path: root/plugins/taskwarrior
diff options
authorAndrew Janke <>2015-09-19 15:07:36 -0400
committerAndrew Janke <>2015-09-19 15:07:36 -0400
commit6cddf7202b8ef5c2eb2dfc081d870dc9e751d646 (patch)
treebe3fe162edbc04946eea014a3612280d4909dc1e /plugins/taskwarrior
parent82c76f6b5c2718622a532fb759231e8d24171413 (diff)
parentcbc1a0806e910f7b4eed07b992d3d88ff7cb1162 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into installer-portable-colors
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/taskwarrior')
3 files changed, 186 insertions, 153 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/taskwarrior/ b/plugins/taskwarrior/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..053151e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/taskwarrior/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# taskwarrior
+This plugin adds smart tab completion for [TaskWarrior](
+It uses the zsh tab completion script (`_task`) shipped with TaskWarrior for the
+completion definitions.
+The latest version pulled in from the official project is of January 1st, 2015.
+## Examples
+Typing `task [TAB]` will give you a list of commands, `task 66[TAB]` shows a
+list of available modifications for that task, etcetera.
diff --git a/plugins/taskwarrior/_task b/plugins/taskwarrior/_task
index 5cc253152..afa30d45a 100644
--- a/plugins/taskwarrior/_task
+++ b/plugins/taskwarrior/_task
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
#compdef task
-# zsh completion for taskwarrior
-# taskwarrior - a command line task list manager.
-# Copyright 2010 - 2011 Johannes Schlatow
+# Copyright 2010 - 2015 Johannes Schlatow
# Copyright 2009 P.C. Shyamshankar
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
@@ -30,31 +27,40 @@ typeset -g _task_cmds _task_projects _task_tags _task_config _task_modifiers
_task_projects=($(task _projects))
_task_tags=($(task _tags))
_task_ids=($(task _ids))
+_task_zshids=( ${(f)"$(task _zshids)"} )
_task_config=($(task _config))
_task_columns=($(task _columns))
- 'before' \
- 'after' \
- 'none' \
- 'any' \
- 'is' \
- 'isnt' \
- 'has' \
- 'hasnt' \
- 'startswith' \
- 'endswith' \
- 'word' \
- 'noword'
+ 'before' \
+ 'after' \
+ 'none' \
+ 'any' \
+ 'is' \
+ 'isnt' \
+ 'has' \
+ 'hasnt' \
+ 'startswith' \
+ 'endswith' \
+ 'word' \
+ 'noword'
- 'and' \
- 'or' \
- 'xor' \
- '\)'
- '\('
+ 'and' \
+ 'or' \
+ 'xor' \
+ '\)' \
+ '\(' \
+ '<' \
+ '<=' \
+ '=' \
+ '!=' \
+ '>=' \
+ '>'
-_task_cmds=($(task _commands))
-_task_zshcmds=( ${(f)"$(task _zshcommands)"} )
+_task_cmds=($(task _commands; task _aliases))
+_task_zshcmds=( ${(f)"$(task _zshcommands)"} sentinel:sentinel:sentinel )
+_task_aliases=($(task _aliases))
_task() {
_arguments -s -S \
@@ -68,110 +74,130 @@ word=$'[^\0]#\0'
# priorities
local -a task_priorities
_regex_words values 'task priorities' \
- 'H:High' \
- 'M:Middle' \
- 'L:Low'
+ 'H:High' \
+ 'M:Middle' \
+ 'L:Low'
# projects
local -a task_projects
- /"$word"/
- ":values:task projects:compadd -a _task_projects"
+ /"$word"/
+ ":values:task projects:compadd -a _task_projects"
local -a _task_dates
_regex_words values 'task dates' \
- 'tod*ay:Today' \
- 'yes*terday:Yesterday' \
- 'tom*orrow:Tomorrow' \
- 'sow:Start of week' \
- 'soww:Start of work week' \
- 'socw:Start of calendar week' \
- 'som:Start of month' \
- 'soy:Start of year' \
- 'eow:End of week' \
- 'eoww:End of work week' \
- 'eocw:End of calendar week' \
- 'eom:End of month' \
- 'eoy:End of year' \
- 'mon:Monday' \
- 'tue:Tuesday'\
- 'wed:Wednesday' \
- 'thu:Thursday' \
- 'fri:Friday' \
- 'sat:Saturday' \
- 'sun:Sunday'
+ 'tod*ay:Today' \
+ 'yes*terday:Yesterday' \
+ 'tom*orrow:Tomorrow' \
+ 'sow:Start of week' \
+ 'soww:Start of work week' \
+ 'socw:Start of calendar week' \
+ 'som:Start of month' \
+ 'soq:Start of quarter' \
+ 'soy:Start of year' \
+ 'eow:End of week' \
+ 'eoww:End of work week' \
+ 'eocw:End of calendar week' \
