path: root/plugins
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2021-09-10 20:10:26 -0600
committerTuowen Zhao <>2021-09-10 20:10:26 -0600
commit3c73976ef306d68a85d60c94be9a1dcdc33fa2bf (patch)
tree619ba4b5874b92ada9dc089c67a435dd3149748a /plugins
parentf8b7b6584bf1ca7e836ba9cc13fcce573047fb07 (diff)
parent735808f48d54aabce540f6c90294e21118104cf4 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
27 files changed, 314 insertions, 1724 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/autojump/autojump.plugin.zsh b/plugins/autojump/autojump.plugin.zsh
index f40b0e931..3117c6da4 100644
--- a/plugins/autojump/autojump.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/autojump/autojump.plugin.zsh
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ autojump_paths=(
/usr/local/share/autojump/autojump.zsh # FreeBSD installation
/opt/local/etc/profile.d/ # macOS with MacPorts
/usr/local/etc/profile.d/ # macOS with Homebrew (default)
+ /opt/homebrew/etc/profile.d/ # macOS with Homebrew (default on M1 macs)
for file in $autojump_paths; do
diff --git a/plugins/cargo/.gitignore b/plugins/cargo/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42d7ecdd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/cargo/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/plugins/cargo/_cargo b/plugins/cargo/_cargo
deleted file mode 100644
index ebff99310..000000000
--- a/plugins/cargo/_cargo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
-#compdef cargo
-autoload -U regexp-replace
-_cargo() {
- local curcontext="$curcontext" ret=1
- local -a command_scope_spec common parallel features msgfmt triple target registry
- local -a state line state_descr # These are set by _arguments
- typeset -A opt_args
- common=(
- '(-q --quiet)*'{-v,--verbose}'[use verbose output]'
- '(-q --quiet -v --verbose)'{-q,--quiet}'[no output printed to stdout]'
- '-Z+[pass unstable (nightly-only) flags to cargo]: :_cargo_unstable_flags'
- '--frozen[require that Cargo.lock and cache are up to date]'
- '--locked[require that Cargo.lock is up to date]'
- '--color=[specify colorization option]:coloring:(auto always never)'
- '(- 1 *)'{-h,--help}'[show help message]'
- )
- # leading items in parentheses are an exclusion list for the arguments following that arg
- # See:
- # - => exclude all other options
- # 1 => exclude positional arg 1
- # * => exclude all other args
- # +blah => exclude +blah
- _arguments -s -S -C $common \
- '(- 1 *)--list[list installed commands]' \
- '(- 1 *)--explain=[provide a detailed explanation of an error message]:error code' \
- '(- 1 *)'{-V,--version}'[show version information]' \
- '(+beta +nightly)+stable[use the stable toolchain]' \
- '(+stable +nightly)+beta[use the beta toolchain]' \
- '(+stable +beta)+nightly[use the nightly toolchain]' \
- '1: :_cargo_cmds' \
- '*:: :->args'
- # These flags are mutually exclusive specifiers for the scope of a command; as
- # they are used in multiple places without change, they are expanded into the
- # appropriate command's `_arguments` where appropriate.
- command_scope_spec=(
- '(--bin --example --test --lib)--bench=[specify benchmark name]: :_cargo_benchmark_names'
- '(--bench --bin --test --lib)--example=[specify example name]:example name'
- '(--bench --example --test --lib)--bin=[specify binary name]:binary name'
- '(--bench --bin --example --test)--lib=[specify library name]:library name'
- '(--bench --bin --example --lib)--test=[specify test name]:test name'
- )
- parallel=(
- '(-j --jobs)'{-j+,--jobs=}'[specify number of parallel jobs]:jobs [# of CPUs]'
- )
- features=(
- '(--all-features)--features=[specify features to activate]:feature'
- '(--features)--all-features[activate all available features]'
- "--no-default-features[don't build the default features]"
- )
- msgfmt='--message-format=[specify error format]:error format [human]:(human json short)'
- triple='--target=[specify target triple]:target triple'
- target='--target-dir=[specify directory for all generated artifacts]:directory:_directories'
- manifest='--manifest-path=[specify path to manifest]:path:_directories'
- registry='--registry=[specify registry to use]:registry'
- case $state in
- args)
- curcontext="${curcontext%:*}-${words[1]}:"
- case ${words[1]} in
- bench)
- _arguments -s -A "^--" $common $parallel $features $msgfmt $triple $target $manifest \
- "${command_scope_spec[@]}" \
- '--all-targets[benchmark all targets]' \
- "--no-run[compile but don't run]" \
- '(-p --package)'{-p+,--package=}'[specify package to run benchmarks for]:package:_cargo_package_names' \
- '--exclude=[exclude packages from the benchmark]:spec' \
- '--no-fail-fast[run all benchmarks regardless of failure]' \
- '1: :_guard "^-*" "bench name"' \
- '*:args:_default'
- ;;
- build|b)
- _arguments -s -S $common $parallel $features $msgfmt $triple $target $manifest \
- '--all-targets[equivalent to specifying --lib --bins --tests --benches --examples]' \
- "${command_scope_spec[@]}" \
- '(-p --package)'{-p+,--package=}'[specify package to build]:package:_cargo_package_names' \
- '--release[build in release mode]' \
- '--build-plan[output the build plan in JSON]' \
- ;;
- check|c)
- _arguments -s -S $common $parallel $features $msgfmt $triple $target $manifest \
- '--all-targets[equivalent to specifying --lib --bins --tests --benches --examples]' \
- "${command_scope_spec[@]}" \
- '(-p --package)'{-p+,--package=}'[specify package to check]:package:_cargo_package_names' \
- '--release[check in release mode]' \
- ;;
- clean)
- _arguments -s -S $common $triple $target $manifest \
- '(-p --package)'{-p+,--package=}'[specify package to clean]:package:_cargo_package_names' \
- '--release[clean release artifacts]' \
- '--doc[clean just the documentation directory]'
- ;;
- doc)
- _arguments -s -S $common $parallel $features $msgfmt $triple $target $manifest \
- '--no-deps[do not build docs for dependencies]' \
- '--document-private-items[include non-public items in the documentation]' \
- '--open[open docs in browser after the build]' \
- '(-p --package)'{-p+,--package=}'[specify package to document]:package:_cargo_package_names' \
- '--release[build artifacts in release mode, with optimizations]' \
- ;;
- fetch)
- _arguments -s -S $common $triple $manifest
- ;;
- fix)
- _arguments -s -S $common $parallel $features $msgfmt $triple $target $manifest \
- "${command_scope_spec[@]}" \
- '--broken-code[fix code even if it already has compiler errors]' \
- '--edition[fix in preparation for the next edition]' \
- '--edition-idioms[fix warnings to migrate to the idioms of an edition]' \
- '--allow-no-vcs[fix code even if a VCS was not detected]' \
- '--allow-dirty[fix code even if the working directory is dirty]' \
- '--allow-staged[fix code even if the working directory has staged changes]'
- ;;
- generate-lockfile)
- _arguments -s -S $common $manifest
- ;;
- git-checkout)
- _arguments -s -S $common \
- '--reference=:reference' \
- '--url=:url:_urls'
- ;;
- help)
- _cargo_cmds
- ;;
- init)
- _arguments -s -S $common $registry \
- '--lib[use library template]' \
- '--edition=[specify edition to set for the crate generated]:edition:(2015 2018)' \
- '--vcs=[initialize a new repo with a given VCS]:vcs:(git hg pijul fossil none)' \
