path: root/plugins/yarn
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2021-10-23 18:01:40 -0600
committerTuowen Zhao <>2021-10-23 18:01:40 -0600
commitfad92c603be0ff36825cc53bf8c485d4b95c7869 (patch)
tree407fe826be62a3543b6feab4f3552f58575234de /plugins/yarn
parentc674485e6b4abe313469900997d893d2940ee843 (diff)
parentf1dd97bb2a9df55fae9b1ca26c829b9f8b290667 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/yarn')
3 files changed, 145 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/yarn/ b/plugins/yarn/
index fd748b742..9a0d1708d 100644
--- a/plugins/yarn/
+++ b/plugins/yarn/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ plugins=(... yarn)
| yi | `yarn init` | Interactively creates or updates a package.json file |
| yin | `yarn install` | Install dependencies defined in `package.json` |
| yln | `yarn lint` | Run the lint script defined in `package.json` |
+| ylnf | `yarn lint --fix` | Run the lint script defined in `package.json`to automatically fix problems |
| yls | `yarn list` | List installed packages |
| yout | `yarn outdated` | Check for outdated package dependencies |
| yp | `yarn pack` | Create a compressed gzip archive of package dependencies |
diff --git a/plugins/yarn/_yarn b/plugins/yarn/_yarn
index 70e783b86..70ed55929 100644
--- a/plugins/yarn/_yarn
+++ b/plugins/yarn/_yarn
@@ -32,15 +32,21 @@
# -------
# * Massimiliano Torromeo <>
+# * Shohei YOSHIDA <>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+declare -g _yarn_run_cwd
+ 'audit:Checks for known security issues with the installed packages'
'autoclean:Clean and remove unnecessary files from package dependencies'
'cache:List or clean every cached package'
- "check:Verify package dependencies agains yarn's lock file"
+ "check:Verify package dependencies against yarn's lock file"
'config:Manages the yarn configuration files'
+ 'create:Creates new projects from any create-* starter kits'
+ 'exec'
'generate-lock-entry:Generates a lock file entry'
'global:Install packages globally on your operating system'
'help:Show information about a command'
@@ -50,25 +56,30 @@ _commands=(
'install:Install all the dependencies listed within package.json'
'licenses:List licenses for installed packages'
'link:Symlink a package folder during development'
- 'list:List installed packages'
'login:Store registry username and email'
'logout:Clear registry username and email'
+ 'node:Runs Node with the same version that the one used by Yarn itself'
'outdated:Check for outdated package dependencies'
'owner:Manage package owners'
'pack:Create a compressed gzip archive of package dependencies'
+ 'policies:Defines project-wide policies for your project'
'publish:Publish a package to the npm registry'
'run:Run a defined package script'
'tag:Add, remove, or list tags on a package'
'team:Maintain team memberships'
'unlink:Unlink a previously created symlink for a package'
+ 'unplug:Temporarily copies a package outside of the global cache for debugging purposes'
'version:Update the package version'
'versions:Display version information of currently installed Yarn, Node.js, and its dependencies'
'why:Show information about why a package is installed'
+ 'workspace'
+ 'workspaces:Show information about your workspaces'
'add:Installs a package and any packages that it depends on'
'bin:Displays the location of the yarn bin folder'
+ 'list:List installed packages'
'remove:Remove installed package from dependencies updating package.json'
'upgrade:Upgrades packages to their latest version based on the specified range'
'upgrade-interactive:Interactively upgrade packages'
@@ -76,7 +87,12 @@ _global_commands=(
_yarn_commands_scripts() {
local -a scripts
