path: root/themes/trapd00r.zsh-theme
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2018-09-10 10:50:45 -0600
committerTuowen Zhao <>2018-09-10 10:50:45 -0600
commit5ece6ef2f07c58672a9c965dbbbb62a42386fb2d (patch)
tree285e6382f9e900779bce60da02f1f0d97e467e26 /themes/trapd00r.zsh-theme
parent852e7fe005267f74f3c04a4ddbb310522eee8014 (diff)
parentfe5fe81c8cfa66981c51d149a35fe545f2ef5016 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'themes/trapd00r.zsh-theme')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/themes/trapd00r.zsh-theme b/themes/trapd00r.zsh-theme
index 3fa5d57ab..144d2549a 100644..100755
--- a/themes/trapd00r.zsh-theme
+++ b/themes/trapd00r.zsh-theme
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
# trapd00r.zsh-theme
-# This theme needs a terminal supporting 256 colors as well as unicode. It also
-# needs the script that splits up the current path and makes it fancy as located
-# here:
+# This theme needs a terminal supporting 256 colors as well as unicode.
+# In order to avoid external dependencies, it also has a zsh version of
+# the perl script at,
+# which splits up the current path and makes it fancy.
# By default it spans over two lines like so:
@@ -20,37 +21,77 @@
autoload -U add-zsh-hook
autoload -Uz vcs_info
-local c0=$( printf "\e[m")
-local c1=$( printf "\e[38;5;245m")
-local c2=$( printf "\e[38;5;250m")
-local c3=$( printf "\e[38;5;242m")
-local c4=$( printf "\e[38;5;197m")
-local c5=$( printf "\e[38;5;225m")
-local c6=$( printf "\e[38;5;240m")
-local c7=$( printf "\e[38;5;242m")
-local c8=$( printf "\e[38;5;244m")
-local c9=$( printf "\e[38;5;162m")
-local c10=$(printf "\e[1m")
-local c11=$(printf "\e[38;5;208m\e[1m")
-local c12=$(printf "\e[38;5;142m\e[1m")
-local c13=$(printf "\e[38;5;196m\e[1m")
+local c0=$'\e[m'
+local c1=$'\e[38;5;245m'
+local c2=$'\e[38;5;250m'
+local c3=$'\e[38;5;242m'
+local c4=$'\e[38;5;197m'
+local c5=$'\e[38;5;225m'
+local c6=$'\e[38;5;240m'
+local c7=$'\e[38;5;242m'
+local c8=$'\e[38;5;244m'
+local c9=$'\e[38;5;162m'
+local c10=$'\e[1m'
+local c11=$'\e[38;5;208m\e[1m'
+local c12=$'\e[38;5;142m\e[1m'
+local c13=$'\e[38;5;196m\e[1m'
-# We don't want to use the extended colorset in the TTY / VC.
-if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then
- c1=$( printf "\e[34;1m")
- c2=$( printf "\e[35m")
- c3=$( printf "\e[31m")
- c4=$( printf "\e[31;1m")
- c5=$( printf "\e[32m")
- c6=$( printf "\e[32;1m")
- c7=$( printf "\e[33m")
- c8=$( printf "\e[33;1m")
- c9=$( printf "\e[34m")
+zsh_path() {
+ local colors
+ colors=$(echoti colors)
+ local -A yellow
+ yellow=(
+ 1 '%F{228}' 2 '%F{222}' 3 '%F{192}' 4 '%F{186}'
+ 5 '%F{227}' 6 '%F{221}' 7 '%F{191}' 8 '%F{185}'
+ 9 '%F{226}' 10 '%F{220}' 11 '%F{190}' 12 '%F{184}'
+ 13 '%F{214}' 14 '%F{178}' 15 '%F{208}' 16 '%F{172}'
+ 17 '%F{202}' 18 '%F{166}'
+ )
+ local dir i=1
+ for dir (${(s:/:)PWD}); do
+ if [[ $i -eq 1 ]]; then
+ if [[ $colors -ge 256 ]]; then
+ print -Pn "%F{065}%B /%b"
+ else
+ print -Pn "\e[31;1m /"
+ fi
+ else
+ if [[ $colors -ge 256 ]]; then
+ print -Pn "${yellow[$i]:-%f} ยป "
+ else
+ print -Pn "%F{yellow} > "
+ fi
+ fi
+ (( i++ ))
+ if [[ $colors -ge 256 ]]; then
+ print -Pn "%F{065}$dir"
+ else
+ print -Pn "%F{blue}$dir"
+ fi
+ done
+ print -Pn "%f"
- c11=$(printf "\e[35;1m")
- c12=$(printf "\e[36m")
- c13=$(printf "\e[31;1m")
+# We don't want to use the extended colorset in the TTY / VC.
+if [ "$TERM" = linux ]; then
+ c1=$'\e[34;1m'
+ c2=$'\e[35m'
+ c3=$'\e[31m'
+ c4=$'\e[31;1m'
+ c5=$'\e[32m'
+ c6=$'\e[32;1m'
+ c7=$'\e[33m'
+ c8=$'\e[33;1m'
+ c9=$'\e[34m'
+ c11=$'\e[35;1m'
+ c12=$'\e[36m'
+ c13=$'\e[31;1m'
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' actionformats \
@@ -70,14 +111,12 @@ prompt_jnrowe_precmd () {
dir_status="%{$c1%}%n%{$c4%}@%{$c2%}%m%{$c0%}:%{$c3%}%l%{$c6%}->%{$(zsh_path)%} %{$c0%}(%{$c5%}%?%{$c0%})"
PROMPT='%{$fg_bold[green]%}%p%{$reset_color%}${vcs_info_msg_0_}${dir_status} ${ret_status}%{$reset_color%}
> '
-# modified, to be committed
+ # modified, to be committed
elif [[ $(git diff --cached --name-status 2>/dev/null ) != "" ]]; then
dir_status="%{$c1%}%n%{$c4%}@%{$c2%}%m%{$c0%}:%{$c3%}%l%{$c6%}->%{$(zsh_path)%} %{$c0%}(%{$c5%}%?%{$c0%})"
PROMPT='${vcs_info_msg_0_}%{$30%} %{$bg_bold[red]%}%{$fg_bold[cyan]%}C%{$fg_bold[black]%}OMMIT%{$reset_color%}
> '
elif [[ $(git diff --name-status 2>/dev/null ) != "" ]]; then
dir_status="%{$c1%}%n%{$c4%}@%{$c2%}%m%{$c0%}:%{$c3%}%l%{$c6%}->%{$(zsh_path)%} %{$c0%}(%{$c5%}%?%{$c0%})"
@@ -88,7 +127,5 @@ prompt_jnrowe_precmd () {
> '
+ fi
-# vim: set ft=zsh sw=2 et tw=0: