALLED_GIT_VERSION=($(git --version 2>/dev/null));
+ INSTALLED_GIT_VERSION=($(command git --version 2>/dev/null));
for i in {1..3}; do
diff --git a/lib/termsupport.zsh b/lib/termsupport.zsh
index e3828da14..80319e1a8 100644
--- a/lib/termsupport.zsh
+++ b/lib/termsupport.zsh
@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@ function omz_termsupport_preexec {
emulate -L zsh
setopt extended_glob
local CMD=${1[(wr)^(*=*|sudo|ssh|rake|-*)]} #cmd name only, or if this is sudo or ssh, the next cmd
- title "$CMD" "%100>...>${2:gs/%/%%}%<<"
+ local LINE="${2:gs/$/\\$}"
+ LINE="${LINE:gs/%/%%}"
+ title "$CMD" "%100>...>$LINE%<<"
autoload -U add-zsh-hook
diff --git a/plugins/bower/bower.plugin.zsh b/plugins/bower/bower.plugin.zsh
index ed9c04840..68a67a3cc 100644
--- a/plugins/bower/bower.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/bower/bower.plugin.zsh
@@ -2,37 +2,80 @@ alias bi="bower install"
alias bl="bower list"
alias bs="bower search"
+_bower_installed_packages () {
+ bower_package_list=$(bower ls --no-color 2>/dev/null| awk 'NR>3{print p}{p=$0}'| cut -d ' ' -f 2|sed 's/#.*//')
_bower ()
- local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
- typeset -A opt_args
- _arguments -C \
- ':command:->command' \
- '*::options:->options'
- case $state in
- (command)
- local -a subcommands
- subcommands=(${=$(bower help | grep help | sed -e 's/,//g')})
- _describe -t commands 'bower' subcommands
- ;;
- (options)
- case $line[1] in
- (install)
- if [ -z "$bower_package_list" ];then
- bower_package_list=$(bower search | awk 'NR > 2' | cut -d '-' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g")
- fi
- compadd "$@" $(echo $bower_package_list)
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
+ local -a _1st_arguments _no_color _dopts _save_dev _force_lastest _production
+ local expl
+ typeset -A opt_args
+ _no_color=('--no-color[Do not print colors (available in all commands)]')
+ _dopts=(
+ '(--save)--save[Save installed packages into the project"s bower.json dependencies]'
+ '(--force)--force[Force fetching remote resources even if a local copy exists on disk]'
+ )
+ _save_dev=('(--save-dev)--save-dev[Save installed packages into the project"s bower.json devDependencies]')
+ _force_lastest=('(--force-latest)--force-latest[Force latest version on conflict]')
+ _production=('(--production)--production[Do not install project devDependencies]')
+ _1st_arguments=(
+ 'cache-clean:Clean the Bower cache, or the specified package caches' \
+ 'help:Display help information about Bower' \
+ 'info:Version info and description of a particular package' \
+ 'init:Interactively create a bower.json file' \
+ 'install:Install a package locally' \
+ 'link:Symlink a package folder' \
+ 'lookup:Look up a package URL by name' \
+ 'register:Register a package' \
+ 'search:Search for a package by name' \
+ 'uninstall:Remove a package' \
+ 'update:Update a package' \
+ {ls,list}:'[List all installed packages]'
+ )
+ _arguments \
+ $_no_color \
+ '*:: :->subcmds' && return 0
+ if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
+ _describe -t commands "bower subcommand" _1st_arguments
+ return
+ fi
+ case "$words[1]" in
+ install)
+ _arguments \
+ $_dopts \
+ $_save_dev \
+ $_force_lastest \
+ $_no_color \
+ $_production
+ ;;
+ update)
+ _arguments \
+ $_dopts \
+ $_no_color \
+ $_force_lastest
+ _bower_installed_packages
+ compadd "$@" $(echo $bower_package_list)
+ ;;
+ uninstall)
+ _arguments \
+ $_no_color \
+ $_dopts
+ _bower_installed_packages
+ compadd "$@" $(echo $bower_package_list)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ $_no_color \
+ ;;
+ esac
compdef _bower bower
diff --git a/plugins/bundler/bundler.plugin.zsh b/plugins/bundler/bundler.plugin.zsh
index 9446aafab..c01241409 100644
--- a/plugins/bundler/bundler.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/bundler/bundler.plugin.zsh
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ alias bu="bundle update"
# The following is based on
-bundled_commands=(annotate cap capify cucumber foreman guard jekyll middleman nanoc rackup rainbows rake rspec ruby shotgun spec spin spork thin thor unicorn unicorn_rails puma)
+bundled_commands=(annotate berks cap capify cucumber foodcritic foreman guard jekyll kitchen knife middleman nanoc rackup rainbows rake rspec ruby shotgun spec spin spork strainer tailor thin thor unicorn unicorn_rails puma)
## Functions
diff --git a/plugins/cabal/cabal.plugin.zsh b/plugins/cabal/cabal.plugin.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d3c64587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/cabal/cabal.plugin.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+function _cabal_commands() {
+ local ret=1 state
+ _arguments ':subcommand:->subcommand' && ret=0
+ case $state in
+ subcommand)
+ subcommands=(
+ "bench:Run the benchmark, if any (configure with UserHooks)"
+ "build:Make this package ready for installation"
+ "check:Check the package for common mistakes"
+ "clean:Clean up after a build"
+ "copy:Copy teh files into the install locations"
+ "configure:Prepare to build the package"
+ "fetch:Downloads packages for later installation"
+ "haddock:Generate HAddock HTML documentation"
+ "help:Help about commands"
+ "hscolour:Generate HsColour colourised code, in HTML format"
+ "info:Display detailed information about a particular package"
+ "init:Interactively create a .cabal file"
+ "install:Installs a list of packages"
+ "list:List packages matching a search string"
+ "register:Register this package with the compiler"
+ "report:Upload build reports to a remote server"
+ "sdist:Generate a source distribution file (.tar.gz)"
+ "test:Run the test suite, if any (configure with UserHooks)"
+ "unpack:Unpacks packages for user inspection"
+ "update:Updates list of known packages"
+ "upload:Uploads source packages to Hackage"
+ )
+ _describe -t subcommands 'cabal subcommands' subcommands && ret=0
+ esac
+ return ret
+compdef _cabal_commands cabal