- scripts=($(yarn run --json 2>/dev/null | sed -E '/Commands available|possibleCommands/!d;s/.*Commands available from binary scripts: ([^"]+)".*/\1/;s/.*"items":\[([^]]+).*/\1/;s/[" ]//g' | tr , '\n' | sed -e 's/:/\\:/g'))
+ if [[ -n $opt_args[--cwd] ]]; then
+ scripts=($(cd $opt_args[--cwd] && yarn run --json 2>/dev/null | sed -E '/Commands available|possibleCommands/!d;s/.*Commands available from binary scripts: ([^"]+)".*/\1/;s/.*"items":\[([^]]+).*/\1/;s/[" ]//g' | tr , '\n' | sed -e 's/:/\\:/g'))
+ else
+ scripts=($(yarn run --json 2>/dev/null | sed -E '/Commands available|possibleCommands/!d;s/.*Commands available from binary scripts: ([^"]+)".*/\1/;s/.*"items":\[([^]]+).*/\1/;s/[" ]//g' | tr , '\n' | sed -e 's/:/\\:/g'))
+ fi
_describe 'command or script' _commands -- _global_commands -- scripts
@@ -85,7 +101,11 @@ _yarn_scripts() {
local -a scriptNames scriptCommands
local i runJSON
- runJSON=$(yarn run --json 2>/dev/null)
+ if [[ -n $_yarn_run_cwd ]]; then
+ runJSON=$(cd $_yarn_run_cwd && yarn run --json 2>/dev/null)
+ else
+ runJSON=$(yarn run --json 2>/dev/null)
+ fi
# Some sed utilities (e.g. Mac OS / BSD) don't interpret `\n` in a replacement
# pattern as a newline. See
binaries=($(sed -E '/Commands available/!d;s/.*Commands available from binary scripts: ([^"]+)".*/\1/;s/.*"items":\[([^]]+).*/\1/;s/[" ]//g;s/:/\\:/g;s/,/\'$'\n/g' <<< "$runJSON"))
@@ -96,7 +116,7 @@ _yarn_scripts() {
- commands=($scripts $binaries)
+ commands=('env' $scripts $binaries)
_describe 'command' commands
@@ -110,6 +130,17 @@ _yarn_commands() {
_describe 'command' _commands -- _global_commands
+_yarn_add_files() {
+ if compset -P "(file|link):"; then
+ _files
+ fi
+_yarn_workspaces() {
+ local -a workspaces=(${(@f)$(yarn workspaces info |sed -n -e 's/^ "\([^"]*\)": {/\1/p')})
+ _describe 'workspace' workspaces
_yarn() {
local context state state_descr line
typeset -A opt_args
@@ -118,37 +149,51 @@ _yarn() {
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[output usage information]' \
'(-V --version)'{-V,--version}'[output the version number]' \
'--verbose[output verbose messages on internal operations]' \
- '--offline[trigger an error if any required dependencies are not available in local cache]' \
- '--prefer-offline[use network only if dependencies are not available in local cache]' \
- '--strict-semver' \
- '--json' \
- "--ignore-scripts[don't run lifecycle scripts]" \
- '--har[save HAR output of network traffic]' \
- '--ignore-platform[ignore platform checks]' \
- '--ignore-engines[ignore engines check]' \
- '--ignore-optional[ignore optional dependencies]' \
- '--force[install and build packages even if they were built before, overwrite lockfile]' \
- '--skip-integrity-check[run install without checking if node_modules is installed]' \
+ '--cache-folder=[specify a custom folder to store the yarn cache]:folder:_files -/' \
'--check-files[install will verify file tree of packages for consistency]' \
- "--no-bin-links[don't generate bin links when setting up packages]" \
+ '--cwd=[working directory to use]:path:_files -/' \
+ "(--enable-pnp --pnp)--disable-pnp[disable the Plug'n'Play installation]" \
+ '(--no-emoji)--emoji=[enable emoji in output(default: false)]:enabled:(true false)' \
+ '(--emoji)--no-emoji[disable emoji in output]' \
+ '(--disable-pnp)'{--enable-pnp,--pnp}"[enable the Plug'n'Play installation]" \
'--flat[only allow one version of a package]' \
- '(--prod --production)'{--prod,--production} \
- "--no-lockfile[don't read or generate a lockfile]" \
- "--pure-lockfile[don't generate a lockfile]" \
+ '--focus[Focus on a single workspace by installing remote copies of its sibiling workspaces]' \
+ '--force[install and build packages even if they were built before, overwrite lockfile]' \
