path: root/lib/cli.zsh
diff options
authorJames Eapen <>2021-08-13 06:33:30 -0400
committerGitHub <>2021-08-13 12:33:30 +0200
commit6e4c9df4a433849a2c636980dc317db0fba3a0f5 (patch)
treef92bfd8f519b0a56d15cd6469fd3e1048c401a09 /lib/cli.zsh
parent7eeb1e193d4a55ab706931fb80ef556a939be8fd (diff)
feat(cli): add `plugin load` subcommand (#9872)
Fixes #9672 Co-authored-by: Marc Cornellà <>
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/cli.zsh')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/lib/cli.zsh b/lib/cli.zsh
index 38e2f72f8..7e3e37be8 100644
--- a/lib/cli.zsh
+++ b/lib/cli.zsh
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function _omz {
changelog) local -a refs
refs=("${(@f)$(command git for-each-ref --format="%(refname:short):%(subject)" refs/heads refs/tags)}")
_describe 'command' refs ;;
- plugin) subcmds=('info:Get plugin information' 'list:List plugins')
+ plugin) subcmds=('info:Get plugin information' 'list:List plugins' 'load:Load plugin(s)')
_describe 'command' subcmds ;;
pr) subcmds=('test:Test a Pull Request' 'clean:Delete all Pull Request branches')
_describe 'command' subcmds ;;
@@ -46,10 +46,26 @@ function _omz {
elif (( CURRENT == 4 )); then
case "$words[2]::$words[3]" in
- plugin::info) compadd "$ZSH"/plugins/*/ \
- "$ZSH_CUSTOM"/plugins/*/ ;;
- theme::use) compadd "$ZSH"/themes/*.zsh-theme(.N:t:r) \
- "$ZSH_CUSTOM"/**/*.zsh-theme(.N:r:gs:"$ZSH_CUSTOM"/themes/:::gs:"$ZSH_CUSTOM"/:::) ;;
+ plugin::(info|load))
+ local -aU plugins=("$ZSH"/plugins/*/{_*,*.plugin.zsh}(.N:h:t) "$ZSH_CUSTOM"/plugins/*/{_*,*.plugin.zsh}(.N:h:t))
+ _describe 'plugin' plugins ;;
+ theme::use)
+ local -aU themes=("$ZSH"/themes/*.zsh-theme(.N:t:r) "$ZSH_CUSTOM"/**/*.zsh-theme(.N:r:gs:"$ZSH_CUSTOM"/themes/:::gs:"$ZSH_CUSTOM"/:::))
+ _describe 'theme' themes ;;
+ esac
+ elif (( CURRENT > 4 )); then
+ case "$words[2]::$words[3]" in
+ plugin::load)
+ local -aU plugins=("$ZSH"/plugins/*/{_*,*.plugin.zsh}(.N:h:t) "$ZSH_CUSTOM"/plugins/*/{_*,*.plugin.zsh}(.N:h:t))
+ # Remove plugins already passed as arguments
+ # NOTE: $(( CURRENT - 1 )) is the last plugin argument completely passed, i.e. that which
+ # has a space after them. This is to avoid removing plugins partially passed, which makes
+ # the completion not add a space after the completed plugin.
+ local -a args=(${words[4,$(( CURRENT - 1))]})
+ plugins=(${plugins:|args})
+ _describe 'plugin' plugins ;;
@@ -147,6 +163,7 @@ Available commands:
info <plugin> Get information of a plugin
list List all available Oh My Zsh plugins
+ load <plugin> Load plugin(s)
return 1
@@ -205,6 +222,56 @@ function _omz::plugin::list {
+function _omz::plugin::load {
+ if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
+ echo >&2 "Usage: omz plugin load <plugin> [...]"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ local plugins=("$@")
+ local plugin base has_completion=0
+ for plugin in $plugins; do
+ if [[ -d "$ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/$plugin" ]]; then
+ base="$ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/$plugin"
+ elif [[ -d "$ZSH/plugins/$plugin" ]]; then
+ base="$ZSH/plugins/$plugin"
+ else
+ _omz::log warn "plugin '$plugin' not found"
+ continue
+ fi
+ # Check if its a valid plugin
+ if [[ ! -f "$base/_$plugin" && ! -f "$base/$plugin.plugin.zsh" ]]; then
+ _omz::log warn "'$plugin' is not a valid plugin"
+ continue
+ # It it is a valid plugin, add its directory to $fpath unless it is already there
+ elif (( ! ${fpath[(Ie)$base]} )); then
+ fpath=("$base" $fpath)
+ fi
+ # Check if it has completion to reload compinit
+ if [[ -f "$base/_$plugin" ]]; then
+ has_completion=1
+ fi
+ # Load the plugin
+ if [[ -f "$base/$plugin.plugin.zsh" ]]; then
+ source "$base/$plugin.plugin.zsh"
+ fi
+ done
+ # If we have completion, we need to reload the completion
+ # We pass -D to avoid generating a new dump file, which would overwrite our
+ # current one for the next session (and we don't want that because we're not
+ # actually enabling the plugins for the next session).
+ # Note that we still have to pass -d "$_comp_dumpfile", so that compinit
+ # doesn't use the default zcompdump location (${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zcompdump).
+ if (( has_completion )); then
+ compinit -D -d "$_comp_dumpfile"
+ fi
function _omz::pr {
(( $# > 0 && $+functions[_omz::pr::$1] )) || {
cat <<EOF