path: root/plugins
diff options
authorMarc Cornellà <>2020-11-26 22:27:07 +0100
committerGitHub <>2020-11-26 22:27:07 +0100
commit05e2956dc61198d4767b96d97c5d10c93cedd6e3 (patch)
tree20bde3477652e593b3d74dfa841a5caa919b6887 /plugins
parentd88887195fd5535ef2fd95180baa73af2a8c88f8 (diff)
fix(git-auto-fetch): background `git-fetch-all` and other fixes (#9468)
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
2 files changed, 84 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/git-auto-fetch/ b/plugins/git-auto-fetch/
index 35f3c2f71..e96ab42a3 100644
--- a/plugins/git-auto-fetch/
+++ b/plugins/git-auto-fetch/
@@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
# Git auto-fetch
-Automatically fetches all changes from all remotes while you are working in git-initialized directory.
+Automatically fetches all changes from all remotes while you are working in a git-initialized directory.
-#### Usage
-Add `git-auto-fetch` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
+To use it, add `git-auto-fetch` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... git-auto-fetch)
-Every time you launch a command in your shell all remotes will be fetched in background.
-By default autofetch will be triggered only if last fetch was done at least 60 seconds ago.
-You can change fetch interval in your .zshrc:
-GIT_AUTO_FETCH_INTERVAL=1200 #in seconds
+## Usage
+Every time the command prompt is shown all remotes will be fetched in the background. By default,
+`git-auto-fetch` will be triggered only if the last auto-fetch was done at least 60 seconds ago.
+You can change the fetch interval in your .zshrc:
+GIT_AUTO_FETCH_INTERVAL=1200 # in seconds
-Log of `git fetch --all` will be saved into `.git/FETCH_LOG`
+A log of `git fetch --all` will be saved in `.git/FETCH_LOG`.
+## Toggle auto-fetch per folder
-#### Toggle auto fetch per folder
-If you are using mobile connection or for any other reason you can disable git-auto-fetch for any folder:
+If you are using a mobile connection or for any other reason you can disable git-auto-fetch
+for any folder:
$ cd to/your/project
@@ -29,3 +32,19 @@ disabled
$ git-auto-fetch
+## Caveats
+Automatically fetching all changes defeats the purpose of `git push --force-with-lease`,
+and makes it behave like `git push --force` in some cases. For example:
+Consider that you made some changes and possibly rebased some stuff, which means you'll
+need to use `--force-with-lease` to overwrite the remote history of a branch. Between the
+time when you make the changes (maybe do a `git log`) and the time when you `git push`,
+it's possible that someone else updates the branch you're working on.
+If `git-auto-fetch` triggers then, you'll have fetched the remote changes without knowing
+it, and even though you're running the push with `--force-with-lease`, git will overwrite
+the recent changes because you already have them in your local repository. The
+[`git push --force-with-lease` docs]( talk about possible
+solutions to this problem.
diff --git a/plugins/git-auto-fetch/git-auto-fetch.plugin.zsh b/plugins/git-auto-fetch/git-auto-fetch.plugin.zsh
index 5c42c21a7..0da84f2f5 100644
--- a/plugins/git-auto-fetch/git-auto-fetch.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/git-auto-fetch/git-auto-fetch.plugin.zsh
@@ -1,36 +1,61 @@
+# Default auto-fetch interval: 60 seconds
+# Necessary for the git-fetch-all function
+zmodload zsh/datetime zsh/stat
function git-fetch-all {
- (`command git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null` &&
- dir=`command git rev-parse --git-dir` &&
- [[ ! -f $dir/NO_AUTO_FETCH ]] &&
- (( `date +%s` - `date -r $dir/FETCH_LOG +%s 2>/dev/null || echo 0` > $GIT_AUTO_FETCH_INTERVAL )) &&
- GIT_SSH_COMMAND="command ssh -o BatchMode=yes" \
- command git fetch --all 2>/dev/null &>! $dir/FETCH_LOG &)
+ (
+ # Get git root directory
+ if ! gitdir="$(command git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null)"; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # Do nothing if auto-fetch disabled
+ if [[ -z "$gitdir" || -f "$gitdir/NO_AUTO_FETCH" ]]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # Get time (seconds) when auto-fetch was last run
+ lastrun="$(zstat +mtime "$gitdir/FETCH_LOG" 2>/dev/null || echo 0)"
+ # Do nothing if not enough time has passed since last auto-fetch
+ if (( EPOCHSECONDS - lastrun < $GIT_AUTO_FETCH_INTERVAL )); then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # Fetch all remotes (avoid ssh passphrase prompt)
+ GIT_SSH_COMMAND="command ssh -o BatchMode=yes" \
+ command git fetch --all 2>/dev/null &>! "$gitdir/FETCH_LOG"
+ ) &|
function git-auto-fetch {
- `command git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null` || return
- guard="`command git rev-parse --git-dir`/NO_AUTO_FETCH"
+ # Do nothing if not in a git repository
+ command git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree &>/dev/null || return 0
- (rm $guard 2>/dev/null &&
- echo "${fg_bold[green]}enabled${reset_color}") ||
- (touch $guard &&
- echo "${fg_bold[red]}disabled${reset_color}")
+ # Remove or create guard file depending on its existence
+ local guard="$(command git rev-parse --git-dir)/NO_AUTO_FETCH"
+ if [[ -f "$guard" ]]; then
+ command rm "$guard" && echo "${fg_bold[green]}enabled${reset_color}"
+ else
+ command touch "$guard" && echo "${fg_bold[red]}disabled${reset_color}"
+ fi
-# Override zle-line-init if it exists
-if (( $+functions[zle-line-init] )); then
- eval "override-git-auto-fetch-$(declare -f zle-line-init)"
- function zle-line-init () {
- git-fetch-all
- override-git-auto-fetch-zle-line-init
- }
- function zle-line-init () {
- git-fetch-all
- }
-zle -N zle-line-init
+# zle-line-init widget (don't redefine if already defined)
+(( ! ${+functions[_git-auto-fetch_zle-line-init]} )) || return 0
+case "$widgets[zle-line-init]" in
+ # Simply define the function if zle-line-init doesn't yet exist
+ builtin|"") function _git-auto-fetch_zle-line-init() {
+ git-fetch-all
+ } ;;
+ # Override the current zle-line-init widget, calling the old one
+ user:*) zle -N _git-auto-fetch_orig_zle-line-init "${widgets[zle-line-init]#user:}"
+ function _git-auto-fetch_zle-line-init() {
+ git-fetch-all
+ zle _git-auto-fetch_orig_zle-line-init -- "$@"
+ } ;;
+zle -N zle-line-init _git-auto-fetch_zle-line-init