path: root/plugins/tmux
diff options
authorKozlov Alexander <>2018-11-16 13:38:43 +0300
committerGitHub <>2018-11-16 13:38:43 +0300
commit8c95c52353118643ac3dbd9b0c185a3129b84bf8 (patch)
treeee7497251b7a541480ae5c6a97b63b14381ed5ee /plugins/tmux
parentdd30cf104c9ca42d89d26a134382ca421869ce7e (diff)
parent3d8f2bda599c8c6d160dc448e5ab28aaf2d5e90d (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into master
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/tmux')
2 files changed, 111 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/tmux/ b/plugins/tmux/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..427119d3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/tmux/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# tmux
+This plugin provides aliases for [tmux](, the terminal multiplexer.
+To use it add `tmux` to the plugins array in your zshrc file.
+plugins=(... tmux)
+The plugin also supports the following -
+- determines if tmux is installed or not, if not, prompts user to install tmux
+- determines if the terminal supports the 256 colors or not, sets the appropriate configuration variable
+- sets the correct local config file to use
+## Aliases
+| Alias | Command | Description |
+| ------ | -----------------------|---------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `ta` | tmux attach -t | Attach new tmux session to already running named session |
+| `tad` | tmux attach -d -t | Detach named tmux session |
+| `ts` | tmux new-session -s | Create a new named tmux session |
+| `tl` | tmux list-sessions | Displays a list of running tmux sessions |
+| `tksv` | tmux kill-server | Terminate all running tmux sessions |
+| `tkss` | tmux kill-session -t | Terminate named running tmux session |
+| `tmux` | `_zsh_tmux_plugin_run` | Start a new tmux session |
+## Configuration Variables
+| Variable | Description |
+| `ZSH_TMUX_AUTOSTART` | Automatically starts tmux (default: `false`) |
+| `ZSH_TMUX_AUTOSTART_ONCE` | Autostart only if tmux hasn't been started previously (default: `true`) |
+| `ZSH_TMUX_AUTOCONNECT` | Automatically connect to a previous session if it exits (default: `true`) |
+| `ZSH_TMUX_AUTOQUIT` | Automatically closes terminal once tmux exits (default: `ZSH_TMUX_AUTOSTART`) |
+| `ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM` | Sets `$TERM` to 256-color term or not based on current terminal support |
+| `ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2` | Sets the `-CC` option for iTerm2 tmux integration (default: `false`) |
+| `ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM_WITHOUT_256COLOR` | `$TERM` to use for non 256-color terminals (default: `screen`) |
+| `ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM_WITH_256COLOR` | `$TERM` to use for 256-color terminals (default: `screen-256color` |
diff --git a/plugins/tmux/tmux.plugin.zsh b/plugins/tmux/tmux.plugin.zsh
index fb514a44c..7ddf42099 100644
--- a/plugins/tmux/tmux.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/tmux/tmux.plugin.zsh
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
-# Aliases
+if ! (( $+commands[tmux] )); then
+ print "zsh tmux plugin: tmux not found. Please install tmux before using this plugin." >&2
+ return 1
alias ta='tmux attach -t'
alias tad='tmux attach -d -t'
@@ -9,90 +12,78 @@ alias tl='tmux list-sessions'
alias tksv='tmux kill-server'
alias tkss='tmux kill-session -t'
-# Only run if tmux is actually installed
-if which tmux &> /dev/null
- then
- # Configuration variables
- #
- # Automatically start tmux
- # Only autostart once. If set to false, tmux will attempt to
- # autostart every time your zsh configs are reloaded.
- # Automatically connect to a previous session if it exists
- # Automatically close the terminal when tmux exits
- # Set term to screen or screen-256color based on current terminal support
- # Set '-CC' option for iTerm2 tmux integration
- [[ -n "$ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2" ]] || ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2=false
- # The TERM to use for non-256 color terminals.
- # Tmux states this should be screen, but you may need to change it on
- # systems without the proper terminfo
- # The TERM to use for 256 color terminals.
- # Tmux states this should be screen-256color, but you may need to change it on
- # systems without the proper terminfo
- [[ -n "$ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM_WITH_256COLOR" ]] || ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM_WITH_256COLOR="screen-256color"
+# Automatically start tmux
+# Only autostart once. If set to false, tmux will attempt to
+# autostart every time your zsh configs are reloaded.
+# Automatically connect to a previous session if it exists
+# Automatically close the terminal when tmux exits
+# Set term to screen or screen-256color based on current terminal support
+: ${ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM:=true}
+# Set '-CC' option for iTerm2 tmux integration
+: ${ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2:=false}
+# The TERM to use for non-256 color terminals.
+# Tmux states this should be screen, but you may need to change it on
+# systems without the proper terminfo
+# The TERM to use for 256 color terminals.