diff --git a/plugins/celery/_celery b/plugins/celery/_celery
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63af9fad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/celery/_celery
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#compdef celery
+#celery zsh completion
+_celery () {
+local -a _1st_arguments ifargs dopts controlargs
+typeset -A opt_args
+_1st_arguments=('worker' 'events' 'beat' 'shell' 'multi' 'amqp' 'status' 'inspect' \
+ 'control' 'purge' 'list' 'migrate' 'call' 'result' 'report')
+ifargs=('--app=' '--broker=' '--loader=' '--config=' '--version')
+dopts=('--detach' '--umask=' '--gid=' '--uid=' '--pidfile=' '--logfile=' '--loglevel=')
+controlargs=('--timeout' '--destination')
+_arguments \
+ '(-A --app=)'{-A,--app}'[app instance to use (e.g. module.attr_name):APP]' \
+ '(-b --broker=)'{-b,--broker}'[url to broker. default is "amqp://guest@localhost//":BROKER]' \
+ '(--loader)--loader[name of custom loader class to use.:LOADER]' \
+ '(--config)--config[Name of the configuration module:CONFIG]' \
+ '(--workdir)--workdir[Optional directory to change to after detaching.:WORKING_DIRECTORY]' \
+ '(-q --quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[Don"t show as much output.]' \
+ '(-C --no-color)'{-C,--no-color}'[Don"t display colors.]' \
+ '(--version)--version[show program"s version number and exit]' \
+ '(- : *)'{-h,--help}'[show this help message and exit]' \
+ '*:: :->subcmds' && return 0
+if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
+ _describe -t commands "celery subcommand" _1st_arguments
+ return
+case "$words[1]" in
+ worker)
+ _arguments \
+ '(-C --concurrency=)'{-C,--concurrency=}'[Number of child processes processing the queue. The default is the number of CPUs.]' \
+ '(--pool)--pool=:::(processes eventlet gevent threads solo)' \
+ '(--purge --discard)'{--discard,--purge}'[Purges all waiting tasks before the daemon is started.]' \
+ '(-f --logfile=)'{-f,--logfile=}'[Path to log file. If no logfile is specified, stderr is used.]' \
+ '(--loglevel=)--loglevel=:::(critical error warning info debug)' \
+ '(-N --hostname=)'{-N,--hostname=}'[Set custom hostname, e.g. "".]' \
+ '(-B --beat)'{-B,--beat}'[Also run the celerybeat periodic task scheduler.]' \
+ '(-s --schedule=)'{-s,--schedule=}'[Path to the schedule database if running with the -B option. Defaults to celerybeat-schedule.]' \
+ '(-S --statedb=)'{-S,--statedb=}'[Path to the state database.Default: None]' \
+ '(-E --events)'{-E,--events}'[Send events that can be captured by monitors like celeryev, celerymon, and others.]' \
+ '(--time-limit=)--time-limit=[nables a hard time limit (in seconds int/float) for tasks]' \
+ '(--soft-time-limit=)--soft-time-limit=[Enables a soft time limit (in seconds int/float) for tasks]' \
+ '(--maxtasksperchild=)--maxtasksperchild=[Maximum number of tasks a pool worker can execute before it"s terminated and replaced by a new worker.]' \
+ '(-Q --queues=)'{-Q,--queues=}'[List of queues to enable for this worker, separated by comma. By default all configured queues are enabled.]' \
+ '(-I --include=)'{-I,--include=}'[Comma separated list of additional modules to import.]' \
+ '(--pidfile=)--pidfile=[Optional file used to store the process pid.]' \
+ '(--autoscale=)--autoscale=[Enable autoscaling by providing max_concurrency, min_concurrency.]' \
+ '(--autoreload)--autoreload[Enable autoreloading.]' \
+ '(--no-execv)--no-execv[Don"t do execv after multiprocessing child fork.]'
+ compadd -a ifargs
+ ;;
+ inspect)
+ _values -s \
+ 'active[dump active tasks (being processed)]' \
+ 'active_queues[dump queues being consumed from]' \
+ 'ping[ping worker(s)]' \
+ 'registered[dump of registered tasks]' \
+ 'report[get bugreport info]' \
+ 'reserved[dump reserved tasks (waiting to be processed)]' \
+ 'revoked[dump of revoked task ids]' \
+ 'scheduled[dump scheduled tasks (eta/countdown/retry)]' \
+ 'stats[dump worker statistics]'
+ compadd -a controlargs ifargs
+ ;;
+ control)
+ _values -s \
+ 'add_consumer[tell worker(s) to start consuming a queue]' \
+ 'autoscale[change autoscale settings]' \
+ 'cancel_consumer[tell worker(s) to stop consuming a queue]' \
+ 'disable_events[tell worker(s) to disable events]' \
+ 'enable_events[tell worker(s) to enable events]' \
+ 'pool_grow[start more pool processes]' \
+ 'pool_shrink[use less pool processes]' \
+ 'rate_limit[tell worker(s) to modify the rate limit for a task type]' \
+ 'time_limit[tell worker(s) to modify the time limit for a task type.]'
+ compadd -a controlargs ifargs
+ ;;
+ multi)
+ _values -s \
+ '--nosplash[Don"t display program info.]' \
+ '--verbose[Show more output.]' \
+ '--no-color[Don"t display colors.]' \
+ '--quiet[Don"t show as much output.]' \
+ 'start' 'restart' 'stopwait' 'stop' 'show' \
+ 'names' 'expand' 'get' 'kill'
+ compadd -a ifargs
+ ;;
+ amqp)
+ _values -s \
+ 'queue.declare' 'queue.purge' 'exchange.delete' 'basic.publish' \
+ 'exchange.declare' 'queue.delete' 'queue.bind' 'basic.get'
+ ;;
+ list)
+ _values -s, 'bindings'
+ ;;
+ shell)
+ _values -s \
+ '--ipython[force iPython.]' \
+ '--bpython[force bpython.]' \
+ '--python[force default Python shell.]' \
+ '--without-tasks[don"t add tasks to locals.]' \
+ '--eventlet[use eventlet.]' \
+ '--gevent[use gevent.]'
+ compadd -a ifargs
+ ;;
+ beat)
+ _arguments \
+ '(-s --schedule=)'{-s,--schedule=}'[Path to the schedule database. Defaults to celerybeat-schedule.]' \
+ '(-S --scheduler=)'{-S,--scheduler=}'[Scheduler class to use. Default is celery.beat.PersistentScheduler.]' \
+ '(--max-interval)--max-interval[]'
+ compadd -a dopts fargs
+ ;;
+ events)
+ _arguments \
+ '(-d --dump)'{-d,--dump}'[Dump events to stdout.]' \
+ '(-c --camera=)'{-c,--camera=}'[Take snapshots of events using this camera.]' \
+ '(-F --frequency=)'{-F,--frequency=}'[Camera: Shutter frequency. Default is every 1.0 seconds.]' \
+ '(-r --maxrate=)'{-r,--maxrate=}'[Camera: Optional shutter rate limit (e.g. 10/m).]'