"--frozen-lockfile[don't generate a lockfile and fail if an update is needed]" \
- '--link-duplicates[create hardlinks to the repeated modules in node_modules]' \
'--global-folder=[modules folder]:folder:_files -/' \
+ '--har[save HAR output of network traffic]' \
+ '--https-proxy=[HTTPS proxy]:host:_hosts' \
+ '--ignore-engines[ignore engines check]' \
+ "--ignore-scripts[don't run lifecycle scripts]" \
+ '--ignore-optional[ignore optional dependencies]' \
+ '--ignore-platform[ignore platform checks]' \
+ '--json[format Yarn log messages as lines of JSON]' \
+ '--link-duplicates[create hardlinks to the repeated modules in node_modules]' \
+ '--link-folder=[specify a custom folder to store global links]' \
'--modules-folder=[rather than installing modules into the node_modules folder relative to the cwd, output them here]:folder:_files -/' \
- '--cache-folder=[specify a custom folder to store the yarn cache]:folder:_files -/' \
'--mutex=[use a mutex to ensure only one yarn instance is executing]:type[\:specifier]' \
- '--no-emoji[disable emoji in output]' \
- '(-s --silent)'{-s,--silent}'[skip Yarn console logs, other types of logs (script output) will be printed]' \
- '--proxy=:host:_hosts' \
- '--https-proxy=:host:_hosts' \
- '--no-progress[disable progress bar]' \
'--network-concurrency=[maximum number of concurrent network requests]:number' \
'--network-timeout=[TCP timeout for network requests]:milliseconds' \
+ "--no-bin-links[don't generate bin links when setting up packages]" \
+ '--no-default-rc[prevent Yarn from automatically detecting yarnrc and npmrc files]' \
+ "--no-lockfile[don't read or generate a lockfile]" \
'--non-interactive[do not show interactive prompts]' \
+ '--no-node-version-check[do not warn when using a potentially unsupported Node version]' \
+ '--no-progress[disable progress bar]' \
+ '--offline[trigger an error if any required dependencies are not available in local cache]' \
+ '--otp=[one-time password for two factor authentication]:otpcode' \
+ '--prefer-offline[use network only if dependencies are not available in local cache]' \
+ '--preferred-cache-folder=[specify a custom folder to store the yarn cache if possible]:folder:_files -/' \
+ '(--prod --production)'{--prod,--production}'[install only production dependencies]' \
+ '--proxy=[HTTP proxy]:host:_hosts' \
+ "--pure-lockfile[don't generate a lockfile]" \
+ '--registry=[override configuration registry]:url:_urls' \
+ '(-s --silent)'{-s,--silent}'[skip Yarn console logs, other types of logs (script output) will be printed]' \
+ '--scripts-prepend-node-path=[prepend the node executable dir to the PATH in scripts]:bool:(true false)' \
+ '--skip-integrity-check[run install without checking if node_modules is installed]' \
+ "--strict-semver[don't compare semver loosely]" \
+ '--update-checksum[update package checksums from current repository]' \
+ '--use-yarnrc=[specifies a yarnrc that Yarn should use]:yarnrc:_files' \
'1: :_yarn_commands_scripts' \
'*:: :->command_args'
@@ -173,18 +218,29 @@ _yarn() {
'(-O --optional)'{-O,--optional}'[install packages in optionalDependencies]' \
'(-E --exact)'{-E,--exact}'[install packages as exact versions]' \
'(-T --tilde)'{-T,--tilde}'[install the most recent release of the packages that have the same minor version]' \
- '*:package-name:'
+ '(--ignore-workspace-root-check -W)'{--ignore-workspace-root-check,-W}'[allows a package to be installed at the workspaces root]' \
+ '--audit[checks for known security issues with the installed packages]' \
+ '*:package-name:_yarn_add_files'
+ ;;
+ audit)
+ _arguments \
+ '--verbose[output verbose message]' \
+ '--json[format Yarn log messages as lines of JSON]' \
+ '--level=[only print advisories with severity greater than or equal to]:level:(info low moderate high critical)' \