- '--name=[set the resulting package name]:name' \
- '1:path:_directories'
- ;;
- install)
- _arguments -s -S $common $parallel $features $triple $registry \
- '(-f --force)'{-f,--force}'[force overwriting of existing crates or binaries]' \
- '--bin=[only install the specified binary]:binary' \
- '--branch=[branch to use when installing from git]:branch' \
- '--debug[build in debug mode instead of release mode]' \
- '--example=[install the specified example instead of binaries]:example' \
- '--git=[specify URL from which to install the crate]:url:_urls' \
- '--path=[local filesystem path to crate to install]: :_directories' \
- '--rev=[specific commit to use when installing from git]:commit' \
- '--root=[directory to install packages into]: :_directories' \
- '--tag=[tag to use when installing from git]:tag' \
- '--vers=[version to install from]:version' \
- '--list[list all installed packages and their versions]' \
- '*: :_guard "^-*" "crate"'
- ;;
- locate-project)
- _arguments -s -S $common $manifest
- ;;
- login)
- _arguments -s -S $common $registry \
- '*: :_guard "^-*" "token"'
- ;;
- metadata)
- _arguments -s -S $common $features $manifest \
- "--no-deps[output information only about the root package and don't fetch dependencies]" \
- '--format-version=[specify format version]:version [1]:(1)'
- ;;
- new)
- _arguments -s -S $common $registry \
- '--lib[use library template]' \
- '--vcs:initialize a new repo with a given VCS:(git hg none)' \
- '--name=[set the resulting package name]'
- ;;
- owner)
- _arguments -s -S $common $registry \
- '(-a --add)'{-a,--add}'[specify name of a user or team to invite as an owner]:name' \
- '--index=[specify registry index]:index' \
- '(-l --list)'{-l,--list}'[list owners of a crate]' \
- '(-r --remove)'{-r,--remove}'[specify name of a user or team to remove as an owner]:name' \
- '--token=[specify API token to use when authenticating]:token' \
- '*: :_guard "^-*" "crate"'
- ;;
- package)
- _arguments -s -S $common $parallel $features $triple $target $manifest \
- '(-l --list)'{-l,--list}'[print files included in a package without making one]' \
- '--no-metadata[ignore warnings about a lack of human-usable metadata]' \
- '--allow-dirty[allow dirty working directories to be packaged]' \
- "--no-verify[don't build to verify contents]"
- ;;
- pkgid)
- _arguments -s -S $common $manifest \
- '(-p --package)'{-p+,--package=}'[specify package to get ID specifier for]:package:_cargo_package_names' \
- '*: :_guard "^-*" "spec"'
- ;;
- publish)
- _arguments -s -S $common $parallel $features $triple $target $manifest $registry \
- '--index=[specify registry index]:index' \
- '--allow-dirty[allow dirty working directories to be packaged]' \
- "--no-verify[don't verify the contents by building them]" \
- '--token=[specify token to use when uploading]:token' \
- '--dry-run[perform all checks without uploading]'
- ;;
- read-manifest)
- _arguments -s -S $common $manifest
- ;;
- run|r)
- _arguments -s -S $common $parallel $features $msgfmt $triple $target $manifest \
- '--example=[name of the bin target]:name' \
- '--bin=[name of the bin target]:name' \
- '(-p --package)'{-p+,--package=}'[specify package with the target to run]:package:_cargo_package_names' \
- '--release[build in release mode]' \
- '*: :_default'
- ;;
- rustc)
- _arguments -s -S $common $parallel $features $msgfmt $triple $target $manifest \
- '(-p --package)'{-p+,--package=}'[specify package to build]:package:_cargo_package_names' \
- '--profile=[specify profile to build the selected target for]:profile' \
- '--release[build artifacts in release mode, with optimizations]' \
- "${command_scope_spec[@]}" \
- '*: : _dispatch rustc rustc -default-'
- ;;
- rustdoc)
- _arguments -s -S $common $parallel $features $msgfmt $triple $target $manifest \
- '--document-private-items[include non-public items in the documentation]' \
- '--open[open the docs in a browser after the operation]' \
- '(-p --package)'{-p+,--package=}'[specify package to document]:package:_cargo_package_names' \
- '--release[build artifacts in release mode, with optimizations]' \
- "${command_scope_spec[@]}" \
- '*: : _dispatch rustdoc rustdoc -default-'
- ;;
- search)
- _arguments -s -S $common $registry \
- '--index=[specify registry index]:index' \
- '--limit=[limit the number of results]:results [10]' \
- '*: :_guard "^-*" "query"'
- ;;
- test|t)
- _arguments -s -S $common $parallel $features $msgfmt $triple $target $manifest \
- '--test=[test name]: :_cargo_test_names' \
- '--no-fail-fast[run all tests regardless of failure]' \
- '--no-run[compile but do not run]' \
- '(-p --package)'{-p+,--package=}'[package to run tests for]:package:_cargo_package_names' \
- '--all[test all packages in the workspace]' \
- '--release[build artifacts in release mode, with optimizations]' \
- '1: :_cargo_test_names' \
- '(--doc --bin --example --test --bench)--lib[only test library]' \
- '(--lib --bin --example --test --bench)--doc[only test documentation]' \
- '(--lib --doc --example --test --bench)--bin=[binary name]' \
- '(--lib --doc --bin --test --bench)--example=[example name]' \
- '(--lib --doc --bin --example --bench)--test=[test name]' \
- '(--lib --doc --bin --example --test)--bench=[benchmark name]' \
- '*: :_default'
- ;;
- uninstall)
- _arguments -s -S $common \
- '(-p --package)'{-p+,--package=}'[specify package to uninstall]:package:_cargo_package_names' \
- '--bin=[only uninstall the specified binary]:name' \
- '--root=[directory to uninstall packages from]: :_files -/' \
- '*:crate:_cargo_installed_crates -F line'
- ;;
- update)
- _arguments -s -S $common $manifest \
- '--aggressive=[force dependency update]' \
- "--dry-run[don't actually write the lockfile]" \
- '(-p --package)'{-p+,--package=}'[specify package to update]:package:_cargo_package_names' \
- '--precise=[update single dependency to precise release]:release'
- ;;
- verify-project)
- _arguments -s -S $common $manifest
- ;;
- version)
- _arguments -s -S $common
- ;;
- yank)
- _arguments -s -S $common $registry \
- '--vers=[specify yank version]:version' \
- '--undo[undo a yank, putting a version back into the index]' \
- '--index=[specify registry index to yank from]:registry index' \
- '--token=[specify API token to use when authenticating]:token' \
- '*: :_guard "^-*" "crate"'
- ;;
- *)
- # allow plugins to define their own functions
- if ! _call_function ret _cargo-${words[1]}; then
- # fallback on default completion for unknown commands
- _default && ret=0
- fi
- (( ! ret ))
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
-_cargo_unstable_flags() {
- local flags
- flags=( help ${${${(M)${(f)"$(_call_program flags cargo -Z help)"}:#*--*}/ #-- #/:}##*-Z } )
- _describe -t flags 'unstable flag' flags
-_cargo_installed_crates() {
- local expl
- _description crates expl 'crate'
- compadd "$@" "$expl[@]" - ${${${(f)"$(cargo install --list)"}:# *}%% *}
-_cargo_cmds() {
- local -a commands
- # This uses Parameter Expansion Flags, which are a built-in Zsh feature.
- # See more:
- # and
- #
- # # How this work?
- #
- # First it splits the result of `cargo --list` at newline, then it removes the first line.
- # Then it removes indentation (4 whitespaces) before each items. (Note the x## pattern [1]).