+ compadd -a dopts fargs
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
diff --git a/plugins/coffee/_coffee b/plugins/coffee/_coffee
index 5c8eb9a08..10b6b8164 100644
--- a/plugins/coffee/_coffee
+++ b/plugins/coffee/_coffee
@@ -35,27 +35,37 @@
# -------
# * Mario Fernandez (
+# * Dong Weiming (
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-local curcontext="$curcontext" state line ret=1
+local curcontext="$curcontext" state line ret=1 version opts first second third
typeset -A opt_args
+version=(${(f)"$(_call_program version $words[1] --version)"})
+first=$(echo $version|cut -d '.' -f 1)
+second=$(echo $version|cut -d '.' -f 2)
+third=$(echo $version|cut -d '.' -f 3)
+if (( $first < 2 )) && (( $second < 7 )) && (( $third < 3 ));then
+ opts+=('(-l --lint)'{-l,--lint}'[pipe the compiled JavaScript through JavaScript Lint]'
+ '(-r --require)'{-r,--require}'[require a library before executing your script]:library')
_arguments -C \
'(- *)'{-h,--help}'[display this help message]' \
'(- *)'{-v,--version}'[display the version number]' \
+ $opts \
'(-b --bare)'{-b,--bare}'[compile without a top-level function wrapper]' \
'(-e --eval)'{-e,--eval}'[pass a string from the command line as input]:Inline Script' \
'(-i --interactive)'{-i,--interactive}'[run an interactive CoffeeScript REPL]' \
'(-j --join)'{-j,--join}'[concatenate the source CoffeeScript before compiling]:Destination JS file:_files -g "*.js"' \
- '(-l --lint)'{-l,--lint}'[pipe the compiled JavaScript through JavaScript Lint]' \
'(--nodejs)--nodejs[pass options directly to the "node" binary]' \
'(-c --compile)'{-c,--compile}'[compile to JavaScript and save as .js files]' \
'(-o --output)'{-o,--output}'[set the output directory for compiled JavaScript]:Output Directory:_files -/' \
'(-n -t -p)'{-n,--nodes}'[print out the parse tree that the parser produces]' \
'(-n -t -p)'{-p,--print}'[print out the compiled JavaScript]' \
'(-n -t -p)'{-t,--tokens}'[print out the tokens that the lexer/rewriter produce]' \
- '(-r --require)'{-r,--require}'[require a library before executing your script]:library' \
'(-s --stdio)'{-s,--stdio}'[listen for and compile scripts over stdio]' \
'(-w --watch)'{-w,--watch}'[watch scripts for changes and rerun commands]' \
'*:script or directory:_files' && ret=0
diff --git a/plugins/composer/composer.plugin.zsh b/plugins/composer/composer.plugin.zsh
index 2d1557541..9975aaca4 100644
--- a/plugins/composer/composer.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/composer/composer.plugin.zsh
@@ -10,9 +10,25 @@ _composer_get_command_list () {
composer --no-ansi | sed "1,/Available commands/d" | awk '/^ [a-z]+/ { print $1 }'
+_composer_get_required_list () {
+ composer show -s --no-ansi | sed '1,/requires/d' | awk 'NF > 0 && !/^requires \(dev\)/{ print $1 }'
_composer () {
+ local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
+ typeset -A opt_args
+ _arguments \
+ '1: :->command'\
+ '*: :->args'
if [ -f composer.json ]; then
- compadd `_composer_get_command_list`
+ case $state in
+ command)
+ compadd `_composer_get_command_list`
+ ;;
+ *)
+ compadd `_composer_get_required_list`
+ ;;
+ esac
compadd create-project init search selfupdate show
diff --git a/plugins/debian/debian.plugin.zsh b/plugins/debian/debian.plugin.zsh
index 55b90e379..b51d0cd37 100644
--- a/plugins/debian/debian.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/debian/debian.plugin.zsh
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
# Use aptitude if installed, or apt-get if not.
# You can just set apt_pref='apt-get' to override it.
-if [[ -e $( which aptitude 2>&1 ) ]]; then
+if [[ -e $( which -p aptitude 2>&1 ) ]]; then
# Use sudo by default if it's installed
-if [[ -e $( which sudo 2>&1 ) ]]; then
+if [[ -e $( which -p sudo 2>&1 ) ]]; then
diff --git a/plugins/git/ b/plugins/git/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8462dda1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/git/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+## git
+**Maintainer:** [Stibbons](
+This plugin adds several git aliases and increase the completion function provided by zsh
diff --git a/plugins/git/_git-branch b/plugins/git/_git-branch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..86d03bc30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/git/_git-branch
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#compdef git-branch
+_git-branch ()
+ declare l c m d
+ l='--color --no-color -r -a --all -v --verbose --abbrev --no-abbrev'
+ c='-l -f --force -t --track --no-track --set-upstream --contains --merged --no-merged'
+ m='-m -M'
+ d='-d -D'
+ declare -a dependent_creation_args
+ if (( words[(I)-r] == 0 )); then
+ dependent_creation_args=(
+ "($l $m $d): :__git_branch_names"
+ "::start-point:__git_revisions")
+ fi
+ declare -a dependent_deletion_args
+ if (( words[(I)-d] || words[(I)-D] )); then
+ dependent_creation_args=
+ dependent_deletion_args=(
+ '-r[delete only remote-tracking branches]')
+ if (( words[(I)-r] )); then
+ dependent_deletion_args+='*: :__git_ignore_line_inside_arguments __git_remote_branch_names'
+ else
+ dependent_deletion_args+='*: :__git_ignore_line_inside_arguments __git_branch_names'
+ fi
+ fi
+ declare -a dependent_modification_args
+ if (( words[(I)-m] || words[(I)-M] )); then
+ dependent_creation_args=
+ dependent_modification_args=(
+ ':old or new branch name:__git_branch_names'
+ '::new branch name:__git_branch_names')
+ fi
+ _arguments -w -S -s \
+ "($c $m $d --no-color :)--color=-[turn on branch coloring]:: :__git_color_whens" \
+ "($c $m $d : --color)--no-color[turn off branch coloring]" \
+ "($c $m -a --all)-r[list or delete only remote-tracking branches]" \
+ "($c $m $d : -r)"{-a,--all}"[list both remote-tracking branches and local branches]" \
+ "($c $m $d : -v --verbose)"{-v,--verbose}'[show SHA1 and commit subject line for each head]' \
+ "($c $m $d :)--abbrev=[set minimum SHA1 display-length]: :__git_guard_number length" \
+ "($c $m $d :)--no-abbrev[do not abbreviate sha1s]" \
+ "($l $m $d)-l[create the branch's reflog]" \
+ "($l $m $d -f --force)"{-f,--force}"[force the creation of a new branch]" \
+ "($l $m $d -t --track)"{-t,--track}"[set up configuration so that pull merges from the start point]" \
+ "($l $m $d)--no-track[override the branch.autosetupmerge configuration variable]" \
+ "($l $m $d)--set-upstream[set up configuration so that pull merges]" \
+ "($l $m $d)--contains=[only list branches which contain the specified commit]: :__git_committishs" \
+ "($l $m $d)--merged=[only list branches which are fully contained by HEAD]: :__git_committishs" \
+ "($l $m $d)--no-merged=[do not list branches which are fully contained by HEAD]: :__git_committishs" \
+ $dependent_creation_args \
+ "($l $c $d -M)-m[rename a branch and the corresponding reflog]" \
+ "($l $c $d -m)-M[rename a branch even if the new branch-name already exists]" \
+ $dependent_modification_args \
+ "($l $c $m -D)-d[delete a fully merged branch]" \
+ "($l $c $m -d)-D[delete a branch]" \
+ $dependent_deletion_args
diff --git a/plugins/git/_git-remote b/plugins/git/_git-remote
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ba62a357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/git/_git-remote
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#compdef git-remote
+# NOTE: --track is undocumented.
+# TODO: --track, -t, --master, and -m should take remote branches, I guess.
+# NOTE: --master is undocumented.
+# NOTE: --fetch is undocumented.
+_git-remote () {
+ local curcontext=$curcontext state line
+ declare -A opt_args
+ _arguments -C \
+ ':command:->command' \
+ '*::options:->options' && ret=0
+ case $state in
+ (command)
+ declare -a commands
+ commands=(
+ 'add:add a new remote'
+ 'show:show information about a given remote'
+ 'prune:delete all stale tracking branches for a given remote'
+ 'update:fetch updates for a set of remotes'
+ 'rm:remove a remote from .git/config and all associated tracking branches'
+ 'rename:rename a remote from .git/config and update all associated tracking branches'
+ 'set-head:sets or deletes the default branch'
+ 'set-branches:changes the list of branches tracked by the named remote.'
+ 'set-url:changes URL remote points to.'