+ 'eom:End of month' \
+ 'eoq:End of quarter' \
+ 'eoy:End of year' \
+ 'mon:Monday' \
+ 'tue:Tuesday'\
+ 'wed:Wednesday' \
+ 'thu:Thursday' \
+ 'fri:Friday' \
+ 'sat:Saturday' \
+ 'sun:Sunday' \
+ 'good*friday:Good Friday' \
+ 'easter:Easter' \
+ 'eastermonday:Easter Monday' \
+ 'ascension:Ascension' \
+ 'pentecost:Pentecost' \
+ 'midsommar:Midsommar' \
+ 'midsommarafton:Midsommarafton' \
+ 'later:Later' \
+ 'someday:Some Day'
local -a _task_reldates
_regex_words values 'task reldates' \
- 'hrs:n hours' \
- 'day:n days' \
- '1st:first' \
- '2nd:second' \
- '3rd:third' \
- 'th:4th, 5th, etc.' \
- 'wks:weeks'
+ 'hrs:n hours' \
+ 'day:n days' \
+ '1st:first' \
+ '2nd:second' \
+ '3rd:third' \
+ 'th:4th, 5th, etc.' \
+ 'wks:weeks'
- \( "$_task_dates[@]" \|
+ \( "$_task_dates[@]" \|
\( /$'[0-9][0-9]#'/- \( "$_task_reldates[@]" \) \)
- \)
+ \)
+local -a task_zshids
+_regex_words values 'task IDs' $_task_zshids
_regex_words values 'task frequencies' \
- 'daily:Every day' \
- 'day:Every day' \
- 'weekdays:Every day skipping weekend days' \
- 'weekly:Every week' \
- 'biweekly:Every two weeks' \
- 'fortnight:Every two weeks' \
-+ 'monthly:Every month' \
- 'quarterly:Every three months' \
- 'semiannual:Every six months' \
- 'annual:Every year' \
- 'yearly:Every year' \
- 'biannual:Every two years' \
- 'biyearly:Every two years'
+ 'daily:Every day' \
+ 'day:Every day' \
+ 'weekdays:Every day skipping weekend days' \
+ 'weekly:Every week' \
+ 'biweekly:Every two weeks' \
+ 'fortnight:Every two weeks' \
+ 'monthly:Every month' \
+ 'quarterly:Every three months' \
+ 'semiannual:Every six months' \
+ 'annual:Every year' \
+ 'yearly:Every year' \
+ 'biannual:Every two years' \
+ 'biyearly:Every two years'
local -a _task_frequencies
_regex_words values 'task frequencies' \
- 'd:days' \
- 'w:weeks' \
- 'q:quarters' \
- 'y:years'
+ 'd:days' \
+ 'w:weeks' \
+ 'q:quarters' \
+ 'y:years'
- \( "$_task_freqs[@]" \|
+ \( "$_task_freqs[@]" \|
\( /$'[0-9][0-9]#'/- \( "$_task_frequencies[@]" \) \)
- \)
+ \)
# attributes
local -a task_attributes
_regex_words -t ':' default 'task attributes' \
- 'pro*ject:Project name:$task_projects' \
- 'du*e:Due date:$task_dates' \
- 'wa*it:Date until task becomes pending:$task_dates' \
- 're*cur:Recurrence frequency:$task_freqs' \
- 'pri*ority:priority:$task_priorities' \
- 'un*til:Recurrence end date:$task_dates' \
- 'fg:Foreground color' \
- 'bg:Background color' \
- 'li*mit:Desired number of rows in report'
+ 'des*cription:Task description text' \
+ 'status:Status of task - pending, completed, deleted, waiting' \
+ 'pro*ject:Project name:$task_projects' \
+ 'pri*ority:priority:$task_priorities' \
+ 'du*e:Due date:$task_dates' \
+ 're*cur:Recurrence frequency:$task_freqs' \
+ 'un*til:Expiration date:$task_dates' \
+ 'li*mit:Desired number of rows in report' \
+ 'wa*it:Date until task becomes pending:$task_dates' \
+ 'ent*ry:Date task was created:$task_dates' \
+ 'end:Date task was completed/deleted:$task_dates' \
+ 'st*art:Date task was started:$task_dates' \
+ 'sc*heduled:Date task is scheduled to start:$task_dates' \
+ 'dep*ends:Other tasks that this task depends upon:$task_zshids'
- \( "$task_attributes[@]" \|
- \( /'(project|due|wait|recur|priority|until|fg|bg|limit).'/- \( /$'[^:]#:'/ ":default:modifiers:compadd -S ':' -a _task_modifiers" \) \) \|
- \( /'(rc).'/- \( /$'[^:]#:'/ ":arguments:config:compadd -S ':' -a _task_config" \) \) \|
- \( /'(+|-)'/- \( /"$word"/ ":values:remove tag:compadd -a _task_tags" \) \) \|
- \( /"$word"/ \)
- \) \#
+ \( "$task_attributes[@]" \|
+ \( /'(project|description|status|entry|end|start|scheduled|depends|due|wait|recur|priority|until|limit).'/- \( /$'[^:]#:'/ ":default:modifiers:compadd -S ':' -a _task_modifiers" \) \) \|
+ \( /'(rc).'/- \( /$'[^:]#:'/ ":arguments:config:compadd -S ':' -a _task_config" \) \) \|
+ \( /'(+|-)'/- \( /"$word"/ ":values:remove tag:compadd -a _task_tags" \) \) \|
