path: root/plugins/battery
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2021-10-23 18:01:40 -0600
committerTuowen Zhao <>2021-10-23 18:01:40 -0600
commitfad92c603be0ff36825cc53bf8c485d4b95c7869 (patch)
tree407fe826be62a3543b6feab4f3552f58575234de /plugins/battery
parentc674485e6b4abe313469900997d893d2940ee843 (diff)
parentf1dd97bb2a9df55fae9b1ca26c829b9f8b290667 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/battery')
2 files changed, 88 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/battery/ b/plugins/battery/
index c2554a36d..18e5bd882 100644
--- a/plugins/battery/
+++ b/plugins/battery/
@@ -8,15 +8,22 @@ To use, add `battery` to the list of plugins in your `.zshrc` file:
Then, add the `battery_pct_prompt` function to your custom theme. For example:
RPROMPT='$(battery_pct_prompt) ...'
## Requirements
-On Linux, you must have the `acpi` tool installed on your operating system.
+- On Linux, you must have the `acpi` or `acpitool` commands installed on your operating system.
+ On Debian/Ubuntu, you can do that with `sudo apt install acpi` or `sudo apt install acpitool`.
-Here's an example of how to install with apt:
-sudo apt-get install acpi
+- On Android (via [Termux](, you must have:
+ 1. The `Termux:API` addon app installed:
+ [Google Play]( | [F-Droid](
+ 2. The `termux-api` package installed within termux:
+ ```sh
+ pkg install termux-api
+ ```
diff --git a/plugins/battery/battery.plugin.zsh b/plugins/battery/battery.plugin.zsh
index a525fd7da..db5eeb93a 100644
--- a/plugins/battery/battery.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/battery/battery.plugin.zsh
@@ -10,17 +10,17 @@
# Author: J (927589452) #
# Modified to add support for FreeBSD #
+# Author: Avneet Singh (kalsi-avneet) #
+# Modified to add support for Android #
if [[ "$OSTYPE" = darwin* ]]; then
function battery_is_charging() {
ioreg -rc AppleSmartBattery | command grep -q '^.*"ExternalConnected"\ =\ Yes'
function battery_pct() {
pmset -g batt | grep -Eo "\d+%" | cut -d% -f1
function battery_pct_remaining() {
if battery_is_charging; then
echo "External Power"
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ if [[ "$OSTYPE" = darwin* ]]; then
function battery_time_remaining() {
local smart_battery_status="$(ioreg -rc "AppleSmartBattery")"
if [[ $(echo $smart_battery_status | command grep -c '^.*"ExternalConnected"\ =\ No') -eq 1 ]]; then
@@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ if [[ "$OSTYPE" = darwin* ]]; then
echo "∞"
function battery_pct_prompt () {
local battery_pct color
if ioreg -rc AppleSmartBattery | command grep -q '^.*"ExternalConnected"\ =\ No'; then
@@ -61,17 +59,14 @@ if [[ "$OSTYPE" = darwin* ]]; then
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" = freebsd* ]]; then
function battery_is_charging() {
[[ $(sysctl -n hw.acpi.battery.state) -eq 2 ]]
function battery_pct() {
if (( $+commands[sysctl] )); then
sysctl -n
function battery_pct_remaining() {
if ! battery_is_charging; then
@@ -79,7 +74,6 @@ elif [[ "$OSTYPE" = freebsd* ]]; then
echo "External Power"
function battery_time_remaining() {
local remaining_time
remaining_time=$(sysctl -n hw.acpi.battery.time)
@@ -89,7 +83,6 @@ elif [[ "$OSTYPE" = freebsd* ]]; then
printf %02d:%02d $hour $minute
function battery_pct_prompt() {
local battery_pct color
@@ -106,19 +99,83 @@ elif [[ "$OSTYPE" = freebsd* ]]; then
echo "%{$fg[$color]%}${battery_pct}%%%{$reset_color%}"