+ )
+ _describe -t commands 'sub-command' commands && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (options)
+ case $line[1] in
+ (add)
+ _arguments \
+ '*'{--track,-t}'[track given branch instead of default glob refspec]:branch:__git_branch_names' \
+ '(--master -m)'{--master,-m}'[set the remote'\''s HEAD to point to given master branch]:branch:__git_branch_names' \
+ '(--fetch -f)'{--fetch,-f}'[run git-fetch on the new remote after it has been created]' \
+ ':branch name:__git_remotes' \
+ ':url:_urls' && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (show)
+ _arguments \
+ '-n[do not contact the remote for a list of branches]' \
+ ':remote:__git_remotes' && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (prune)
+ _arguments \
+ '(--dry-run -n)'{-n,--dry-run}'[do not actually prune, only list what would be done]' \
+ ':remote:__git_remotes' && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (update)
+ __git_remote-groups && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (rm)
+ __git_remotes && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (rename)
+ __git_remotes && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (set-url)
+ _arguments \
+ '*--push[manipulate push URLs]' \
+ '(--add)--add[add URL]' \
+ '(--delete)--delete[delete URLs]' \
+ ':branch name:__git_remotes' \
+ ':url:_urls' && ret=0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
diff --git a/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh b/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh
index af0189fdc..3bdf0c30f 100644
--- a/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh
@@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ alias grset='git remote set-url'
compdef _git grset=git-remote
alias grup='git remote update'
compdef _git grset=git-remote
+alias grbi='git rebase -i'
+compdef _git grbi=git-rebase
+alias grbc='git rebase --continue'
+compdef _git grbc=git-rebase
+alias grba='git rebase --abort'
+compdef _git grba=git-rebase
alias gb='git branch'
compdef _git gb=git-branch
alias gba='git branch -a'
@@ -62,12 +68,20 @@ alias gm='git merge'
compdef _git gm=git-merge
alias grh='git reset HEAD'
alias grhh='git reset HEAD --hard'
+alias gclean='git reset --hard && git clean -dfx'
alias gwc='git whatchanged -p --abbrev-commit --pretty=medium'
#remove the gf alias
#alias gf='git ls-files | grep'
alias gpoat='git push origin --all && git push origin --tags'
+alias gmt='git mergetool --no-prompt'
+compdef _git gm=git-mergetool
+alias gg='git gui citool'
+alias gga='git gui citool --amend'
+alias gk='gitk --all --branches'
+alias gsts='git stash show --text'
# Will cd into the top of the current repository
# or submodule.
@@ -98,6 +112,8 @@ function current_repository() {
# these aliases take advantage of the previous function
alias ggpull='git pull origin $(current_branch)'
compdef ggpull=git
+alias ggpur='git pull --rebase origin $(current_branch)'
+compdef ggpur=git
alias ggpush='git push origin $(current_branch)'
compdef ggpush=git
alias ggpnp='git pull origin $(current_branch) && git push origin $(current_branch)'
diff --git a/plugins/gpg-agent/gpg-agent.plugin.zsh b/plugins/gpg-agent/gpg-agent.plugin.zsh
index 109af44c8..4071334cb 100644
--- a/plugins/gpg-agent/gpg-agent.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/gpg-agent/gpg-agent.plugin.zsh
@@ -14,16 +14,24 @@ function start_agent_withssh {
-# source settings of old agent, if applicable
-if [ -f "${GPG_ENV}" ]; then
- . ${GPG_ENV} > /dev/null
+# check if another agent is running
+if ! gpg-connect-agent --quiet /bye > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then
+ # source settings of old agent, if applicable
+ if [ -f "${GPG_ENV}" ]; then
+ . ${GPG_ENV} > /dev/null
+ fi
-# check for existing ssh-agent
-if ssh-add -l > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then
- start_agent_nossh;
- start_agent_withssh;
+ # check again if another agent is running using the newly sourced settings
+ if ! gpg-connect-agent --quiet /bye > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then
+ # check for existing ssh-agent
+ if ssh-add -l > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then
+ # ssh-agent running, start gpg-agent without ssh support
+ start_agent_nossh;
+ else
+ # otherwise start gpg-agent with ssh support
+ start_agent_withssh;
+ fi
+ fi
diff --git a/plugins/jira/jira.plugin.zsh b/plugins/jira/jira.plugin.zsh
index b91f93c95..9aa192c1e 100644
--- a/plugins/jira/jira.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/jira/jira.plugin.zsh
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# .jira-url in the current directory takes precedence
# If you use Rapid Board, set:
# in you .zshrc
# Setup: cd to/my/project
@@ -11,6 +11,13 @@
# Usage: jira # opens a new issue
# jira ABC-123 # Opens an existing issue
open_jira_issue () {
+ local open_cmd
+ if [[ $(uname -s) == 'Darwin' ]]; then
+ open_cmd='open'
+ else
+ open_cmd='xdg-open'
+ fi
if [ -f .jira-url ]; then
jira_url=$(cat .jira-url)
elif [ -f ~/.jira-url ]; then
@@ -27,10 +34,10 @@ open_jira_issue () {
`open $jira_url/secure/CreateIssue!default.jspa`
echo "Opening issue #$1"
- if [[ "x$JIRA_RAPID_BOARD" = "yes" ]]; then
- `open $jira_url/issues/$1`
+ if [[ "x$JIRA_RAPID_BOARD" = "xtrue" ]]; then
+ $open_cmd "$jira_url/issues/$1"
- `open $jira_url/browse/$1`
+ $open_cmd "$jira_url/browse/$1"
diff --git a/plugins/mercurial/mercurial.plugin.zsh b/plugins/mercurial/mercurial.plugin.zsh
index 9aa2d167a..c18aa726c 100644
--- a/plugins/mercurial/mercurial.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/mercurial/mercurial.plugin.zsh
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Mercurial
alias hgc='hg commit'
alias hgb='hg branch'
@@ -17,8 +16,48 @@ alias hgs='hg status'
# this is the 'git commit --amend' equivalent
alias hgca='hg qimport -r tip ; hg qrefresh -e ; hg qfinish tip'
-function hg_current_branch() {
- if [ -d .hg ]; then
- echo hg:$(hg branch)
+function in_hg() {
+ if [[ -d .hg ]] || $(hg summary > /dev/null 2>&1); then
+ echo 1
+ fi
+function hg_get_branch_name() {
+ if [ $(in_hg) ]; then
+ echo $(hg branch)
+ fi
+function hg_prompt_info {
+ if [ $(in_hg) ]; then
+ _DISPLAY=$(hg_get_branch_name)
+ unset _DISPLAY
+ fi
+function hg_dirty_choose {
+ if [ $(in_hg) ]; then
+ hg status 2> /dev/null | grep -Eq '^\s*[ACDIM!?L]'
+ if [ $pipestatus[-1] -eq 0 ]; then
+ # Grep exits with 0 when "One or more lines were selected", return "dirty".
+ echo $1
+ else
+ # Otherwise, no lines were found, or an error occurred. Return clean.
