path: root/plugins
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2017-01-08 09:27:16 -0700
committerTuowen Zhao <>2017-01-08 09:27:16 -0700
commit6d32b9ed978e491e79959ce73bd5e742f501c550 (patch)
tree15ccfa93521c93389a257e6cf45799b35fdaadae /plugins
parent46d819df1a131a482618c324099947580f40b276 (diff)
parentcae540f899b1e302e514e190f7d51331a5a689e0 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
2 files changed, 53 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/autoenv/autoenv.plugin.zsh b/plugins/autoenv/autoenv.plugin.zsh
index af58ee77b..3c1b0fafc 100644
--- a/plugins/autoenv/autoenv.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/autoenv/autoenv.plugin.zsh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Activates autoenv or reports its failure
() {
if ! type autoenv_init >/dev/null; then
- for d (~/.autoenv /usr/local/opt/autoenv /usr/local/bin); do
+ for d (~/.autoenv ~/.local/bin /usr/local/opt/autoenv /usr/local/bin); do
if [[ -e $d/ ]]; then
diff --git a/plugins/gradle/gradle.plugin.zsh b/plugins/gradle/gradle.plugin.zsh
index 65b9d4685..0adc04a13 100644
--- a/plugins/gradle/gradle.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/gradle/gradle.plugin.zsh
@@ -24,29 +24,60 @@ function _gradle_core_commands() {
function _gradle_arguments() {
_arguments -C \
'-a[Do not rebuild project dependencies]' \
- '-h[Help]' \
- '-D[System property]' \
+ '-b[Specifies the build file]' \
+ '-c[Specifies the settings file]' \
'-d[Log at the debug level]' \
- '--gui[Launches the Gradle GUI app]' \
- '--stop[Stop the Gradle daemon]' \
- '--daemon[Use the Gradle daemon]' \
- '--no-daemon[Do not use the Gradle daemon]' \
- '--rerun-task [Specifies that any task optimization is ignored.]' \
- '-i[Log at the info level]' \
- '-m[Dry run]' \
- '-P[Set a project property]' \
- '-p[Specifies the start directory]' \
- '--profile[Profile the build time]' \
- '-q[Log at the quiet level (only show errors)]' \
- '-v[Print the Gradle version info]' \
+ '-g[Specifies the Gradle user home directory]' \
+ '-h[Shows a help message]' \
+ '-i[Set log level to INFO]' \
+ '-m[Runs the build with all task actions disabled]' \
+ '-p[Specifies the start directory for Gradle]' \
+ '-q[Log errors only]' \
+ '-s[Print out the stacktrace also for user exceptions]' \
+ '-t[Continuous mode. Automatically re-run build after changes]' \
+ '-u[Don''t search in parent directories for a settings.gradle file]' \
+ '-v[Prints Gradle version info]' \
'-x[Specify a task to be excluded]' \
- '-b[Specifies the build file.]' \
- '-c[Specifies the settings file.]' \
- '--continue[Continues task execution after a task failure.]' \
- '-g[Specifies the Gradle user home directory.]' \
- '-I[Specifies an initialization script.]' \
- '--refresh-dependencies[Refresh the state of dependencies.]' \
- '-u[Don''t search in parent directories for a settings.gradle file.]' \
+ '-D[Set a system property]' \
+ '-I[Specifies an initialization script]' \
+ '-P[Sets a project property of the root project]' \
+ '-S[Print out the full (very verbose) stacktrace]' \
+ '--build-file[Specifies the build file]' \
+ '--configure-on-demand[Only relevant projects are configured]' \
+ '--console[Type of console output to generate (plain, auto, or rich)]' \
+ '--continue[Continues task execution after a task failure]' \
+ '--continuous[Continuous mode. Automatically re-run build after changes]' \
+ '--daemon[Use the Gradle Daemon]' \
+ '--debug[Log at the debug level]' \
+ '--dry-run[Runs the build with all task actions disabled]' \
+ '--exclude-task[Specify a task to be excluded]' \
+ '--full-stacktrace[Print out the full (very verbose) stacktrace]' \
+ '--gradle-user-home[Specifies the Gradle user home directory]' \
+ '--gui[Launches the Gradle GUI app (Deprecated)]' \
+ '--help[Shows a help message]' \
+ '--include-build[Run the build as a composite, including the specified build]' \
+ '--info[Set log level to INFO]' \
+ '--init-script[Specifies an initialization script]' \
+ '--max-workers[Set the maximum number of workers that Gradle may use]' \
+ '--no-daemon[Do not use the Gradle Daemon]' \
+ '--no-rebuild[Do not rebuild project dependencies]' \
+ '--no-search-upwards[Don''t search in parent directories for a settings.gradle file]' \
+ '--offline[Build without accessing network resources]' \
+ '--parallel[Build projects in parallel]' \
+ '--profile[Profile build time and create report]' \
+ '--project-cache-dir[Specifies the project-specific cache directory]' \
+ '--project-dir[Specifies the start directory for Gradle]' \
+ '--project-prop[Sets a project property of the root project]' \
+ '--quiet[Log errors only]' \
+ '--recompile-scripts[Forces scripts to be recompiled, bypassing caching]' \
+ '--refresh-dependencies[Refresh the state of dependencies]' \
+ '--rerun-task[Specifies that any task optimization is ignored]' \
+ '--settings-file[Specifies the settings file]' \
+ '--stacktrace[Print out the stacktrace also for user exceptions]' \
+ '--status[Print Gradle Daemon status]' \
+ '--stop[Stop all Gradle Daemons]' \
+ '--system-prop[Set a system property]' \
+ '--version[Prints Gradle version info]' \
'*::command:->command' \
&& return 0