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1 files changed, 38 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/lib/termsupport.zsh b/lib/termsupport.zsh
index 59a1efb02..4d6fb8c21 100644
--- a/lib/termsupport.zsh
+++ b/lib/termsupport.zsh
@@ -68,25 +68,48 @@ function omz_termsupport_preexec {
+ # split command into array of arguments
+ local -a cmdargs
+ cmdargs=("${(z)2}")
+ # if running fg, extract the command from the job description
+ if [[ "${cmdargs[1]}" = fg ]]; then
+ # get the job id from the first argument passed to the fg command
+ local job_id jobspec="${cmdargs[2]#%}"
+ # logic based on jobs arguments:
+ #
+ #
+ case "$jobspec" in
+ <->) # %number argument:
+ # use the same <number> passed as an argument
+ job_id=${jobspec} ;;
+ ""|%|+) # empty, %% or %+ argument:
+ # use the current job, which appears with a + in $jobstates:
+ # suspended:+:5071=suspended (tty output)
+ job_id=${(k)jobstates[(r)*:+:*]} ;;
+ -) # %- argument:
+ # use the previous job, which appears with a - in $jobstates:
+ # suspended:-:6493=suspended (signal)
+ job_id=${(k)jobstates[(r)*:-:*]} ;;
+ [?]*) # %?string argument:
+ # use $jobtexts to match for a job whose command *contains* <string>
+ job_id=${(k)jobtexts[(r)*${(Q)jobspec}*]} ;;
+ *) # %string argument:
+ # use $jobtexts to match for a job whose command *starts with* <string>
+ job_id=${(k)jobtexts[(r)${(Q)jobspec}*]} ;;
+ esac
+ # override preexec function arguments with job command
+ local job_cmd="${jobtexts[$job_id]}"
+ if [[ -n "$job_cmd" ]]; then
+ 1="$job_cmd"
+ 2="$job_cmd"
+ fi
+ fi
# cmd name only, or if this is sudo or ssh, the next cmd
local CMD=${1[(wr)^(*=*|sudo|ssh|mosh|rake|-*)]:gs/%/%%}
local LINE="${2:gs/%/%%}"
- # replace fg, possibly with argument, with description from jobs
- if [[ "$CMD" = fg ]]; then
- local JOB
- if [[ ${(z)1} = fg ]]; then # no arguments
- JOB="$(jobs %% 2>/dev/null)"
- else # arguments
- JOB="$(jobs ${${(z)1}[2]} 2>/dev/null)"
- fi
- if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
- JOB="${${(z)JOB}[4,$]}" # trim job number, +, pid, status
- title ${JOB:gs/%/%%} ${JOB:gs/%/%%}
- return
- fi
- fi
title '$CMD' '%100>...>$LINE%<<'