+ echo $2
+ fi
+function hg_dirty {
+function hgic() {
+ hg incoming "$@" | grep "changeset" | wc -l
+function hgoc() {
+ hg outgoing "$@" | grep "changeset" | wc -l
diff --git a/plugins/osx/osx.plugin.zsh b/plugins/osx/osx.plugin.zsh
index 51cd7c143..dd785f911 100644
--- a/plugins/osx/osx.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/osx/osx.plugin.zsh
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function tab() {
- local command="cd \\\"$PWD\\\""
+ local command="cd \\\"$PWD\\\"; clear; "
(( $# > 0 )) && command="${command}; $*"
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ EOF
launch session "Default Session"
set current_session to current session
tell current_session
- write text "${command}; clear;"
+ write text "${command}"
end tell
end tell
end tell
diff --git a/plugins/postgres/postgres.plugin.zsh b/plugins/postgres/postgres.plugin.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cdd142e92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/postgres/postgres.plugin.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Aliases to stop, start and restart Postgres
+# Paths noted below are for Postgress installed via Homebrew on OSX
+alias startpost='pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start'
+alias stoppost='pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop -s -m fast'
+alias restartpost='stoppost && sleep 1 && startpost' \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/rails/rails.plugin.zsh b/plugins/rails/rails.plugin.zsh
index 0139d22c3..dd8b174b2 100644
--- a/plugins/rails/rails.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/rails/rails.plugin.zsh
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ alias migrate='rake db:migrate && rake db:test:prepare'
alias sc='ruby script/console'
alias sd='ruby script/server --debugger'
alias devlog='tail -f log/development.log'
+alias testlog='tail -f log/test.log'
+alias prodlog='tail -f log/production.log'
alias -g RET='RAILS_ENV=test'
alias -g REP='RAILS_ENV=production'
alias -g RED='RAILS_ENV=development'
diff --git a/plugins/rails3/_rails3 b/plugins/rails3/_rails3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97915e68b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/rails3/_rails3
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#compdef rails
+# rails 3 zsh completion, based on homebrew completion
+# Extracted from
+# Published by Christopher Chow
+local -a _1st_arguments
+ 'generate:Generate new code (short-cut alias: "g")'
+ 'console:Start the Rails console (short-cut alias: "c")'
+ 'server:Start the Rails server (short-cut alias: "s")'
+ 'dbconsole:Start a console for the database specified in config/database.yml (short-cut alias: "db")'
+ 'new:Create a new Rails application. "rails new my_app" creates a new application called MyApp in "./my_app"'
+ 'application:Generate the Rails application code'
+ 'destroy:Undo code generated with "generate"'
+ 'benchmarker:See how fast a piece of code runs'
+ 'profiler:Get profile information from a piece of code'
+ 'plugin:Install a plugin'
+_rails_generate_arguments() {
+ generate_arguments=(
+ controller
+ generator
+ helper
+ integration_test
+ mailer
+ migration
+ model
+ observer
+ performance_test
+ plugin
+ resource
+ scaffold
+ scaffold_controller
+ session_migration
+ stylesheets
+ )
+_arguments \
+ '(--version)--version[show version]' \
+ '(--help)--help[show help]' \
+ '*:: :->subcmds' && return 0
+if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
+ _describe -t commands "rails subcommand" _1st_arguments
+ return
+case "$words[1]" in
+ generate)
+ _rails_generate_arguments
+ _wanted generate_arguments expl 'all generate' compadd -a generate_arguments ;;
diff --git a/plugins/rails3/rails3.plugin.zsh b/plugins/rails3/rails3.plugin.zsh
index a2697872a..2555fab67 100644
--- a/plugins/rails3/rails3.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/rails3/rails3.plugin.zsh
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ alias ru='_rails_command runner'
alias rs='_rails_command server'
alias rsd='_rails_command server --debugger'
alias devlog='tail -f log/development.log'
+alias testlog='tail -f log/test.log'
+alias prodlog='tail -f log/production.log'
alias rdm='rake db:migrate'
alias rdr='rake db:rollback'
alias -g RET='RAILS_ENV=test'
diff --git a/plugins/rails4/rails4.plugin.zsh b/plugins/rails4/rails4.plugin.zsh
index fce827ee3..cb6cf816d 100644
--- a/plugins/rails4/rails4.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/rails4/rails4.plugin.zsh
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ alias ru='_rails_command runner'
alias rs='_rails_command server'
alias rsd='_rails_command server --debugger'
alias devlog='tail -f log/development.log'
+alias testlog='tail -f log/test.log'
+alias prodlog='tail -f log/production.log'
alias rdm='rake db:migrate'
alias rdc='rake db:create'
alias rdr='rake db:rollback'
diff --git a/plugins/rand-quote/rand-quote.plugin.zsh b/plugins/rand-quote/rand-quote.plugin.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5544ca565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/rand-quote/rand-quote.plugin.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Get a random quote fron the site
+# Created by Eduardo San Martin Morote aka Posva
+# Sun Jun 09 10:59:36 CEST 2013
+# Don't remove this header, thank you
+# Usage: quote
+if [[ -x `which curl` ]]; then
+ function quote()
+ {
+ Q=$(curl -s --connect-timeout 2 "" | grep -m 1 "dt ")
+ TXT=$(echo "$Q" | sed -e 's/<\/dt>.*//g' -e 's/.*html//g' -e 's/^[^a-zA-Z]*//' -e 's/<\/a..*$//g')
+ W=$(echo "$Q" | sed -e 's/.*\/quotes\///g' -e 's/<.*//g' -e 's/.*">//g')
+ echo "\e[0;33m${W}\e[0;30m: \e[0;35m“${TXT}”\e[m"
+ }
+ #quote
diff --git a/plugins/repo/ b/plugins/repo/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b77e6d48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/repo/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+## repo
+**Maintainer:** [Stibbons](
+This plugin mainly add support automatic completion for the repo command line tool:
+* `r` aliases `repo`
diff --git a/plugins/repo/_repo b/plugins/repo/_repo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59e39c954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/repo/_repo
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+#compdef repo
+__git_apply_whitespace_strategies ()
+ declare -a strategies
+ strategies=(
+ 'nowarn:turn off the trailing-whitespace warning'
+ 'warn:output trailing-whitespace warning, but apply patch'
+ 'fix:output trailing-whitespace warning and strip trailing whitespace'
+ 'error:output trailing-whitespace warning and refuse to apply patch'
+ 'error-all:same as "error", but output warnings for all files')
+ _describe -t strategies 'trailing-whitespace resolution strategy' strategies $*
+ local context state state_descr line curcontext="$curcontext"
+ typeset -A opt_args
+ local ret=1
+ _arguments -C \
+ '(- 1 *)--help[show usage]'\
+ '1:command:->command'\
+ '*::args:->args' && ret=0
+ case $state in
+ (command)
+ repo list 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
+ if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
+ local commands;
+ commands=(
+ 'abandon:Permanently abandon a development branch'
+ 'branch:View current topic branches'
+ 'branches:View current topic branches'
+ 'checkout:Checkout a branch for development'
+ 'cherry-pick:Cherry-pick a change.'
