path: root/plugins
diff options
authorJoshua Medeski <>2014-08-31 23:33:43 -0500
committerJoshua Medeski <>2014-08-31 23:33:43 -0500
commitb8e10ca16d1caa55e3e6759b9130e32629986d98 (patch)
tree46cc89551e6665f50b621391d4dd86bbd3060cfd /plugins
parent80323ec4c3497e49c8294752e96b033426ae09db (diff)
add wp-cli plugin readme
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/wp-cli/ b/plugins/wp-cli/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6dda07d17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/wp-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+**Maintainer:** [joshmedeski](
+WordPress Command Line Interface (
+WP-CLI is a set of command-line tools for managing WordPress installations. You can update plugins, set up multisite installs and much more, without using a web browser.
+## List of Aliases
+### Core
+- wpcc='wp core config'
+- wpcd='wp core download'
+- wpci='wp core install'
+- wpcii='wp core is-installed'
+- wpcmc='wp core multisite-convert'
+- wpcmi='wp core multisite-install'
+- wpcu='wp core update'
+- wpcudb='wp core update-db'
+- wpcvc='wp core verify-checksums'
+### Cron
+- wpcre='wp cron event'
+- wpcrs='wp cron schedule'
+- wpcrt='wp cron test'
+### Menu
+- wpmc='wp menu create'
+- wpmd='wp menu delete'
+- wpmi='wp menu item'
+- wpml='wp menu list'
+- wpmlo='wp menu location'
+### Plugin
+- wppa='activate'
+- wppda='deactivate'
+- wppd='delete'
+- wppg='get'
+- wppi='install'
+- wppis='is-installed'
+- wppl='list'
+- wppp='path'
+- wpps='search'
+- wppst='status'
+- wppt='toggle'
+- wppu='uninstall'
+- wppu='update'
+### Post
+- wppoc='wp post create'
+- wppod='wp post delete'
+- wppoe='wp post edit'
+- wppogen='wp post generate'
+- wppog='wp post get'
+- wppol='wp post list'
+- wppom='wp post meta'
+- wppou='wp post update'
+- wppou='wp post url'
+### Sidebar
+- wpsbl='wp sidebar list'
+### Theme
+- wpta='wp theme activate'
+- wptd='wp theme delete'
+- wptdis='wp theme disable'
+- wpte='wp theme enable'
+- wptg='wp theme get'
+- wpti='wp theme install'
+- wptis='wp theme is-installed'
+- wptl='wp theme list'
+- wptm='wp theme mod'
+- wptp='wp theme path'
+- wpts='wp theme search'
+- wptst='wp theme status'
+- wptu='wp theme updatet'
+### User
+- wpuac='wp user add-cap'
+- wpuar='wp user add-role'
+- wpuc='wp user create'
+- wpud='wp user delete'
+- wpugen='wp user generate'
+- wpug='wp user get'
+- wpui='wp user import-csv'
+- wpul='wp user list'
+- wpulc='wp user list-caps'
+- wpum='wp user meta'
+- wpurc='wp user remove-cap'
+- wpurr='wp user remove-role'
+- wpusr='wp user set-role'
+- wpuu='wp user update'
+### Widget
+- wpwa='wp widget add'
+- wpwda='wp widget deactivate'
+- wpwd='wp widget delete'
+- wpwl='wp widget list'
+- wpwm='wp widget move'
+- wpwu='wp widget update'
+The entire list of wp-cli commands can be found here:
+I only included the commands that are most used. Please feel free to contribute to this project if you want more commands.