path: root/plugins
diff options
authorRobby Russell <>2019-02-13 11:24:49 -0800
committerGitHub <>2019-02-13 11:24:49 -0800
commite8318e4abe23211c5c8f08993db42ef917821577 (patch)
treee549848524d1227125effe65a2e7ac205cd1909e /plugins
parent6cec86203a1afc918034470184007c0a23ad1260 (diff)
parent7553bcb4185b9d584a40b41cf15501e43041fe57 (diff)
Merge pull request #4627 from strackr/timer_plugin
Adding Timer plugin
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
2 files changed, 46 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/timer/ b/plugins/timer/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..321307e59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/timer/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+This plugin allows to display command's execution time in a very nonintrusive way.
+Timer can be tuned by these two variables:
+* `TIMER_PRECISION` allows to control number of decimal places (default `1`)
+* `TIMER_FORMAT` allows to adjust display format (default `'/%d'`)
+Sample session:
+ me@here:~$ sleep 1 /1.0s
+ me@here:~$ sleep 73 /1m13.0s
+ me@here:~$ TIMER_FORMAT='[%d]'; TIMER_PRECISION=2 [0.00s]
+ me@here:~$ head -c50 < /dev/urandom | hexdump
+ 0000000 b2 16 20 f0 29 1f 61 2d 8a 29 20 8c 8c 39 5a ab
+ 0000010 21 47 0e f9 ee a4 76 46 71 9e 4f 6b a4 c4 51 cb
+ 0000020 f9 1f 7e b9 6f 2c ae dd cf 40 6d 64 a8 fb d3 db
+ 0000030 09 37
+ 0000032 [0.02s]
diff --git a/plugins/timer/timer.plugin.zsh b/plugins/timer/timer.plugin.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..231134e7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/timer/timer.plugin.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+__timer_current_time() {
+ perl -MTime::HiRes=time -e'print time'
+__timer_format_duration() {
+ local mins=$(printf '%.0f' $(($1 / 60)))
+ local secs=$(printf "%.${TIMER_PRECISION:-1}f" $(($1 - 60 * mins)))
+ local duration_str=$(echo "${mins}m${secs}s")
+ local format="${TIMER_FORMAT:-/%d}"
+ echo "${format//\%d/${duration_str#0m}}"
+__timer_save_time_preexec() {
+ __timer_cmd_start_time=$(__timer_current_time)
+__timer_display_timer_precmd() {
+ if [ -n "${__timer_cmd_start_time}" ]; then
+ local cmd_end_time=$(__timer_current_time)
+ local tdiff=$((cmd_end_time - __timer_cmd_start_time))
+ unset __timer_cmd_start_time
+ local tdiffstr=$(__timer_format_duration ${tdiff})
+ local cols=$((COLUMNS - ${#tdiffstr} - 1))
+ echo -e "\033[1A\033[${cols}C ${tdiffstr}"
+ fi