- # Then it replaces those spaces between item and description with a `:`
- #
- # [1]:
- commands=( ${${${(M)"${(f)$(_call_program commands cargo --list)}":# *}/ ##/}/ ##/:} )
- _describe -t commands 'command' commands
-#FIXME: Disabled until fixed
-#gets package names from the manifest file
-_cargo_package_names() {
- _message -e packages package
-# Extracts the values of "name" from the array given in $1 and shows them as
-# command line options for completion
-_cargo_names_from_array() {
- # strip json from the path
- local manifest=${${${"$(cargo locate-project)"}%\"\}}##*\"}
- if [[ -z $manifest ]]; then
- return 0
- fi
- local last_line
- local -a names;
- local in_block=false
- local block_name=$1
- names=()
- while read -r line; do
- if [[ $last_line == "[[$block_name]]" ]]; then
- in_block=true
- else
- if [[ $last_line =~ '\s*\[\[.*' ]]; then
- in_block=false
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $in_block == true ]]; then
- if [[ $line =~ '\s*name\s*=' ]]; then
- regexp-replace line '^\s*name\s*=\s*|"' ''
- names+=( "$line" )
- fi
- fi
- last_line=$line
- done < "$manifest"
- _describe "$block_name" names
-#Gets the test names from the manifest file
-_cargo_test_names() {
- _cargo_names_from_array "test"
-#Gets the bench names from the manifest file
-_cargo_benchmark_names() {
- _cargo_names_from_array "bench"
diff --git a/plugins/cargo/cargo.plugin.zsh b/plugins/cargo/cargo.plugin.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92eae5359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/cargo/cargo.plugin.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if (( $+commands[rustup] && $+commands[cargo] )); then
+ if [[ ! -f $ZSH_CACHE_DIR/cargo_version ]] \
+ || [[ "$(cargo --version)" != "$(< "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/cargo_version")" ]] \
+ || [[ ! -f $ZSH/plugins/cargo/_cargo ]]; then
+ rustup completions zsh cargo > $ZSH/plugins/cargo/_cargo
+ cargo --version > $ZSH_CACHE_DIR/cargo_version
+ fi
+ autoload -Uz _cargo
+ _comps[cargo]=_cargo
diff --git a/plugins/chruby/chruby.plugin.zsh b/plugins/chruby/chruby.plugin.zsh
index f7fedb5f2..32f0525aa 100644
--- a/plugins/chruby/chruby.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/chruby/chruby.plugin.zsh
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ _homebrew-installed() {
_chruby-from-homebrew-installed() {
- [ -r _brew_prefix ] &> /dev/null
+ [ -r $_brew_prefix ] &> /dev/null
_ruby-build_installed() {
diff --git a/plugins/colemak/.gitignore b/plugins/colemak/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8241f5ed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/colemak/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/plugins/colemak/colemak.plugin.zsh b/plugins/colemak/colemak.plugin.zsh
index cb7cc5068..8d3393c44 100644
--- a/plugins/colemak/colemak.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/colemak/colemak.plugin.zsh
@@ -19,4 +19,15 @@ bindkey -a 'N' vi-join
bindkey -a 'j' vi-forward-word-end
bindkey -a 'J' vi-forward-blank-word-end
-lesskey $ZSH/plugins/colemak/colemak-less
+# New less versions will read this file directly
+export LESSKEYIN="${0:h:A}/colemak-less"
+# Only run lesskey if less version is older than v582
+less_ver=$(less --version | awk '{print $2;exit}')
+autoload -Uz is-at-least
+if ! is-at-least 582 $less_ver; then
+ # Old less versions will read this transformed file
+ export LESSKEY="${0:h:A}/.less"
+ lesskey -o "$LESSKEY" "$LESSKEYIN" 2>/dev/null
+unset less_ver
diff --git a/plugins/copybuffer/copybuffer.plugin.zsh b/plugins/copybuffer/copybuffer.plugin.zsh
index 87a658d93..e67f920f0 100644
--- a/plugins/copybuffer/copybuffer.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/copybuffer/copybuffer.plugin.zsh
@@ -11,4 +11,6 @@ copybuffer () {
zle -N copybuffer
-bindkey "^O" copybuffer
+bindkey -M emacs "^O" copybuffer
+bindkey -M viins "^O" copybuffer
+bindkey -M vicmd "^O" copybuffer
diff --git a/plugins/cp/ b/plugins/cp/
index e8a9b6ccc..23734243c 100644
--- a/plugins/cp/
+++ b/plugins/cp/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ The enabled options for rsync are:
* `-hhh`: outputs numbers in human-readable format, in units of 1024 (K, M, G, T).
-* `--backup-dir=/tmp/rsync`: move backup copies to "/tmp/rsync".
+* `--backup-dir="/tmp/rsync-$USERNAME"`: move backup copies to "/tmp/rsync-$USERNAME".
* `-e /dev/null`: only work on local files (disable remote shells).
diff --git a/plugins/cp/cp.plugin.zsh b/plugins/cp/cp.plugin.zsh
index fe6ea87a8..a56259106 100644
--- a/plugins/cp/cp.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/cp/cp.plugin.zsh
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
cpv() {
- rsync -pogbr -hhh --backup-dir=/tmp/rsync -e /dev/null --progress "$@"
+ rsync -pogbr -hhh --backup-dir="/tmp/rsync-${USERNAME}" -e /dev/null --progress "$@"
compdef _files cpv
diff --git a/plugins/frontend-search/frontend-search.plugin.zsh b/plugins/frontend-search/frontend-search.plugin.zsh
index 4517e21a8..437e477b9 100644
--- a/plugins/frontend-search/frontend-search.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/frontend-search/frontend-search.plugin.zsh
@@ -29,14 +29,10 @@ alias unheap='frontend unheap'
alias vuejs='frontend vuejs'
function _frontend_fallback() {
- local url
- if [[ "$FRONTEND_SEARCH_FALLBACK" == duckduckgo ]]; then
- url="$1&q="
- else
- url="$1&as_q="
- fi
- echo "$url"
+ duckduckgo) echo "$1&q=" ;;
+ *) echo "$1&as_q=" ;;
+ esac
function frontend() {
@@ -51,7 +47,7 @@ function frontend() {
bootsnipp ''
bundlephobia ''
caniuse ''
- codepen ''
+ codepen ''
compassdoc ''
cssflow ''
dartlang ''
diff --git a/plugins/gcloud/gcloud.plugin.zsh b/plugins/gcloud/gcloud.plugin.zsh
index c7aebe697..7368eb3a6 100644
--- a/plugins/gcloud/gcloud.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/gcloud/gcloud.plugin.zsh
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ if [[ -z "${CLOUDSDK_HOME}" ]]; then
+ "/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk"
diff --git a/plugins/git-auto-fetch/git-auto-fetch.plugin.zsh b/plugins/git-auto-fetch/git-auto-fetch.plugin.zsh
index 0da84f2f5..efe8cbe66 100644
--- a/plugins/git-auto-fetch/git-auto-fetch.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/git-auto-fetch/git-auto-fetch.plugin.zsh
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ function git-fetch-all {
return 0
- # Do nothing if auto-fetch disabled
- if [[ -z "$gitdir" || -f "$gitdir/NO_AUTO_FETCH" ]]; then
+ # Do nothing if auto-fetch is disabled or don't have permissions
+ if [[ ! -w "$gitdir" || -f "$gitdir/NO_AUTO_FETCH" ]] ||
+ [[ -f "$gitdir/FETCH_LOG" && ! -w "$gitdir/FETCH_LOG" ]]; then
return 0
@@ -24,8 +25,9 @@ function git-fetch-all {
# Fetch all remotes (avoid ssh passphrase prompt)
+ date -R &>! "$gitdir/FETCH_LOG"
GIT_SSH_COMMAND="command ssh -o BatchMode=yes" \
- command git fetch --all 2>/dev/null &>! "$gitdir/FETCH_LOG"
+ command git fetch --all 2>/dev/null &>> "$gitdir/FETCH_LOG"
) &|
diff --git a/plugins/git/ b/plugins/git/
index 522257d2d..e53d93b0b 100644
--- a/plugins/git/
+++ b/plugins/git/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ plugins=(... git)
| gb | git branch |
| gba | git branch -a |
| gbd | git branch -d |
-| gbda | git branch --no-color --merged \| command grep -vE "^(\+\|\*\|\s*($(git_main_branch)\|$(git_develop_branch))\s*$)" \| command xargs -n 1 git branch -d |
+| gbda | git branch --no-color --merged \| grep -vE "^([+*]\|\s*($(git_main_branch)\|$(git_develop_branch))\s*$)" \| xargs git branch -d 2>/dev/null |
| gbD | git branch -D |
| gbl | git blame -b -w |
| gbnm | git branch --no-merged |
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ plugins=(... git)
| gds | git diff --staged |