+ 'diff:Show changes between commit and working tree'
+ 'download:Download and checkout a change'
+ 'forall:execute command on several project'
+ 'grep:Print lines matching a pattern'
+ 'help:Display detailed help on a command'
+ 'init:Initialize repo in the current directory'
+ 'list:List projects and their associated directories'
+ 'manifest:Manifest inspection utility'
+ 'overview:Display overview of unmerged project branches'
+ 'prune:Prune (delete) already merged topics'
+ 'rebase:Rebase local branches on upstream branch'
+ 'selfupdate:Update repo to the latest version'
+ 'smartsync:Update working tree to the latest known good revision'
+ 'stage:Stage file(s) for commit'
+ 'start:Start a new branch for development'
+ 'status:Show the working tree status'
+ 'sync:Update working tree to the latest revision'
+ 'upload:Upload changes for code review'
+ 'version:Display the version of repo'
+ )
+ _describe -t commands 'command' commands && ret=0
+ else
+ local commands;
+ commands=(
+ 'init:Install repo in the current working directory'
+ 'help:Display detailed help on a command'
+ )
+ _describe -t commands 'command' commands && ret=0
+ fi
+ ;;
+ (args)
+ case $words[1] in
+ (branch | branches)
+ # TODO : list available projects and add them in list to feed compadd with
+ _arguments : \
+ "(-h --help)"{-h,--help}"[Show help]" \
+ ': :__repo_projects' \
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (abandon)
+ # TODO : list available projects and add them in list to feed compadd with
+ _arguments : \
+ "(-h --help)"{-h,--help}"[Show help]" \
+ ':branch name:__repo_branch' \
+ ': :__repo_projects'\
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (checkout)
+ # TODO : list available projects and add them in list to feed compadd with
+ _arguments : \
+ "(-h --help)"{-h,--help}"[Show help]" \
+ ':branch name:__repo_branch' \
+ ': :__repo_projects'\
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (init)
+ _arguments : \
+ "(-h --help)"{-h,--help}"[Show help]" \
+ "(-q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[be quiet]" \
+ "(-u --manifest-url)"{-u,--manifest-url=}"[manifest repository location]":url:__repo_url_prompt \
+ "(-b --manifest-branch)"{-b,--manifest-branch=}"[manifest branch or revision]":branch:__repo_branch\
+ "(-m --manifest-name)"{-m,--manifest-name=}"[initial manifest file]":manifest_name:__repo_manifest_name\
+ "(--mirror)--mirror[mirror the forrest]"\
+ "(--reference)--reference=[location of mirror directory]":dir:_dirs\
+ "(--depth)--depth=[create a shallow clone with given depth; see git clone]":depth:__repo_depth_prompt\
+ "(-g --group=)"{-g,--group=}"[restrict manifest projects to ones with a specified group]":group:_group\
+ "(-p --platform=)"{-p,--platform=}"[restrict manifest projects to ones with a specified platform group(auto|all|none|linux|darwin|...)]":platform:"(auto all none linux darwin)"\
+ "(--repo-url)--repo-url=[repo repository location]":url:__repo_url_prompt\
+ "(--repo-branch)--repo-branch[repo branch or revision]":branch_or_rev:__repo__repo_branch_or_rev\
+ "(--no-repo-verify)--no-repo-verify[do not verify repo source code]"\
+ "(--config-name)--config-name[Always prompt for name/e-mail]"\
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (start)
+ _arguments : \
+ "(-h --help)"{-h,--help}"[Show help]" \
+ "(--all)--all=[begin branch in all projects]"\
+ ':branch name:__repo_new__repo_branch_name' \
+ ':projects:__repo_projects_or_all' \
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (rebase)
+ _arguments : \
+ "(-h --help)"{-h,--help}"[Show help]" \
+ "(-i --interactive)"{-i,--interactive}"[interactive rebase (single project only)]: :__repo_projects" \
+ "(-f --force-rebase)"{-f,--force-rebase}"[Pass --force-rebase to git rebase]" \
+ "(--no-ff)--no-ff=[Pass --no-ff to git rebase]"\
+ "(-q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Pass --quiet to git rebase]" \
+ "(--autosquash)--no-ff[Pass --autosquash to git rebase]"\
+ "(--whitespace=)--whitespace=[Pass --whitespace to git rebase]: :__git_apply_whitespace_strategies"\
+ "(--auto-stash)--auto-stash[Stash local modifications before starting]"\
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (checkout)
+ _arguments : \
+ "(-h --help)"{-h,--help}"[Show help]" \
+ ':branch name:__git_branch_names' \
+ ':projects:__repo_projects' \
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (list)
+ _arguments : \
+ "(-h --help)"{-h,--help}"[Show help]" \
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (status)
+ _arguments : \
+ "(-h --help)"{-h,--help}"[Show help]" \
+ "(-j --jobs)"{-j,--jobs}"[number of projects to check simultaneously]" \
+ ':projects:__repo_projects' \
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (sync)
+ _arguments : \
+ "(-h --help)"{-h,--help}"[Show help]" \
+ "(--no-force-broken)--no-force-broken[stop sync if a project fails to sync (probably because of permissions)]" \
+ "(-l --local-only)"{-l,--local-only}"[only update working tree, don't fetch]" \
+ "(-n --network-only)"{-n,--network-branch}"[fetch only, don't update working tree]" \
+ "(-d --detach)"{-d,--detach}"[detach projects back to manifest revision]" \
+ "(-c --current-branch)"{-c,--current-branch}"[fetch only current branch from server]" \
+ "(-q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[be more quiet]" \
+ "(-j --jobs=)"{-j,--jobs=}"[projects to fetch simultaneously (default 1) (limited to 5)]:projects to fetch simultaneously (default 1) (limited to 5)" \
+ "(-m --manifest-name=)"{-m,--manifest-name=}"[temporary manifest to use for this sync]:manifest xml file:_files -g *.xml" \
+ "(--no-clone-bundle)--no-clone-bundle[disable use of /clone.bundle on HTTP/HTTPS]" \
+ "(-s --smart-sync)"{-s,--smart-sync=}"[smart sync using manifest from a known tag]:tag:" \
+ '(--no-repo-verify)--no-repo-verify[do not verify repo source code]' \
+ ': :__repo_projects' \
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (upload)
+ _arguments : \
+ "(-h --help)"{-h,--help}"[Show help]" \
+ "(-t)-t[Send local branch name to Gerrit Code Review]" \
+ "(--re= --reviewers=)"{--re=,--reviewers=}"[Request reviews from these people]:Request reviews from these people:" \
+ "(--cc=)--cc=[Also send email to these email addresses.]:email addresses:_email_addresses" \
+ "(--br=)--br=[Branch to upload.]:branch:__repo_branch" \
+ "(--cbr --current-branch)"{--cbr,--current-branch}"[Upload current git branch]" \
+ "(-d --draft)"{-d,--draft}"[If specified, upload as a draft.]" \
+ "(--verify --no-verify)--no-verify[Do not run the upload hook.]" \
+ '(--verify --no-verify)--verify[Run the upload hook without prompting]' \
+ ': :__repo_projects' \
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ (forall)
+ _arguments : \
+ "(-h --help)"{-h,--help}"[Show help]" \
+ "(-v --verbose)"{-v,--verbose}"[Show command error messages]" \
+ '(-p)-p[Show project headers before output]' \
+ ': :__repo_projects_mandatory' \
+ "(-c --command -h --help -v --verbose -p)"{-c,--command}"[Command (and arguments) to execute]" \
+ && ret=0
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ret=0
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ return $ret
+ # _message -e url 'reviewers'
+ _message -e url 'url'
+ _message -e manifest_name 'manifest name'
+ _message -e group 'group'
+ #_message -e branch 'Repo branch'
+ branches=($(repo branches| cut -c4- | grep '|' | cut -d' ' -f1))
+ _describe -t branches 'Select repo branch' branches
+ _message -e branch_or_rev 'repo branch or revision'
+ _message -e depth 'depth'
+ _message -e depth 'Optional option : <projects>...'
