diff options
authorRobby Russell <>2012-11-25 11:38:54 -0800
committerRobby Russell <>2012-11-25 11:38:54 -0800
commitaaca1c25582fce211d8f94179e93d736961ea2fd (patch)
parent802c2df7ba56e08b1befff65b31a0e2545f948d6 (diff)
parent5ff4a0030f1b29d8e45e6f1336232a81c1b93b3d (diff)
Merge pull request #1395 from caarlos0/master
added some maven love <3
4 files changed, 182 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 51a5ee6c3..4cb1720e7 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/custom/totvs.zsh b/custom/totvs.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..883bdf7dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/custom/totvs.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# Just some utilities for use in ecm development.
+setopt rmstarsilent
+# fuckin aliases
+alias ecmu=ecmup
+alias ecmb=ecmbuild
+alias ecmc=ecmclean
+alias ecms=ecmstart
+alias ecmo=ecmstop
+alias ecmi=ecminstall
+alias ecmri=ecmruninstall
+alias ecm=ecmfull
+alias e='MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -DskipTests=true" ecm'
+# update ecm
+ecmup() {
+ echo "update all the things!"
+ cd $VOLDEMORT && svn up
+ cd $ECM && svn up
+# build it!
+ecmbuild() {
+ echo "build? no problem sir..."
+ cd $VOLDEMORT && mvncie && \
+ cd $VOLDEMORT/social-ecm && \
+ cd $VOLDEMORT/wcm && mvncie && \
+ cd $ECM/wecmpackage && mvncie && \
+ cd $VOLDEMORT/ecm && mvncie && \
+ ecminstall
+# gen installer or cp wars...
+ecminstall() {
+ case $@ in
+ -*i*)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [[ "$INSTALLER" == "y" ]]; then
+ echo "generating installer..."
+ cd $VOLDEMORT/ecm/installer
+ mvnci -am -Drun=installer -DLinux64=true -DappServer=jboss
+ else
+ echo "cpying wars..."
+ cd $VOLDEMORT/ecm/build && mvnci && \
+ cd $VOLDEMORT/wcm/build && mvnci && \
+ cd $VOLDEMORT/social-ecm/build && mvnci
+ fi
+# clean jboss trash folders
+ecmclean() {
+ echo "cleaning jboss shit"
+ case $@ in
+ -*d*)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [[ "$DRY_CLEAN" == "y" ]]; then
+ rm -rf $ECM_JBOSS/standalone/deployments/*.{failed,deployed,dodeploy,deploying}
+ else
+ rm -rf $ECM_JBOSS/standalone/deployments/*
+ fi
+ rm -rf $ECM_JBOSS/standalone/{log,tmp,data}
+ rm -rf $ECM_JBOSS/solr/zoo_data
+# start jboss server
+ecmstart() {
+ # why shall I start server if i just gen a installer?
+ if [[ "$INSTALLER" == "y" ]]; then
+ ecmruninstall
+ else
+ echo "starting jboss"
+ cd $ECM_JBOSS/bin
+ JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -DzkRun -Dbootstrap_conf=true" ./
+ fi
+ecmruninstall() {
+ echo "ok, lets install this crap :)"
+ cd $VOLDEMORT/ecm/installer/izpack/target
+ if [[ -f ]]; then
+ mkdir -p /tmp/ecmi
+ rm -rf /tmp/ecmi/*
+ unzip ECM-Linux64 -d /tmp/ecmi/
+ cd /tmp/ecmi/
+ chmod a+x
+ ./
+ else
+ echo "uhoh, installer doesnt exist ($VOLDEMORT/ecm/installer/izpack/target/"
+ fi
+# stop jboss (usually on 8080)
+ecmstop() {
+ echo "kill jboss (or whatever you are running on 8080"
+ fuser -k $ECM_PORT/tcp
+# do all the things
+ecmfull() {
+ echo "serious business here. let's have a coffee.."