| gdt | git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r |
| gdnolock | git diff $@ ":(exclude)package-lock.json" ":(exclude)&ast;.lock" |
+| gdu | git diff @{u} |
| gdv | git diff -w $@ \| view - |
| gdw | git diff --word-diff |
| gf | git fetch |
@@ -98,18 +99,18 @@ plugins=(... git)
| glgga | git log --graph --decorate --all |
| glgm | git log --graph --max-count=10 |
| glo | git log --oneline --decorate |
-| glol | git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' |
-| glols | git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --stat |
+| glol | git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ar) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' |
+| glols | git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ar) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --stat |
| glod | git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ad) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' |
| glods | git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ad) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --date=short |
-| glola | git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --all |
+| glola | git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ar) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --all |
| glog | git log --oneline --decorate --graph |
| gloga | git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all |
| glp | git log --pretty=\<format\> |
| gm | git merge |
| gmom | git merge origin/$(git_main_branch) |
-| gmt | git mergetool --no-prompt |
-| gmtvim | git mergetool --no-prompt --tool=vimdiff |
+| gmtl | git mergetool --no-prompt |
+| gmtlvim | git mergetool --no-prompt --tool=vimdiff |
| gmum | git merge upstream/$(git_main_branch) |
| gma | git merge --abort |
| gp | git push |
diff --git a/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh b/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh
index 3cd558692..76e0faed3 100644
--- a/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ function work_in_progress() {
# Check if main exists and use instead of master
function git_main_branch() {
command git rev-parse --git-dir &>/dev/null || return
- local branch
- for branch in main trunk; do
- if command git show-ref -q --verify refs/heads/$branch; then
- echo $branch
+ local ref
+ for ref in refs/{heads,remotes/{origin,upstream}}/{main,trunk}; do
+ if command git show-ref -q --verify $ref; then
+ echo ${ref:t}
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ alias gapt='git apply --3way'
alias gb='git branch'
alias gba='git branch -a'
alias gbd='git branch -d'
-alias gbda='git branch --no-color --merged | command grep -vE "^(\+|\*|\s*($(git_main_branch)|$(git_develop_branch))\s*$)" | command xargs -n 1 git branch -d'
+alias gbda='git branch --no-color --merged | command grep -vE "^([+*]|\s*($(git_main_branch)|$(git_develop_branch))\s*$)" | command xargs git branch -d 2>/dev/null'
alias gbD='git branch -D'
alias gbl='git blame -b -w'
alias gbnm='git branch --no-merged'
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ alias gdcw='git diff --cached --word-diff'
alias gdct='git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)'
alias gds='git diff --staged'
alias gdt='git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r'
+alias gdu='git diff @{u}'
alias gdw='git diff --word-diff'
function gdnolock() {
@@ -210,19 +211,19 @@ alias glgg='git log --graph'
alias glgga='git log --graph --decorate --all'
alias glgm='git log --graph --max-count=10'
alias glo='git log --oneline --decorate'
-alias glol="git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'"
-alias glols="git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --stat"
+alias glol="git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ar) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'"
+alias glols="git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ar) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --stat"
alias glod="git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ad) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'"
alias glods="git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ad) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --date=short"
-alias glola="git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --all"
+alias glola="git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ar) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --all"
alias glog='git log --oneline --decorate --graph'
alias gloga='git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all'
alias glp="_git_log_prettily"
alias gm='git merge'
alias gmom='git merge origin/$(git_main_branch)'
-alias gmt='git mergetool --no-prompt'
-alias gmtvim='git mergetool --no-prompt --tool=vimdiff'
+alias gmtl='git mergetool --no-prompt'
+alias gmtlvim='git mergetool --no-prompt --tool=vimdiff'
alias gmum='git merge upstream/$(git_main_branch)'
alias gma='git merge --abort'
diff --git a/plugins/kubectx/kubectx.plugin.zsh b/plugins/kubectx/kubectx.plugin.zsh
index 56b7217f1..abbdc254b 100644
--- a/plugins/kubectx/kubectx.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/kubectx/kubectx.plugin.zsh
@@ -3,12 +3,7 @@ typeset -A kubectx_mapping
function kubectx_prompt_info() {
if [ $commands[kubectl] ]; then
local current_ctx=`kubectl config current-context`
- #if associative array declared
- if [[ -n $kubectx_mapping ]]; then
- echo "${kubectx_mapping[$current_ctx]}"
- else
- echo $current_ctx
- fi
+ # use value in associative array if it exists, otherwise fall back to the context name
+ echo "${kubectx_mapping[$current_ctx]:-$current_ctx}"
diff --git a/plugins/pyenv/ b/plugins/pyenv/
index d063b55b9..b9ee937b7 100644
--- a/plugins/pyenv/
+++ b/plugins/pyenv/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# pyenv
+# pyenv
This plugin looks for [pyenv](, a Simple Python version
management system, and loads it if it's found. It also loads pyenv-virtualenv, a pyenv
@@ -10,6 +10,14 @@ To use it, add `pyenv` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... pyenv)
+## Settings
+- `ZSH_PYENV_QUIET`: if set to `true`, the plugin will not print any messages if it
+ finds that `pyenv` is not properly configured.
+- `ZSH_PYENV_VIRTUALENV`: if set to `false`, the plugin will not load pyenv-virtualenv
+ when it finds it.
## Functions
- `pyenv_prompt_info`: displays the Python version in use by pyenv; or the global Python
diff --git a/plugins/pyenv/pyenv.plugin.zsh b/plugins/pyenv/pyenv.plugin.zsh
index 813f64b42..d91b5daa7 100644
--- a/plugins/pyenv/pyenv.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/pyenv/pyenv.plugin.zsh
@@ -1,3 +1,24 @@
+pyenv_config_warning() {
+ [[ "$ZSH_PYENV_QUIET" != true ]] || return 0
+ local reason="$1"
+ local pyenv_root="${PYENV_ROOT/#$HOME/\$HOME}"
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+Found pyenv, but it is badly configured ($reason). pyenv might not
+work correctly for non-interactive shells (for example, when run from a script).
+To fix this message, add these lines to the '.profile' and '.zprofile' files
+in your home directory:
+export PYENV_ROOT="$pyenv_root"
+export PATH="\$PYENV_ROOT/bin:\$PATH"
+eval "\$(pyenv init --path)"
+You'll need to restart your user session for the changes to take effect.${(%):-%b%f}
+For more information go to
# This plugin loads pyenv into the current shell and provides prompt info via
# the 'pyenv_prompt_info' function. Also loads pyenv-virtualenv if available.
@@ -30,31 +51,34 @@ if [[ $FOUND_PYENV -ne 1 ]]; then
# If we found pyenv, load it but show a caveat about non-interactive shells
if [[ $FOUND_PYENV -eq 1 ]]; then
- cat <<EOF
-Found pyenv, but it is badly configured. pyenv might not work for
-non-interactive shells (for example, when run from a script).