+ projects=($(repo list | cut -d' ' -f1))
+ _describe -t projects 'Select projects (keep empty for selecting all projects)' projects
+ projects=($(repo list | cut -d' ' -f1))
+ #_describe -t projects 'Select projects to apply commands' projects
+ _values -s ' ' "Select projects to apply commands" $projects
+ branches=($(repo branches| cut -c4- | grep '|' | cut -d' ' -f1))
+ _describe "" branches
+ _message -e "branch name" 'Enter new branch name or select an existing repo branch'
+ #_message -e depth '[--all | <project>...]'
+ projects=(--all $(repo list | cut -d' ' -f1))
+ _describe -t projects 'Select projects or --all' projects
+ _describe -t --all 'All projects'
+_repo "$@"
+return $?
diff --git a/plugins/repo/repo.plugin.zsh b/plugins/repo/repo.plugin.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9cc336959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/repo/repo.plugin.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Aliases
+alias r='repo'
diff --git a/plugins/rvm/rvm.plugin.zsh b/plugins/rvm/rvm.plugin.zsh
index cdd0a7847..e6ad6450d 100644
--- a/plugins/rvm/rvm.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/rvm/rvm.plugin.zsh
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ fpath=($rvm_path/scripts/zsh/Completion $fpath)
alias rubies='rvm list rubies'
alias gemsets='rvm gemset list'
-local ruby18='ruby-1.8.7-p371'
-local ruby19='ruby-1.9.3-p392'
-local ruby20='ruby-2.0.0-p0'
+local ruby18='ruby-1.8.7'
+local ruby19='ruby-1.9.3'
+local ruby20='ruby-2.0.0'
function rb18 {
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ compdef _rb20 rb20
function rvm-update {
rvm get head
- rvm reload # TODO: Reload rvm completion?
# TODO: Make this usable w/o rvm.
diff --git a/plugins/tmux/tmux.plugin.zsh b/plugins/tmux/tmux.plugin.zsh
index 465f5b053..3ecc2ac69 100644
--- a/plugins/tmux/tmux.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/tmux/tmux.plugin.zsh
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ if which tmux &> /dev/null
# Set term to screen or screen-256color based on current terminal support
+ # Set '-CC' option for iTerm2 tmux integration
+ [[ -n "$ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2" ]] || ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2=false
# The TERM to use for non-256 color terminals.
# Tmux states this should be screen, but you may need to change it on
# systems without the proper terminfo
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ if which tmux &> /dev/null
# Set the correct local config file to use.
- if [[ -f $HOME/.tmux.conf || -h $HOME/.tmux.conf ]]
+ if [[ "$ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2" == "false" ]] && (( [[ -f $HOME/.tmux.conf ]] || -h $HOME/.tmux.conf ]] ))
#use this when they have a ~/.tmux.conf
export _ZSH_TMUX_FIXED_CONFIG="$zsh_tmux_plugin_path/tmux.extra.conf"
@@ -55,11 +57,11 @@ if which tmux &> /dev/null
# Try to connect to an existing session.
elif [[ "$ZSH_TMUX_AUTOCONNECT" == "true" ]]
- \tmux attach || \tmux `[[ "$ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM" == "true" ]] && echo '-f '$_ZSH_TMUX_FIXED_CONFIG` new-session
+ \tmux `[[ "$ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2" == "true" ]] && echo '-CC '` attach || \tmux `[[ "$ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2" == "true" ]] && echo '-CC '` `[[ "$ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM" == "true" ]] && echo '-f '$_ZSH_TMUX_FIXED_CONFIG` new-session
[[ "$ZSH_TMUX_AUTOQUIT" == "true" ]] && exit
# Just run tmux, fixing the TERM variable if requested.
- \tmux `[[ "$ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM" == "true" ]] && echo '-f '$_ZSH_TMUX_FIXED_CONFIG`
+ \tmux `[[ "$ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2" == "true" ]] && echo '-CC '` `[[ "$ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM" == "true" ]] && echo '-f '$_ZSH_TMUX_FIXED_CONFIG`
[[ "$ZSH_TMUX_AUTOQUIT" == "true" ]] && exit
diff --git a/plugins/virtualenv/virtualenv.plugin.zsh b/plugins/virtualenv/virtualenv.plugin.zsh
index e8458389f..8e06450b1 100644
--- a/plugins/virtualenv/virtualenv.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/virtualenv/virtualenv.plugin.zsh
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
function virtualenv_prompt_info(){
- local virtualenv_path="$VIRTUAL_ENV"
- if [[ -n $virtualenv_path ]]; then
- local virtualenv_name=`basename $virtualenv_path`
- printf "%s[%s] " "%{${fg[yellow]}%}" $virtualenv_name
+ if [[ -n $VIRTUAL_ENV ]]; then
+ printf "%s[%s] " "%{${fg[yellow]}%}" ${${VIRTUAL_ENV}:t}
+# disables prompt mangling in virtual_env/bin/activate
diff --git a/plugins/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper.plugin.zsh b/plugins/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper.plugin.zsh
index 0ed2565b4..670c287bd 100644
--- a/plugins/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper.plugin.zsh
@@ -1,40 +1,55 @@
-if [[ -f "$wrapsource" ]]; then
- source $wrapsource
+if (( $+commands[$virtualenvwrapper] )); then
+ source ${${virtualenvwrapper}:c}
if [[ ! $DISABLE_VENV_CD -eq 1 ]]; then
- # Automatically activate Git projects' virtual environments based on the
+ # Automatically activate Git projects's virtual environments based on the
# directory name of the project. Virtual environment name can be overridden
# by placing a .venv file in the project root with a virtualenv name in it
function workon_cwd {
- # Check that this is a Git repo
- PROJECT_ROOT=`git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2> /dev/null`
- if (( $? == 0 )); then
+ if [ ! $WORKON_CWD ]; then
+ # Check if this is a Git repo
+ PROJECT_ROOT=`git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2> /dev/null`
+ if (( $? != 0 )); then
+ fi
# Check for virtualenv name override
- ENV_NAME=`basename "$PROJECT_ROOT"`
if [[ -f "$PROJECT_ROOT/.venv" ]]; then
ENV_NAME=`cat "$PROJECT_ROOT/.venv"`
+ elif [[ "$PROJECT_ROOT" != "." ]]; then
+ ENV_NAME=`basename "$PROJECT_ROOT"`
+ else
- # Activate the environment only if it is not already active
- if [[ "$VIRTUAL_ENV" != "$WORKON_HOME/$ENV_NAME" ]]; then
- if [[ -e "$WORKON_HOME/$ENV_NAME/bin/activate" ]]; then
- workon "$ENV_NAME" && export CD_VIRTUAL_ENV="$ENV_NAME"
+ if [[ "$ENV_NAME" != "" ]]; then
+ # Activate the environment only if it is not already active
+ if [[ "$VIRTUAL_ENV" != "$WORKON_HOME/$ENV_NAME" ]]; then
+ if [[ -e "$WORKON_HOME/$ENV_NAME/bin/activate" ]]; then
+ workon "$ENV_NAME" && export CD_VIRTUAL_ENV="$ENV_NAME"
+ fi
+ elif [ $CD_VIRTUAL_ENV ]; then
+ # We've just left the repo, deactivate the environment
+ # Note: this only happens if the virtualenv was activated automatically
+ deactivate && unset CD_VIRTUAL_ENV
- elif [ $CD_VIRTUAL_ENV ]; then
- # We've just left the repo, deactivate the environment
- # Note: this only happens if the virtualenv was activated automatically
- deactivate && unset CD_VIRTUAL_ENV
+ unset WORKON_CWD
- # New cd function that does the virtualenv magic
- function cd {
- builtin cd "$@" && workon_cwd
- }
+ # Append workon_cwd to the chpwd_functions array, so it will be called on cd
+ #
+ # TODO: replace with 'add-zsh-hook chpwd workon_cwd' when oh-my-zsh min version is raised above 4.3.4
+ if (( ${+chpwd_functions} )); then
+ if (( $chpwd_functions[(I)workon_cwd] == 0 )); then
+ set -A chpwd_functions $chpwd_functions workon_cwd
+ fi
+ else
+ set -A chpwd_functions workon_cwd
+ fi
- print "zsh virtualenvwrapper plugin: Cannot find Please install with \`pip install virtualenvwrapper\`."
