path: root/plugins/ng
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-25 19:38:46 -0600
committerTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-25 19:38:46 -0600
commit338947a74f9b042bb2550fad236ceae270c2280b (patch)
tree1ca36e72233bbf7e94943d8123a90e5cd6821761 /plugins/ng
parente3a28817b0a7ee5724884d9c132763af4a64182c (diff)
parent57fcee0f1c520a7c5e3aa5e2bde974154cdaf0c3 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/ng')
2 files changed, 114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ng/ b/plugins/ng/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..86ad64041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ng/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+## NG Plugin
+This [ng plugin](
+ adds completion support for Angular's CLI (named ng).
+Ng is hosted on [ng home](
+It is used to generate Angular 2 app "stubs", build those apps, configure them,
+test them, lint them etc.
+Ahem, "stubs" is not what Angular engineers refer to the items ng can generate
+for you.
+"Stubs" can be any one of:
+- class
+- component
+- directive
+- enum
+- module
+- pipe
+- route
+- service
+At the moment, `ng completion` creates a very rough completion for Zsh and
+It is missing most of the options and a few arguments.
+In future, this plugin may be shortened to simply being
+eval `ng completion`
+There is hope this materialises in the 21st century.
+ - Carlo Dapor ([catull](
diff --git a/plugins/ng/ng.plugin.zsh b/plugins/ng/ng.plugin.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2488bc230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ng/ng.plugin.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ng_opts='addon asset-sizes b build completion d destroy doc e2e g generate get github-pages:deploy gh-pages:deploy h help i init install lint make-this-awesome new s serve server set t test v version -h --help'
+_ng_completion () {
+ local words cword opts
+ read -Ac words
+ read -cn cword
+ let cword-=1
+ case $words[cword] in
+ addon )
+ opts='-b --blueprint -d -dir --directory --dry-run -sb --skip-bower -sg --skip-git -sn --skip-npm -v --verbose'
+ ;;
+ asset-sizes )
+ opts='-o --output-path'
+ ;;
+ b | build )
+ opts='--environment --output-path --suppress-sizes --target --watch --watcher -dev -e -prod'
+ ;;
+ d | destroy )
+ opts='--dry-run --verbose --pod --classic --dummy --in-repo --in-repo-addon -d -v -p -c -dum -id -ir'
+ ;;
+ g | generate )
+ opts='class component directive enum module pipe route service --generate -d --dry-run --verbose -v --pod -p --classic -c --dummy -dum -id --in-repo --in-repo-addon -ir'
+ ;;
+ gh-pages:deploy | github-pages:deploy )
+ opts='--environment --gh-token --gh-username --skip-build --user-page --message'
+ ;;
+ h | help | -h | --help)
+ opts='--json --verbose -v'
+ ;;
+ init )
+ opts='--blueprint --dry-run --link-cli --mobile --name --prefix --skip-bower --skip-npm --source-dir --style --verbose -b -d -lc -n -p -sb -sd -sn -v'
+ ;;
+ new )
+ opts='--blueprint --directory --dry-run --link-cli --mobile --prefix --skip-bower --skip-git --skip-npm --source-dir --style --verbose -b -d -dir -lc -p -sb -sd -sg -sn -v'
+ ;;
+ s | serve | server )
+ opts='--environment --host --insecure-proxy --inspr --live-reload --live-reload-base-url --live-reload-host --live-reload-live-css --live-reload-port --output-path --port --proxy --ssl --ssl-cert --ssl-key --target --watcher -H -dev -e -lr -lrbu -lrh -lrp -op -out -p -pr -prod -pxy -t -w'
+ ;;
+ set )
+ opts='--global -g'
+ ;;
+ t | test )
+ opts='--browsers --colors --config-file --environment --filter --host --launch --log-level --module --path --port --query --reporter --server --silent --test-page --test-port --watch -H -c -cf -e -f -m -r -s -tp -w'
+ ;;
+ v | version )
+ opts='--verbose'
+ ;;
+ ng )
+ opts=$ng_opts
+ ;;
+ * )
+ opts=''
+ ;;
+ esac
+ setopt shwordsplit
+ reply=($opts)
+ unset shwordsplit
+compctl -K _ng_completion ng