-To fix this message, add these lines to the '.profile' and '.zprofile' files
-in your home directory:
-export PYENV_ROOT="${dir/#$HOME/\$HOME}"
-export PATH="\$PYENV_ROOT/bin:\$PATH"
-eval "\$(pyenv init --path)"
-For more info go to
# Configuring in .zshrc only makes pyenv available for interactive shells
- export PYENV_ROOT=$dir
+ export PYENV_ROOT="$dir"
export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init --path)"
+ # Show warning due to bad pyenv configuration
+ pyenv_config_warning 'pyenv command not found in $PATH'
if [[ $FOUND_PYENV -eq 1 ]]; then
+ if [[ -z "$PYENV_ROOT" ]]; then
+ # This is only for backwards compatibility with users that previously relied
+ # on this plugin exporting it. pyenv itself does not require it to be exported
+ export PYENV_ROOT="$(pyenv root)"
+ fi
+ # Add pyenv shims to $PATH if not already added
+ if [[ -z "${path[(Re)$(pyenv root)/shims]}" ]]; then
+ eval "$(pyenv init --path)"
+ pyenv_config_warning 'missing pyenv shims in $PATH'
+ fi
+ # Load pyenv
eval "$(pyenv init - --no-rehash zsh)"
- if (( ${+commands[pyenv-virtualenv-init]} )); then
+ # If pyenv-virtualenv exists, load it
+ if [[ -d "$(pyenv root)/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv" && "$ZSH_PYENV_VIRTUALENV" != false ]]; then
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init - zsh)"
@@ -69,3 +93,4 @@ else
unset FOUND_PYENV pyenvdirs dir
+unfunction pyenv_config_warning
diff --git a/plugins/rustup/.gitignore b/plugins/rustup/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad38ae3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/rustup/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/plugins/rustup/_rustup b/plugins/rustup/_rustup
deleted file mode 100644
index dab33533a..000000000
--- a/plugins/rustup/_rustup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1143 +0,0 @@
-#compdef rustup
-autoload -U is-at-least
-_rustup() {
- typeset -A opt_args
- typeset -a _arguments_options
- local ret=1
- if is-at-least 5.2; then
- _arguments_options=(-s -S -C)
- else
- _arguments_options=(-s -C)
- fi
- local context curcontext="$curcontext" state line
- _arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-v[Enable verbose output]' \
-'--verbose[Enable verbose output]' \
-'(-v --verbose)-q[Disable progress output]' \
-'(-v --verbose)--quiet[Disable progress output]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-'::+toolchain -- release channel (e.g. +stable) or custom toolchain to set override:_files' \
-":: :_rustup_commands" \
-"*::: :->rustup" \
-&& ret=0
- case $state in
- (rustup)
- words=($line[2] "${words[@]}")
- (( CURRENT += 1 ))
- curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:rustup-command-$line[2]:"
- case $line[2] in
- (dump-testament)
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-":: :_rustup__show_commands" \
-"*::: :->show" \
-&& ret=0
-case $state in
- (show)
- words=($line[1] "${words[@]}")
- (( CURRENT += 1 ))
- curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:rustup-show-command-$line[1]:"
- case $line[1] in
- (active-toolchain)
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
- esac
- ;;
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--profile=[]: :(minimal default complete)' \
-'--no-self-update[Don'\''t perform self-update when running the `rustup install` command]' \
-'--force[Force an update, even if some components are missing]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':toolchain -- Toolchain name, such as 'stable', 'nightly', or '1.8.0'. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':toolchain -- Toolchain name, such as 'stable', 'nightly', or '1.8.0'. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--no-self-update[Don'\''t perform self update when running the `rustup update` command]' \
-'--force[Force an update, even if some components are missing]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-'::toolchain -- Toolchain name, such as 'stable', 'nightly', or '1.8.0'. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-'::toolchain -- Toolchain name, such as 'stable', 'nightly', or '1.8.0'. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-":: :_rustup__toolchain_commands" \
-"*::: :->toolchain" \
-&& ret=0
-case $state in
- (toolchain)
- words=($line[1] "${words[@]}")
- (( CURRENT += 1 ))
- curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:rustup-toolchain-command-$line[1]:"
- case $line[1] in
- (list)
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-v[Enable verbose output with toolchain information]' \
-'--verbose[Enable verbose output with toolchain information]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--profile=[]: :(minimal default complete)' \
-'*-c+[Add specific components on installation]' \
-'*--component=[Add specific components on installation]' \
-'*-t+[Add specific targets on installation]' \
-'*--target=[Add specific targets on installation]' \
-'--no-self-update[Don'\''t perform self update when running the`rustup toolchain install` command]' \
-'--force[Force an update, even if some components are missing]' \
-'--allow-downgrade[Allow rustup to downgrade the toolchain to satisfy your component choice]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':toolchain -- Toolchain name, such as 'stable', 'nightly', or '1.8.0'. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--profile=[]: :(minimal default complete)' \
-'*-c+[Add specific components on installation]' \
-'*--component=[Add specific components on installation]' \
-'*-t+[Add specific targets on installation]' \
-'*--target=[Add specific targets on installation]' \
-'--no-self-update[Don'\''t perform self update when running the`rustup toolchain install` command]' \
-'--force[Force an update, even if some components are missing]' \
-'--allow-downgrade[Allow rustup to downgrade the toolchain to satisfy your component choice]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':toolchain -- Toolchain name, such as 'stable', 'nightly', or '1.8.0'. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--profile=[]: :(minimal default complete)' \
-'*-c+[Add specific components on installation]' \
-'*--component=[Add specific components on installation]' \
-'*-t+[Add specific targets on installation]' \
-'*--target=[Add specific targets on installation]' \
-'--no-self-update[Don'\''t perform self update when running the`rustup toolchain install` command]' \
-'--force[Force an update, even if some components are missing]' \
-'--allow-downgrade[Allow rustup to downgrade the toolchain to satisfy your component choice]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':toolchain -- Toolchain name, such as 'stable', 'nightly', or '1.8.0'. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':toolchain -- Toolchain name, such as 'stable', 'nightly', or '1.8.0'. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':toolchain -- Toolchain name, such as 'stable', 'nightly', or '1.8.0'. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':toolchain -- Toolchain name, such as 'stable', 'nightly', or '1.8.0'. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`:_files' \
-':path:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
- esac
- ;;
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-":: :_rustup__target_commands" \
-"*::: :->target" \
-&& ret=0
-case $state in
- (target)
- words=($line[1] "${words[@]}")
- (( CURRENT += 1 ))
- curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:rustup-target-command-$line[1]:"
- case $line[1] in
- (list)
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--toolchain=[Toolchain name, such as '\''stable'\'', '\''nightly'\'', or '\''1.8.0'\''. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`]' \
-'--installed[List only installed targets]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--toolchain=[Toolchain name, such as '\''stable'\'', '\''nightly'\'', or '\''1.8.0'\''. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':target -- List of targets to install; "all" installs all available targets:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--toolchain=[Toolchain name, such as '\''stable'\'', '\''nightly'\'', or '\''1.8.0'\''. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':target -- List of targets to install; "all" installs all available targets:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--toolchain=[Toolchain name, such as '\''stable'\'', '\''nightly'\'', or '\''1.8.0'\''. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':target:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--toolchain=[Toolchain name, such as '\''stable'\'', '\''nightly'\'', or '\''1.8.0'\''. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':target:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
- esac
- ;;
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-":: :_rustup__component_commands" \
-"*::: :->component" \
-&& ret=0
-case $state in
- (component)
- words=($line[1] "${words[@]}")
- (( CURRENT += 1 ))
- curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:rustup-component-command-$line[1]:"
- case $line[1] in
- (list)
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--toolchain=[Toolchain name, such as '\''stable'\'', '\''nightly'\'', or '\''1.8.0'\''. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`]' \
-'--installed[List only installed components]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--toolchain=[Toolchain name, such as '\''stable'\'', '\''nightly'\'', or '\''1.8.0'\''. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`]' \
-'--target=[]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':component:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--toolchain=[Toolchain name, such as '\''stable'\'', '\''nightly'\'', or '\''1.8.0'\''. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`]' \
-'--target=[]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':component:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
- esac
- ;;
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-":: :_rustup__override_commands" \
-"*::: :->override" \
-&& ret=0
-case $state in
- (override)
- words=($line[1] "${words[@]}")
- (( CURRENT += 1 ))
- curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:rustup-override-command-$line[1]:"
- case $line[1] in
- (list)
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--path=[Path to the directory]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':toolchain -- Toolchain name, such as 'stable', 'nightly', or '1.8.0'. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--path=[Path to the directory]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':toolchain -- Toolchain name, such as 'stable', 'nightly', or '1.8.0'. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--path=[Path to the directory]' \
-'--nonexistent[Remove override toolchain for all nonexistent directories]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--path=[Path to the directory]' \
-'--nonexistent[Remove override toolchain for all nonexistent directories]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
- esac
- ;;
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--install[Install the requested toolchain if needed]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':toolchain -- Toolchain name, such as 'stable', 'nightly', or '1.8.0'. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`:_files' \
-':command:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--toolchain=[Toolchain name, such as '\''stable'\'', '\''nightly'\'', or '\''1.8.0'\''. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':command:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--toolchain=[Toolchain name, such as '\''stable'\'', '\''nightly'\'', or '\''1.8.0'\''. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`]' \
-'--path[Only print the path to the documentation]' \
-'--alloc[The Rust core allocation and collections library]' \
-'--book[The Rust Programming Language book]' \
-'--cargo[The Cargo Book]' \
-'--core[The Rust Core Library]' \
-'--edition-guide[The Rust Edition Guide]' \
-'--nomicon[The Dark Arts of Advanced and Unsafe Rust Programming]' \
-'--proc_macro[A support library for macro authors when defining new macros]' \
-'--reference[The Rust Reference]' \
-'--rust-by-example[A collection of runnable examples that illustrate various Rust concepts and standard libraries]' \
-'--rustc[The compiler for the Rust programming language]' \
-'--rustdoc[Generate documentation for Rust projects]' \
-'--std[Standard library API documentation]' \
-'--test[Support code for rustc'\''s built in unit-test and micro-benchmarking framework]' \
-'--unstable-book[The Unstable Book]' \
-'--embedded-book[The Embedded Rust Book]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-'::topic -- Topic such as 'core', 'fn', 'usize', 'eprintln!', 'core::arch', 'alloc::format!', 'std::fs', 'std::fs::read_dir', 'std::io::Bytes', 'std::iter::Sum', 'std::io::error::Result' etc...:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--toolchain=[Toolchain name, such as '\''stable'\'', '\''nightly'\'', or '\''1.8.0'\''. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`]' \
-'--path[Only print the path to the documentation]' \
-'--alloc[The Rust core allocation and collections library]' \
-'--book[The Rust Programming Language book]' \
-'--cargo[The Cargo Book]' \
-'--core[The Rust Core Library]' \
-'--edition-guide[The Rust Edition Guide]' \
-'--nomicon[The Dark Arts of Advanced and Unsafe Rust Programming]' \
-'--proc_macro[A support library for macro authors when defining new macros]' \
-'--reference[The Rust Reference]' \
-'--rust-by-example[A collection of runnable examples that illustrate various Rust concepts and standard libraries]' \
-'--rustc[The compiler for the Rust programming language]' \
-'--rustdoc[Generate documentation for Rust projects]' \
-'--std[Standard library API documentation]' \
-'--test[Support code for rustc'\''s built in unit-test and micro-benchmarking framework]' \
-'--unstable-book[The Unstable Book]' \
-'--embedded-book[The Embedded Rust Book]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-'::topic -- Topic such as 'core', 'fn', 'usize', 'eprintln!', 'core::arch', 'alloc::format!', 'std::fs', 'std::fs::read_dir', 'std::io::Bytes', 'std::iter::Sum', 'std::io::error::Result' etc...:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'--toolchain=[Toolchain name, such as '\''stable'\'', '\''nightly'\'', or '\''1.8.0'\''. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':command:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-":: :_rustup__self_commands" \
-"*::: :->self" \
-&& ret=0
-case $state in
- (self)
- words=($line[1] "${words[@]}")
- (( CURRENT += 1 ))
- curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:rustup-self-command-$line[1]:"
- case $line[1] in
- (update)
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-y[]' \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
- esac
- ;;
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-":: :_rustup__set_commands" \
-"*::: :->set" \
-&& ret=0
-case $state in
- (set)
- words=($line[1] "${words[@]}")
- (( CURRENT += 1 ))
- curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:rustup-set-command-$line[1]:"
- case $line[1] in
- (default-host)
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':host_triple:_files' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-':profile-name:(minimal default complete)' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
- esac
- ;;
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-'::shell:(zsh bash fish powershell elvish)' \
-'::command:(rustup cargo)' \
-&& ret=0
-_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
-'-h[Prints help information]' \
-'--help[Prints help information]' \
-'-V[Prints version information]' \
-'--version[Prints version information]' \
-&& ret=0
- esac
- ;;
-(( $+functions[_rustup_commands] )) ||
-_rustup_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- "dump-testament:Dump information about the build" \
-"show:Show the active and installed toolchains or profiles" \
-"install:Update Rust toolchains" \
-"uninstall:Uninstall Rust toolchains" \