+# Tmux states this should be screen-256color, but you may need to change it on
+# systems without the proper terminfo
+: ${ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM_WITH_256COLOR:=screen-256color}
+# Determine if the terminal supports 256 colors
+if [[ $(tput colors) == 256 ]]; then
+# Set the correct local config file to use.
+if [[ "$ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2" == "false" && -e "$HOME/.tmux.conf" ]]; then
+ export _ZSH_TMUX_FIXED_CONFIG="${0:h:a}/tmux.extra.conf"
+ export _ZSH_TMUX_FIXED_CONFIG="${0:h:a}/tmux.only.conf"
- # Get the absolute path to the current directory
- local zsh_tmux_plugin_path="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
+# Wrapper function for tmux.
+function _zsh_tmux_plugin_run() {
+ if [[ -n "$@" ]]; then
+ command tmux "$@"
+ return $?
+ fi
- # Determine if the terminal supports 256 colors
- if [[ `tput colors` == "256" ]]
- then
- else
- fi
+ local -a tmux_cmd
+ tmux_cmd=(command tmux)
+ [[ "$ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2" == "true" ]] && tmux_cmd+=(-CC)
- # Set the correct local config file to use.
- if [[ "$ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2" == "false" ]] && [[ -f $HOME/.tmux.conf || -h $HOME/.tmux.conf ]]
- then
- #use this when they have a ~/.tmux.conf
- export _ZSH_TMUX_FIXED_CONFIG="$zsh_tmux_plugin_path/tmux.extra.conf"
- else
- #use this when they don't have a ~/.tmux.conf
- export _ZSH_TMUX_FIXED_CONFIG="$zsh_tmux_plugin_path/tmux.only.conf"
- fi
+ # Try to connect to an existing session.
+ [[ "$ZSH_TMUX_AUTOCONNECT" == "true" ]] && $tmux_cmd attach
- # Wrapper function for tmux.
- function _zsh_tmux_plugin_run()
- {
- # We have other arguments, just run them
- if [[ -n "$@" ]]
- then
- \tmux $@
- # Try to connect to an existing session.
- elif [[ "$ZSH_TMUX_AUTOCONNECT" == "true" ]]
- then
- \tmux `[[ "$ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2" == "true" ]] && echo '-CC '` attach || \tmux `[[ "$ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2" == "true" ]] && echo '-CC '` `[[ "$ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM" == "true" ]] && echo '-f '$_ZSH_TMUX_FIXED_CONFIG` new-session
- [[ "$ZSH_TMUX_AUTOQUIT" == "true" ]] && exit
- # Just run tmux, fixing the TERM variable if requested.
- else
- \tmux `[[ "$ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2" == "true" ]] && echo '-CC '` `[[ "$ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM" == "true" ]] && echo '-f '$_ZSH_TMUX_FIXED_CONFIG`
- [[ "$ZSH_TMUX_AUTOQUIT" == "true" ]] && exit
- fi
- }
+ # If failed, just run tmux, fixing the TERM variable if requested.
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+ [[ "$ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM" == "true" ]] && tmux_cmd+=(-f "$_ZSH_TMUX_FIXED_CONFIG")
+ $tmux_cmd new-session
+ fi
- # Use the completions for tmux for our function
- compdef _tmux _zsh_tmux_plugin_run
+ if [[ "$ZSH_TMUX_AUTOQUIT" == "true" ]]; then
+ exit
+ fi
- # Alias tmux to our wrapper function.
- alias tmux=_zsh_tmux_plugin_run
+# Use the completions for tmux for our function
+compdef _tmux _zsh_tmux_plugin_run
+# Alias tmux to our wrapper function.
+alias tmux=_zsh_tmux_plugin_run
- # Autostart if not already in tmux and enabled.
- if [[ ! -n "$TMUX" && "$ZSH_TMUX_AUTOSTART" == "true" ]]
- then
- # Actually don't autostart if we already did and multiple autostarts are disabled.
- if [[ "$ZSH_TMUX_AUTOSTART_ONCE" == "false" || "$ZSH_TMUX_AUTOSTARTED" != "true" ]]
- then
- _zsh_tmux_plugin_run
- fi
- fi
- print "zsh tmux plugin: tmux not found. Please install tmux before using this plugin."
+# Autostart if not already in tmux and enabled.
+if [[ -z "$TMUX" && "$ZSH_TMUX_AUTOSTART" == "true" && -z "$INSIDE_EMACS" && -z "$EMACS" && -z "$VIM" ]]; then
+ # Actually don't autostart if we already did and multiple autostarts are disabled.
+ if [[ "$ZSH_TMUX_AUTOSTART_ONCE" == "false" || "$ZSH_TMUX_AUTOSTARTED" != "true" ]]; then
+ _zsh_tmux_plugin_run
+ fi