+elif [[ "$OSTYPE" = linux-android ]] && (( ${+commands[termux-battery-status]} )); then
+ function battery_is_charging() {
+ termux-battery-status 2>/dev/null | command awk '/status/ { exit ($0 ~ /DISCHARGING/) }'
+ }
+ function battery_pct() {
+ # Sample output:
+ # {
+ # "health": "GOOD",
+ # "percentage": 93,
+ # "plugged": "UNPLUGGED",
+ # "status": "DISCHARGING",
+ # "temperature": 29.0,
+ # "current": 361816
+ # }
+ termux-battery-status 2>/dev/null | command awk '/percentage/ { gsub(/[,]/,""); print $2}'
+ }
+ function battery_pct_remaining() {
+ if ! battery_is_charging; then
+ battery_pct
+ else
+ echo "External Power"
+ fi
+ }
+ function battery_time_remaining() { } # Not available on android
+ function battery_pct_prompt() {
+ local battery_pct color
+ battery_pct=$(battery_pct_remaining)
+ if battery_is_charging; then
+ echo "∞"
+ else
+ if [[ $battery_pct -gt 50 ]]; then
+ color='green'
+ elif [[ $battery_pct -gt 20 ]]; then
+ color='yellow'
+ else
+ color='red'
+ fi
+ echo "%{$fg[$color]%}${battery_pct}%%%{$reset_color%}"
+ fi
+ }
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" = linux* ]]; then
function battery_is_charging() {
- ! acpi 2>/dev/null | command grep -v "rate information unavailable" | command grep -q '^Battery.*Discharging'
+ if (( $+commands[acpitool] )); then
+ ! acpitool 2>/dev/null | command grep -qE '^\s+Battery.*Discharging'
+ elif (( $+commands[acpi] )); then
+ ! acpi 2>/dev/null | command grep -v "rate information unavailable" | command grep -q '^Battery.*Discharging'
+ fi
function battery_pct() {
- if (( $+commands[acpi] )); then
- acpi 2>/dev/null | command grep -v "rate information unavailable" | command grep -E '^Battery.*(Full|(Disc|C)harging)' | cut -f2 -d ',' | tr -cd '[:digit:]'
+ if (( $+commands[acpitool] )); then
+ # Sample output:
+ # Battery #1 : Unknown, 99.55%
+ # Battery #2 : Discharging, 49.58%, 01:12:05
+ # All batteries : 62.60%, 02:03:03
+ local -i pct=$(acpitool 2>/dev/null | command awk -F, '
+ /^\s+All batteries/ {
+ gsub(/[^0-9.]/, "", $1)
+ pct=$1
+ exit
+ }
+ !pct && /^\s+Battery/ {
+ gsub(/[^0-9.]/, "", $2)
+ pct=$2
+ }
+ END { print pct }
+ ')
+ echo $pct
+ elif (( $+commands[acpi] )); then
+ # Sample output:
+ # Battery 0: Discharging, 0%, rate information unavailable
+ # Battery 1: Full, 100%
+ acpi 2>/dev/null | command awk -F, '
+ /rate information unavailable/ { next }
+ /^Battery.*: /{ gsub(/[^0-9]/, "", $2); print $2; exit }
+ '
function battery_pct_remaining() {
if ! battery_is_charging; then
@@ -126,13 +183,11 @@ elif [[ "$OSTYPE" = linux* ]]; then
echo "External Power"
function battery_time_remaining() {
if ! battery_is_charging; then
acpi 2>/dev/null | command grep -v "rate information unavailable" | cut -f3 -d ','
function battery_pct_prompt() {
local battery_pct color
@@ -149,7 +204,6 @@ elif [[ "$OSTYPE" = linux* ]]; then
echo "%{$fg[$color]%}${battery_pct}%%%{$reset_color%}"
# Empty functions so we don't cause errors in prompts
function battery_is_charging { false }
@@ -174,7 +228,7 @@ function battery_level_gauge() {
local charging_color=${BATTERY_CHARGING_COLOR:-$color_yellow}
local charging_symbol=${BATTERY_CHARGING_SYMBOL:-'⚡'}
- local battery_remaining_percentage=$(battery_pct)
+ local -i battery_remaining_percentage=$(battery_pct)
local filled empty gauge_color
if [[ $battery_remaining_percentage =~ [0-9]+ ]]; then