-"update:Update Rust toolchains and rustup" \
-"check:Check for updates to Rust toolchains" \
-"default:Set the default toolchain" \
-"toolchain:Modify or query the installed toolchains" \
-"target:Modify a toolchain's supported targets" \
-"component:Modify a toolchain's installed components" \
-"override:Modify directory toolchain overrides" \
-"run:Run a command with an environment configured for a given toolchain" \
-"which:Display which binary will be run for a given command" \
-"doc:Open the documentation for the current toolchain" \
-"man:View the man page for a given command" \
-"self:Modify the rustup installation" \
-"set:Alter rustup settings" \
-"completions:Generate tab-completion scripts for your shell" \
-"help:Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)" \
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__show__active-toolchain_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__show__active-toolchain_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup show active-toolchain commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__add_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__add_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup add commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__component__add_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__component__add_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup component add commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__override__add_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__override__add_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup override add commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__target__add_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__target__add_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup target add commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__toolchain__add_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__toolchain__add_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup toolchain add commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__check_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__check_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup check commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__completions_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__completions_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup completions commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__component_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__component_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- "list:List installed and available components" \
-"add:Add a component to a Rust toolchain" \
-"remove:Remove a component from a Rust toolchain" \
-"help:Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)" \
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup component commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__default_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__default_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup default commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__set__default-host_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__set__default-host_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup set default-host commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__doc_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__doc_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup doc commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_docs_commands] )) ||
-_docs_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'docs commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__docs_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__docs_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup docs commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__dump-testament_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__dump-testament_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup dump-testament commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__component__help_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__component__help_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup component help commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__help_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__help_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup help commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__override__help_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__override__help_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup override help commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__self__help_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__self__help_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup self help commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__set__help_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__set__help_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup set help commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__show__help_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__show__help_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup show help commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__target__help_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__target__help_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup target help commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__toolchain__help_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__toolchain__help_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup toolchain help commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__show__home_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__show__home_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup show home commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__install_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__install_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup install commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__target__install_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__target__install_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup target install commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__toolchain__install_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__toolchain__install_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup toolchain install commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__show__keys_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__show__keys_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup show keys commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__toolchain__link_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__toolchain__link_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup toolchain link commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__component__list_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__component__list_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup component list commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__override__list_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__override__list_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup override list commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__target__list_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__target__list_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup target list commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__toolchain__list_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__toolchain__list_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup toolchain list commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__man_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__man_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup man commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__override_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__override_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- "list:List directory toolchain overrides" \
-"set:Set the override toolchain for a directory" \
-"unset:Remove the override toolchain for a directory" \
-"help:Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)" \
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup override commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__set__profile_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__set__profile_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup set profile commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__show__profile_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__show__profile_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup show profile commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__component__remove_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__component__remove_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup component remove commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__override__remove_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__override__remove_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup override remove commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__remove_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__remove_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup remove commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__target__remove_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__target__remove_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup target remove commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__toolchain__remove_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__toolchain__remove_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup toolchain remove commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__run_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__run_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup run commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__self_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__self_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- "update:Download and install updates to rustup" \
-"uninstall:Uninstall rustup." \
-"upgrade-data:Upgrade the internal data format." \
-"help:Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)" \
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup self commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__override__set_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__override__set_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup override set commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__set_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__set_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- "default-host:The triple used to identify toolchains when not specified" \
-"profile:The default components installed" \
-"help:Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)" \
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup set commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__show_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__show_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- "active-toolchain:Show the active toolchain" \
-"home:Display the computed value of RUSTUP_HOME" \
-"profile:Show the current profile" \
-"keys:Display the known PGP keys" \
-"help:Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)" \
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup show commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__target_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__target_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- "list:List installed and available targets" \
-"add:Add a target to a Rust toolchain" \
-"remove:Remove a target from a Rust toolchain" \
-"help:Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)" \
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup target commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__toolchain_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__toolchain_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- "list:List installed toolchains" \
-"install:Install or update a given toolchain" \
-"uninstall:Uninstall a toolchain" \
-"link:Create a custom toolchain by symlinking to a directory" \
-"help:Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)" \
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup toolchain commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__self__uninstall_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__self__uninstall_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup self uninstall commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__target__uninstall_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__target__uninstall_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup target uninstall commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__toolchain__uninstall_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__toolchain__uninstall_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup toolchain uninstall commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__uninstall_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__uninstall_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup uninstall commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__override__unset_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__override__unset_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup override unset commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__self__update_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__self__update_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup self update commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__toolchain__update_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__toolchain__update_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup toolchain update commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__update_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__update_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup update commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__self__upgrade-data_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__self__upgrade-data_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup self upgrade-data commands' commands "$@"
-(( $+functions[_rustup__which_commands] )) ||
-_rustup__which_commands() {
- local commands; commands=(
- )
- _describe -t commands 'rustup which commands' commands "$@"
-_rustup "$@" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/rustup/rustup.plugin.zsh b/plugins/rustup/rustup.plugin.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7a9b3060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/rustup/rustup.plugin.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+if (( $+commands[rustup] )); then
+ if [[ ! -f $ZSH_CACHE_DIR/rustup_version ]] \
+ || [[ "$(rustup --version 2> /dev/null)" \
+ != "$(< "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/rustup_version")" ]] \
+ || [[ ! -f $ZSH/plugins/rustup/_rustup ]]; then
+ rustup completions zsh > $ZSH/plugins/rustup/_rustup
+ rustup --version 2> /dev/null > $ZSH_CACHE_DIR/rustup_version
+ fi
+ autoload -Uz _rustup
+ _comps[rustup]=_rustup
diff --git a/plugins/ssh-agent/ b/plugins/ssh-agent/
index 8765a9c7e..d1a504b1e 100644
--- a/plugins/ssh-agent/
+++ b/plugins/ssh-agent/
@@ -27,6 +27,15 @@ To **load multiple identities** use the `identities` style, For example:
zstyle :omz:plugins:ssh-agent identities id_rsa id_rsa2 id_github
+**NOTE:** the identities may be an absolute path if they are somewhere other than
+`~/.ssh`. For example:
+zstyle :omz:plugins:ssh-agent identities ~/.config/ssh/id_rsa ~/.config/ssh/id_rsa2 ~/.config/ssh/id_github
+# which can be simplified to
+zstyle :omz:plugins:ssh-agent identities ~/.config/ssh/{id_rsa,id_rsa2,id_github}
To **set the maximum lifetime of the identities**, use the `lifetime` style.