+ print "zsh virtualenvwrapper plugin: Cannot find ${virtualenvwrapper}. Please install with \`pip install virtualenvwrapper\`."
diff --git a/plugins/web-search/web-search.plugin.zsh b/plugins/web-search/web-search.plugin.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b6de2b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/web-search/web-search.plugin.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# web_search from terminal
+function web_search() {
+ # get the open command
+ local open_cmd
+ if [[ $(uname -s) == 'Darwin' ]]; then
+ open_cmd='open'
+ else
+ open_cmd='xdg-open'
+ fi
+ # check whether the search engine is supported
+ if [[ ! $1 =~ '(google|bing|yahoo)' ]];
+ then
+ echo "Search engine $1 not supported."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ local url="http://www.$"
+ # no keyword provided, simply open the search engine homepage
+ if [[ $# -le 1 ]]; then
+ $open_cmd "$url"
+ return
+ fi
+ url="${url}/search?q="
+ shift # shift out $1
+ while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
+ url="${url}$1+"
+ shift
+ done
+ url="${url%?}" # remove the last '+'
+ $open_cmd "$url"
+alias bing='web_search bing'
+alias google='web_search google'
+alias yahoo='web_search yahoo'
diff --git a/themes/agnoster.zsh-theme b/themes/agnoster.zsh-theme
index a9de8c84e..c7a59ad0d 100644
--- a/themes/agnoster.zsh-theme
+++ b/themes/agnoster.zsh-theme
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
# A few utility functions to make it easy and re-usable to draw segmented prompts
# Begin a segment
# Takes two arguments, background and foreground. Both can be omitted,
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ prompt_git() {
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats ' %u%c'
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' actionformats '%u%c'
- echo -n "${ref/refs\/heads\//⭠ }${vcs_info_msg_0_}"
+ echo -n "${ref/refs\/heads\// }${vcs_info_msg_0_}"
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ prompt_hg() {
# if working copy is clean
prompt_segment green black
- echo -n $(hg prompt "⭠ {rev}@{branch}") $st
+ echo -n $(hg prompt " {rev}@{branch}") $st
rev=$(hg id -n 2>/dev/null | sed 's/[^-0-9]//g')
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ prompt_hg() {
prompt_segment green black
- echo -n "⭠ $rev@$branch" $st
+ echo -n " $rev@$branch" $st
@@ -134,6 +134,14 @@ prompt_dir() {
prompt_segment blue black '%~'
+# Virtualenv: current working virtualenv
+prompt_virtualenv() {
+ local virtualenv_path="$VIRTUAL_ENV"
+ if [[ -n $virtualenv_path ]]; then
+ prompt_segment blue black "(`basename $virtualenv_path`)"
+ fi
# Status:
# - was there an error
# - am I root
@@ -152,6 +160,7 @@ prompt_status() {
build_prompt() {
+ prompt_virtualenv
diff --git a/themes/rkj-repos.zsh-theme b/themes/rkj-repos.zsh-theme
index 46b8e83a0..4ab3bc757 100644
--- a/themes/rkj-repos.zsh-theme
+++ b/themes/rkj-repos.zsh-theme
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ function mygit() {
echo "$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_PREFIX${ref#refs/heads/}$( git_prompt_status )%{$reset_color%}$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SUFFIX"
+function retcode() {}
# alternate prompt with git & hg
PROMPT=$'%{\e[0;34m%}%B┌─[%b%{\e[0m%}%{\e[1;32m%}%n%{\e[1;30m%}@%{\e[0m%}%{\e[0;36m%}%m%{\e[0;34m%}%B]%b%{\e[0m%} - %b%{\e[0;34m%}%B[%b%{\e[1;37m%}%~%{\e[0;34m%}%B]%b%{\e[0m%} - %{\e[0;34m%}%B[%b%{\e[0;33m%}'%D{"%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S"}%b$'%{\e[0;34m%}%B]%b%{\e[0m%}
%{\e[0;34m%}%B└─%B[%{\e[1;35m%}%?$(retcode)%{\e[0;34m%}%B] <$(mygit)$(hg_prompt_info)>%{\e[0m%}%b '
diff --git a/themes/rkj.zsh-theme b/themes/rkj.zsh-theme
index 80122d5c6..fe06161c8 100644
--- a/themes/rkj.zsh-theme
+++ b/themes/rkj.zsh-theme
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
# on two lines for easier vgrepping
# entry in a nice long thread on the Arch Linux forums:
+function retcode() {}
PROMPT=$'%{\e[0;34m%}%B┌─[%b%{\e[0m%}%{\e[1;32m%}%n%{\e[1;30m%}@%{\e[0m%}%{\e[0;36m%}%m%{\e[0;34m%}%B]%b%{\e[0m%} - %b%{\e[0;34m%}%B[%b%{\e[1;37m%}%~%{\e[0;34m%}%B]%b%{\e[0m%} - %{\e[0;34m%}%B[%b%{\e[0;33m%}'%D{"%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S"}%b$'%{\e[0;34m%}%B]%b%{\e[0m%}
%{\e[0;34m%}%B└─%B[%{\e[1;35m%}%?$(retcode)%{\e[0;34m%}%B]%{\e[0m%}%b '
diff --git a/themes/superjarin.zsh-theme b/themes/superjarin.zsh-theme
index 86955a560..2920d17a2 100644
--- a/themes/superjarin.zsh-theme
+++ b/themes/superjarin.zsh-theme
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ fi
# Append the current git branch, if in a git repository
ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_PREFIX="%{$fg[white]%} <%{$fg[magenta]%}"
# Do nothing if the branch is clean (no changes).
# Add a yellow ✗ if the branch is dirty
-ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_DIRTY="%{$reset_color%}> %{$fg[yellow]%}✗"
+ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_DIRTY="%{$fg[white]%}> %{$fg[yellow]%}✗"
# Put it all together!
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 0aeebdebf..e04fc672f 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
-current_path=${current_path/ /\\ }
printf '\033[0;34m%s\033[0m\n' "Upgrading Oh My Zsh"
cd "$ZSH"
-if git pull origin master
+if git pull --rebase origin master
printf '\033[0;32m%s\033[0m\n' ' __ __ '
printf '\033[0;32m%s\033[0m\n' ' ____ / /_ ____ ___ __ __ ____ _____/ /_ '
@@ -17,4 +14,3 @@ else
printf '\033[0;31m%s\033[0m\n' 'There was an error updating. Try again later?'
-cd "$current_path"