+ \( /"$word"/ \)
+ \) \#
_regex_arguments _task_attributes "${args[@]}"
@@ -180,43 +206,50 @@ _regex_arguments _task_attributes "${args[@]}"
# filter completion
(( $+functions[_task_filter] )) ||
_task_filter() {
- _task_attributes "$@"
- # TODO complete conjunctions only if the previous word is a filter expression, i.e. attribute, ID, any non-command
- _describe -t default 'task conjunctions' _task_conjunctions
-# merge completion
-(( $+functions[_task_merge] )) ||
-_task_merge() {
- # TODO match URIs in .taskrc
- _files
-# push completion
-(( $+functions[_task_push] )) ||
-_task_push() {
- # TODO match URIs in .taskrc
- _files
+ _task_attributes "$@"
-# pull completion
-(( $+functions[_task_pull] )) ||
-_task_pull() {
- # TODO match URIs in .taskrc
- _files
+ # TODO complete conjunctions only if the previous word is a filter expression, i.e. attribute, ID, any non-command
+ _describe -t default 'task conjunctions' _task_conjunctions
# execute completion
(( $+functions[_task_execute] )) ||
_task_execute() {
- _files
+ _files
# id-only completion
(( $+functions[_task_id] )) ||
_task_id() {
- _describe -t values 'task IDs' _task_zshids
+ _describe -t values 'task IDs' _task_zshids
+# subcommand-only function
+(( $+functions[_task_subcommands] )) ||
+_task_subcommands() {
+ local -a subcommands
+ local _zshcmd
+ local cmd category desc
+ local lastcategory=''
+ # The list is sorted by category, in the right order.
+ for _zshcmd in "$_task_zshcmds[@]"; do
+ # Parse out the three fields
+ cmd=${_zshcmd%%:*}
+ category=${${_zshcmd#*:}%%:*}
+ desc=${_zshcmd#*:*:}
+ # Present each category as soon as the first entry in the *next* category
+ # is seen.
+ if [[ $category != $lastcategory && -n $lastcategory ]]; then
+ _describe -t ${lastcategory}-commands "task ${lastcategory} command" subcommands
+ subcommands=()
+ fi
+ # Log the subcommand; we will process it in some future iteration.
+ subcommands+=( "$cmd:$desc" )
+ lastcategory=$category
+ done
## first level completion => task sub-command completion
@@ -224,27 +257,28 @@ _task_id() {
_task_default() {
local cmd ret=1
- integer i=1
- while (( i < $#words ))
- do
- cmd="${_task_cmds[(r)$words[$i]]}"
- if (( $#cmd )); then
- _call_function ret _task_${cmd} ||
- _call_function ret _task_filter ||
- _message "No command remaining."
- return ret
- fi
- (( i++ ))
- done
- # update IDs
- _task_zshids=( ${(f)"$(task _zshids)"} )
- _describe -t commands 'task command' _task_zshcmds
- _describe -t values 'task IDs' _task_zshids
- _call_function ret _task_filter
- return ret
+ integer i=1
+ while (( i < $#words ))
+ do
+ cmd="${_task_cmds[(r)$words[$i]]}"
+ if (( $#cmd )); then
+ _call_function ret _task_${cmd} ||
+ _call_function ret _task_filter ||
+ _message "No command remaining."
+ return ret
+ fi
+ (( i++ ))
+ done
+ # update IDs
+ _task_zshids=( ${(f)"$(task _zshids)"} )
+ _task_subcommands
+ _describe -t tasks 'task IDs' _task_zshids
+ _describe -t aliases 'task aliases' _task_aliases
+ _call_function ret _task_filter
+ return ret
+_task "$@"
diff --git a/plugins/taskwarrior/taskwarrior.plugin.zsh b/plugins/taskwarrior/taskwarrior.plugin.zsh
index 5d1e6ffea..ab885943f 100644
--- a/plugins/taskwarrior/taskwarrior.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/taskwarrior/taskwarrior.plugin.zsh
@@ -1,17 +1,3 @@
-# Author: Pete Clark
-# Email: pete[dot]clark[at]gmail[dot]com
-# Version: 0.1 (05/24/2011)
-# License: WTFPL<>
-# This oh-my-zsh plugin adds smart tab completion for
-# TaskWarrior<>. It uses the zsh tab completion
-# script (_task) distributed with TaskWarrior for the completion definitions.
-# Typing task [tabtab] will give you a list of current tasks, task 66[tabtab]
-# gives a list of available modifications for that task, etc.
zstyle ':completion:*:*:task:*' verbose yes
zstyle ':completion:*:*:task:*:descriptions' format '%U%B%d%b%u'