@@ -55,6 +64,15 @@ ssh-add -K -c -a /run/user/1000/ssh-auth <identities>
For valid `ssh-add` arguments run `ssh-add --help` or `man ssh-add`.
+To set an **external helper** to ask for the passwords and possibly store
+them in the system keychain use the `helper` style. For example:
+zstyle :omz:plugins:ssh-agent helper ksshaskpass
## Credits
Based on code from Joseph M. Reagle:
diff --git a/plugins/ssh-agent/ssh-agent.plugin.zsh b/plugins/ssh-agent/ssh-agent.plugin.zsh
index d45406f63..2d7d8a2a0 100644
--- a/plugins/ssh-agent/ssh-agent.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/ssh-agent/ssh-agent.plugin.zsh
@@ -1,84 +1,102 @@
-typeset _agent_forwarding _ssh_env_cache
+# Get the filename to store/lookup the environment from
function _start_agent() {
- local lifetime
- zstyle -s :omz:plugins:ssh-agent lifetime lifetime
- # start ssh-agent and setup environment
- echo Starting ssh-agent...
- ssh-agent -s ${lifetime:+-t} ${lifetime} | sed 's/^echo/#echo/' >! $_ssh_env_cache
- chmod 600 $_ssh_env_cache
- . $_ssh_env_cache > /dev/null
+ # Check if ssh-agent is already running
+ if [[ -f "$ssh_env_cache" ]]; then
+ . "$ssh_env_cache" > /dev/null
+ {
+ [[ "$USERNAME" = root ]] && command ps ax || command ps x
+ } | command grep ssh-agent | command grep -q $SSH_AGENT_PID && return 0
+ fi
+ # Set a maximum lifetime for identities added to ssh-agent
+ local lifetime
+ zstyle -s :omz:plugins:ssh-agent lifetime lifetime
+ # start ssh-agent and setup environment
+ echo Starting ssh-agent...
+ ssh-agent -s ${lifetime:+-t} ${lifetime} | sed '/^echo/d' >! "$ssh_env_cache"
+ chmod 600 "$ssh_env_cache"
+ . "$ssh_env_cache" > /dev/null
function _add_identities() {
- local id line sig lines
- local -a identities loaded_sigs loaded_ids not_loaded
- zstyle -a :omz:plugins:ssh-agent identities identities
- # check for .ssh folder presence
- if [[ ! -d $HOME/.ssh ]]; then
- return
- fi
- # add default keys if no identities were set up via zstyle
- # this is to mimic the call to ssh-add with no identities
- if [[ ${#identities} -eq 0 ]]; then
- # key list found on `ssh-add` man page's DESCRIPTION section
- for id in id_rsa id_dsa id_ecdsa id_ed25519 identity; do
- # check if file exists
- [[ -f "$HOME/.ssh/$id" ]] && identities+=$id
- done
- fi
- # get list of loaded identities' signatures and filenames
- if lines=$(ssh-add -l); then
- for line in ${(f)lines}; do
- loaded_sigs+=${${(z)line}[2]}
- loaded_ids+=${${(z)line}[3]}
- done
- fi
- # add identities if not already loaded
- for id in $identities; do
- # check for filename match, otherwise try for signature match
- if [[ ${loaded_ids[(I)$HOME/.ssh/$id]} -le 0 ]]; then
- sig="$(ssh-keygen -lf "$HOME/.ssh/$id" | awk '{print $2}')"
- [[ ${loaded_sigs[(I)$sig]} -le 0 ]] && not_loaded+="$HOME/.ssh/$id"
- fi
- done
- local args
- zstyle -a :omz:plugins:ssh-agent ssh-add-args args
- [[ -n "$not_loaded" ]] && ssh-add "${args[@]}" ${^not_loaded}
+ local id file line sig lines
+ local -a identities loaded_sigs loaded_ids not_loaded
+ zstyle -a :omz:plugins:ssh-agent identities identities
-# Get the filename to store/lookup the environment from
+ # check for .ssh folder presence
+ if [[ ! -d "$HOME/.ssh" ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ # add default keys if no identities were set up via zstyle
+ # this is to mimic the call to ssh-add with no identities
+ if [[ ${#identities} -eq 0 ]]; then
+ # key list found on `ssh-add` man page's DESCRIPTION section
+ for id in id_rsa id_dsa id_ecdsa id_ed25519 identity; do
+ # check if file exists
+ [[ -f "$HOME/.ssh/$id" ]] && identities+=($id)
+ done
+ fi
+ # get list of loaded identities' signatures and filenames
+ if lines=$(ssh-add -l); then
+ for line in ${(f)lines}; do
+ loaded_sigs+=${${(z)line}[2]}
+ loaded_ids+=${${(z)line}[3]}
+ done
+ fi
+ # add identities if not already loaded
+ for id in $identities; do
+ # if id is an absolute path, make file equal to id
+ [[ "$id" = /* ]] && file="$id" || file="$HOME/.ssh/$id"
+ # check for filename match, otherwise try for signature match
+ if [[ ${loaded_ids[(I)$file]} -le 0 ]]; then
+ sig="$(ssh-keygen -lf "$file" | awk '{print $2}')"
+ [[ ${loaded_sigs[(I)$sig]} -le 0 ]] && not_loaded+=("$file")
+ fi
+ done
+ # abort if no identities need to be loaded
+ if [[ ${#not_loaded} -eq 0 ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ # pass extra arguments to ssh-add
+ local args
+ zstyle -a :omz:plugins:ssh-agent ssh-add-args args
+ # use user specified helper to ask for password (ksshaskpass, etc)
+ local helper
+ zstyle -s :omz:plugins:ssh-agent helper helper
+ if [[ -n "$helper" ]]; then
+ if [[ -z "${commands[$helper]}" ]]; then
+ echo "ssh-agent: the helper '$helper' has not been found."
+ else
+ SSH_ASKPASS="$helper" ssh-add "${args[@]}" ${^not_loaded} < /dev/null
+ return $?