+ ecmstop
+ ecmclean
+ ecmup
+ ecmbuild && ecmstart
diff --git a/plugins/debian/debian.plugin.zsh b/plugins/debian/debian.plugin.zsh
index 39d3ef36a..71f22f7bd 100644
--- a/plugins/debian/debian.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/debian/debian.plugin.zsh
@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ if [[ $use_sudo -eq 1 ]]; then
# Install all .deb files in the current directory.
# Warning: you will need to put the glob in single quotes if you use:
# glob_subst
- alias di='sudo dpkg -i ./*.deb'
+ alias dia='sudo dpkg -i ./*.deb'
+ alias di='sudo dpkg -i'
# Remove ALL kernel images and headers EXCEPT the one in use
alias kclean='sudo aptitude remove -P ?and(~i~nlinux-(ima|hea) \
@@ -100,7 +101,8 @@ else
# Install all .deb files in the current directory
# Assumes glob_subst is off
- alias di='su -lc "dpkg -i ./*.deb" root'
+ alias dia='su -lc "dpkg -i ./*.deb" root'
+ alias di='su -lc "dpkg -i" root'
# Remove ALL kernel images and headers EXCEPT the one in use
alias kclean='su -lc '\''aptitude remove -P ?and(~i~nlinux-(ima|hea) \
diff --git a/plugins/mvn/mvn.plugin.zsh b/plugins/mvn/mvn.plugin.zsh
index e8af2f49d..f250c2a27 100644
--- a/plugins/mvn/mvn.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/mvn/mvn.plugin.zsh
@@ -1,6 +1,59 @@
+# mvn-color based on
+export BOLD=`tput bold`
+export UNDERLINE_ON=`tput smul`
+export UNDERLINE_OFF=`tput rmul`
+export TEXT_BLACK=`tput setaf 0`
+export TEXT_RED=`tput setaf 1`
+export TEXT_GREEN=`tput setaf 2`
+export TEXT_YELLOW=`tput setaf 3`
+export TEXT_BLUE=`tput setaf 4`
+export TEXT_MAGENTA=`tput setaf 5`
+export TEXT_CYAN=`tput setaf 6`
+export TEXT_WHITE=`tput setaf 7`
+export BACKGROUND_BLACK=`tput setab 0`
+export BACKGROUND_RED=`tput setab 1`
+export BACKGROUND_GREEN=`tput setab 2`
+export BACKGROUND_YELLOW=`tput setab 3`
+export BACKGROUND_BLUE=`tput setab 4`
+export BACKGROUND_MAGENTA=`tput setab 5`
+export BACKGROUND_CYAN=`tput setab 6`
+export BACKGROUND_WHITE=`tput setab 7`
+export RESET_FORMATTING=`tput sgr0`
+# Wrapper function for Maven's mvn command.
+ # Filter mvn output using sed
+ mvn $@ | sed -e "s/\(\[INFO\]\ \-.*\)/${TEXT_BLUE}${BOLD}\1/g" \
+ -e "s/\(\[INFO\]\ \[.*\)/${RESET_FORMATTING}${BOLD}\1${RESET_FORMATTING}/g" \
+ -e "s/\(\[WARNING\].*\)/${BOLD}${TEXT_YELLOW}\1${RESET_FORMATTING}/g" \
+ -e "s/\(\[ERROR\].*\)/${BOLD}${TEXT_RED}\1${RESET_FORMATTING}/g" \
+ -e "s/Tests run: \([^,]*\), Failures: \([^,]*\), Errors: \([^,]*\), Skipped: \([^,]*\)/${BOLD}${TEXT_GREEN}Tests run: \1${RESET_FORMATTING}, Failures: ${BOLD}${TEXT_RED}\2${RESET_FORMATTING}, Errors: ${BOLD}${TEXT_RED}\3${RESET_FORMATTING}, Skipped: ${BOLD}${TEXT_YELLOW}\4${RESET_FORMATTING}/g"
+ # Make sure formatting is reset
+ echo -ne ${RESET_FORMATTING}
+# Override the mvn command with the colorized one.
+#alias mvn="mvn-color"
+# aliases
+alias mvncie='mvn clean install eclipse:eclipse'
+alias mvnci='mvn clean install'
+alias mvne='mvn eclipse:eclipse'
+alias mvnce='mvn clean eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse'
+alias mvnd='mvn deploy'
+alias mvnp='mvn package'
+alias mvnc='mvn clean'
+alias mvncom='mvn compile'
+alias mvnt='mvn test'
+alias mvnag='mvn archetype:generate'
function listMavenCompletions {
cli:execute cli:execute-phase archetype:generate generate-sources compile clean install test test-compile deploy package cobertura:cobertura jetty:run gwt:run gwt:debug -DskipTests -Dmaven.test.skip=true -DarchetypeCatalog= -Dtest= `if [ -d ./src ] ; then find ./src -type f | grep -v svn | sed 's?.*/\([^/]*\)\..*?-Dtest=\1?' ; fi`);
-compctl -K listMavenCompletions mvn \ No newline at end of file
+compctl -K listMavenCompletions mvn