+ '--groups=[only audit dependencies from listed groups]:groups:->groups_args'
_arguments \
- '1: :(ls dir clean)'
+ '1: :(list dir clean)' \
+ '*:: :->cache_args'
_arguments \
- '--integrity' \
- '--verify-tree'
+ '--integrity[Verifies that versions and hashed values of the package contents in package.json]' \
+ '--verify-tree[Recursively verifies that the dependencies in package.json are present in node_modules]'
@@ -223,12 +279,13 @@ _yarn() {
_arguments \
- '--depth[Limit the depth of the shown dependencies]:depth'
+ '--depth=[Limit the depth of the shown dependencies]:depth' \
+ '--pattern=[filter the list of dependencies by the pattern]'
_arguments \
- '1: :(ls add rm)' \
+ '1: :(list add rm)' \
'*:: :->owner_args'
@@ -247,12 +304,22 @@ _yarn() {
'1: :_files'
+ policies)
+ _arguments \
+ '1: :(set-version)'
+ ;;
_arguments \
+ if [[ -n $opt_args[--cwd] ]]; then
+ _yarn_run_cwd=$opt_args[--cwd]
+ else
+ _yarn_run_cwd=''
+ fi
_arguments \
'1: :_yarn_scripts' \
'*:: :_default'
@@ -260,26 +327,33 @@ _yarn() {
_arguments \
- '1: :(ls add rm)' \
+ '1: :(lists add rm)' \
'*:: :->tag_args'
_arguments \
- '1: :(create destroy add rm ls)' \
+ '1: :(create destroy add rm list)' \
'*:: :->team_args'
_arguments \
- '--latest:use the version tagged latest in the registry:'
+ '--latest[use the version tagged latest in the registry]'
_arguments \
- '--new-version:version:' \
- '--message:message:' \
- '--no-git-tag-version'
+ '--new-version[create a new version using an interactive session to prompt you]:version:' \
+ '--major[creates a new version by incrementing the major version]' \
+ '--minor[creates a new version by incrementing the minor version]' \
+ '--patch[creates a new version by incrementing the patch version]' \
+ '--premajor[creates a new prerelease version by incrementing the major version]' \
+ '--preminor[creates a new prerelease version by incrementing the minor version]' \
+ '--prepatch[creates a new prerelease version by incrementing the patch version]' \
+ '--prerelease[increments the prerelease version number keeping the main version]' \
+ '--no-git-tag-version[creates a new version without creating a git tag]' \
+ '--no-commit-hooks[bypasses running commit hooks when committing the new version]'
@@ -287,7 +361,19 @@ _yarn() {
- *)
+ workspace)
+ _arguments \
+ '1:workspace:_yarn_workspaces' \
+ '*:: :_yarn_global_commands'
+ ;;
+ workspaces)
+ _arguments \
+ '--json[format Yarn log messages as lines of JSON]' \
+ '1:commands:(info run)'
+ ;;
+ *)
@@ -295,6 +381,12 @@ _yarn() {
case $state in
+ cache_args)
+ if [[ $words[1] == "list" ]]; then
+ _arguments \
+ '--pattern=[print out every cached package that matches the pattern]:pattern:'
+ fi
+ ;;
case $words[1] in
@@ -310,6 +402,10 @@ _yarn() {
+ groups_args)
+ local dependency_groups=(devDependencies dependencies optionalDependencies peerDependencies bundledDependencies)
+ _values -s ',' 'groups' $dependency_groups
+ ;;
case $words[1] in
diff --git a/plugins/yarn/yarn.plugin.zsh b/plugins/yarn/yarn.plugin.zsh
index 4a5192c61..a4f595c61 100644
--- a/plugins/yarn/yarn.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/yarn/yarn.plugin.zsh
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+# Add yarn bin directory to $PATH if it exists and not in $PATH already
+bindir=$(yarn global bin 2>/dev/null) \
+ && [[ -d "$bindir" ]] \
+ && (( ! ${path[(Ie)$bindir]} )) \
+ && path+=("$bindir")
+unset bindir
alias y="yarn"
alias ya="yarn add"
alias yad="yarn add --dev"
@@ -13,6 +20,7 @@ alias yh="yarn help"
alias yi="yarn init"
alias yin="yarn install"
alias yln="yarn lint"
+alias ylnf="yarn lint --fix"
alias yls="yarn list"
alias yout="yarn outdated"
alias yp="yarn pack"