+ fi
+ fi
+ ssh-add "${args[@]}" ${^not_loaded}
# test if agent-forwarding is enabled
-zstyle -b :omz:plugins:ssh-agent agent-forwarding _agent_forwarding
-if [[ $_agent_forwarding == "yes" && -n "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]]; then
- # Add a nifty symlink for screen/tmux if agent forwarding
- [[ -L $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ]] || ln -sf "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" /tmp/ssh-agent-$USERNAME-screen
-elif [[ -f "$_ssh_env_cache" ]]; then
- # Source SSH settings, if applicable
- . $_ssh_env_cache > /dev/null
- if [[ $USERNAME == "root" ]]; then
- FILTER="ax"
- else
- FILTER="x"
- fi
- ps $FILTER | grep ssh-agent | grep -q $SSH_AGENT_PID || {
- _start_agent
- }
+zstyle -b :omz:plugins:ssh-agent agent-forwarding agent_forwarding
+# Add a nifty symlink for screen/tmux if agent forwarding
+if [[ $agent_forwarding = "yes" && -n "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" && ! -L "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]]; then
+ ln -sf "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" /tmp/ssh-agent-$USERNAME-screen
- _start_agent
+ _start_agent
-# tidy up after ourselves
-unset _agent_forwarding _ssh_env_cache
+unset agent_forwarding ssh_env_cache
unfunction _start_agent _add_identities
diff --git a/plugins/sudo/sudo.plugin.zsh b/plugins/sudo/sudo.plugin.zsh
index f2445a762..e02f88a87 100644
--- a/plugins/sudo/sudo.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/sudo/sudo.plugin.zsh
@@ -15,48 +15,76 @@
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
__sudo-replace-buffer() {
- local old=$1 new=$2 space=${2:+ }
- if [[ ${#LBUFFER} -le ${#old} ]]; then
- RBUFFER="${space}${BUFFER#$old }"
- LBUFFER="${new}"
- else
- LBUFFER="${new}${space}${LBUFFER#$old }"
- fi
+ local old=$1 new=$2 space=${2:+ }
+ if [[ ${#LBUFFER} -le ${#old} ]]; then
+ RBUFFER="${space}${BUFFER#$old }"
+ LBUFFER="${new}"
+ else
+ LBUFFER="${new}${space}${LBUFFER#$old }"
+ fi
sudo-command-line() {
- [[ -z $BUFFER ]] && LBUFFER="$(fc -ln -1)"
+ # If line is empty, get the last run command from history
+ [[ -z $BUFFER ]] && LBUFFER="$(fc -ln -1)"
- # Save beginning space
- local WHITESPACE=""
- if [[ ${LBUFFER:0:1} = " " ]]; then
- fi
+ # Save beginning space
+ local WHITESPACE=""
+ if [[ ${LBUFFER:0:1} = " " ]]; then
+ fi
- # Get the first part of the typed command and check if it's an alias to $EDITOR
- # If so, locally change $EDITOR to the alias so that it matches below
- if [[ -n "$EDITOR" ]]; then
- local cmd="${${(Az)BUFFER}[1]}"
- if [[ "${aliases[$cmd]} " = (\$EDITOR|$EDITOR)\ * ]]; then
- local EDITOR="$cmd"
- fi
- fi
+ # If $EDITOR is not set, just toggle the sudo prefix on and off
+ if [[ -z "$EDITOR" ]]; then
+ case "$BUFFER" in
+ sudoedit\ *) __sudo-replace-buffer "sudoedit" "" ;;
+ sudo\ *) __sudo-replace-buffer "sudo" "" ;;
+ *) LBUFFER="sudo $LBUFFER" ;;
+ esac
+ else
+ # Check if the typed command is really an alias to $EDITOR
- if [[ -n $EDITOR && $BUFFER = $EDITOR\ * ]]; then
- __sudo-replace-buffer "$EDITOR" "sudoedit"
- elif [[ -n $EDITOR && $BUFFER = \$EDITOR\ * ]]; then
- __sudo-replace-buffer "\$EDITOR" "sudoedit"
- elif [[ $BUFFER = sudoedit\ * ]]; then
- __sudo-replace-buffer "sudoedit" "$EDITOR"
- elif [[ $BUFFER = sudo\ * ]]; then
- __sudo-replace-buffer "sudo" ""
- else
+ # Get the first part of the typed command
+ local cmd="${${(Az)BUFFER}[1]}"
+ # Get the first part of the alias of the same name as $cmd, or $cmd if no alias matches
+ local realcmd="${${(Az)aliases[$cmd]}[1]:-$cmd}"
+ # Get the first part of the $EDITOR command ($EDITOR may have arguments after it)
+ local editorcmd="${${(Az)EDITOR}[1]}"
+ # Note: ${var:c} makes a $PATH search and expands $var to the full path
+ # The if condition is met when:
+ # - $realcmd is '$EDITOR'
+ # - $realcmd is "cmd" and $EDITOR is "cmd"
+ # - $realcmd is "cmd" and $EDITOR is "cmd --with --arguments"
+ # - $realcmd is "/path/to/cmd" and $EDITOR is "cmd"
+ # - $realcmd is "/path/to/cmd" and $EDITOR is "/path/to/cmd"
+ # or
+ # - $realcmd is "cmd" and $EDITOR is "cmd"
+ # - $realcmd is "cmd" and $EDITOR is "/path/to/cmd"
+ # or
+ # - $realcmd is "cmd" and $EDITOR is /alternative/path/to/cmd that appears in $PATH
+ if [[ "$realcmd" = (\$EDITOR|$editorcmd|${editorcmd:c}) \
+ || "${realcmd:c}" = ($editorcmd|${editorcmd:c}) ]] \
+ || builtin which -a "$realcmd" | command grep -Fx -q "$editorcmd"; then
+ editorcmd="$cmd" # replace $editorcmd with the typed command so it matches below
- # Preserve beginning space
+ # Check for editor commands in the typed command and replace accordingly
+ case "$BUFFER" in
+ $editorcmd\ *) __sudo-replace-buffer "$editorcmd" "sudoedit" ;;
+ \$EDITOR\ *) __sudo-replace-buffer '$EDITOR' "sudoedit" ;;
+ sudoedit\ *) __sudo-replace-buffer "sudoedit" "$EDITOR" ;;
+ sudo\ *) __sudo-replace-buffer "sudo" "" ;;
+ *) LBUFFER="sudo $LBUFFER" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # Preserve beginning space
+ # Redisplay edit buffer (compatibility with zsh-syntax-highlighting)
+ zle redisplay
zle -N sudo-command-line
diff --git a/plugins/suse/ b/plugins/suse/
index b9b069574..06c6d9ef5 100644
--- a/plugins/suse/
+++ b/plugins/suse/
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
**Maintainer**: [r-darwish](
- Alias for Zypper according to the official Zypper's alias
+Alias for Zypper according to the official Zypper's alias
- To use it add `suse` to the plugins array in you zshrc file.
+To use it add `suse` to the plugins array in you zshrc file.
plugins=(... suse)
@@ -60,6 +60,12 @@ plugins=(... suse)
| zse | `zypper se` | search for packages |
| zwp | `zypper wp` | list all packages providing the specified capability |
+NOTE: `--no-refresh` is passed to zypper for speeding up the calls and avoid errors due to lack
+of root privileges. If you need to refresh the repositories, call `sudo zypper ref` (`zref` alias)
+before runing these aliases.
+Related: [#9798](
## Repositories commands
| Alias | Commands | Description |
diff --git a/plugins/suse/suse.plugin.zsh b/plugins/suse/suse.plugin.zsh
index dcfeccb03..56bc6f1c5 100644
--- a/plugins/suse/suse.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/suse/suse.plugin.zsh
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ alias zup='sudo zypper up'
alias zpatch='sudo zypper patch'
#Request commands
-alias zif='zypper if'
-alias zpa='zypper pa'
-alias zpatch-info='zypper patch-info'
-alias zpattern-info='zypper pattern-info'
-alias zproduct-info='zypper product-info'
-alias zpch='zypper pch'
-alias zpd='zypper pd'
-alias zpt='zypper pt'
-alias zse='zypper se'
-alias zwp='zypper wp'
+alias zif='zypper --no-refresh if'
+alias zpa='zypper --no-refresh pa'
+alias zpatch-info='zypper --no-refresh patch-info'
+alias zpattern-info='zypper --no-refresh pattern-info'
+alias zproduct-info='zypper --no-refresh product-info'
+alias zpch='zypper --no-refresh pch'
+alias zpd='zypper --no-refresh pd'
+alias zpt='zypper --no-refresh pt'
+alias zse='zypper --no-refresh se'
+alias zwp='zypper --no-refresh wp'
#Repositories commands
alias zar='sudo zypper ar'
diff --git a/plugins/vim-interaction/vim-interaction.plugin.zsh b/plugins/vim-interaction/vim-interaction.plugin.zsh
index 010f998d3..53ec453e8 100644
--- a/plugins/vim-interaction/vim-interaction.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/vim-interaction/vim-interaction.plugin.zsh
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ EOH
local cmd=""
local before="<esc>"
local after=""
- local name="GVIM"
+ # Look up the newest instance
+ local name="$(gvim --serverlist | tail -n 1)"
while getopts ":b:a:n:" option
case $option in