path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index bf5902fc8..c389fc963 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,8 +1,40 @@
# Protect against non-zsh execution of Oh My Zsh (use POSIX syntax here)
[ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ] || {
- # ANSI (\033[<code>m): 0: reset, 1: bold, 4: underline, 22: no bold, 24: no underline, 31: red
- printf "\033[1;31mERROR:\033[22m Oh My Zsh can't be loaded from: \033[1m${0#-}\033[22m. " >&2
- printf "You need to run \033[1;4mzsh\033[22;24m instead.\033[0m\n" >&2
+ # ANSI formatting function (\033[<code>m)
+ # 0: reset, 1: bold, 4: underline, 22: no bold, 24: no underline, 31: red, 33: yellow
+ f() {
+ [ $# -gt 0 ] || return
+ IFS=";" printf "\033[%sm" $*
+ }
+ # If stdout is not a terminal ignore all formatting
+ [ -t 1 ] || f() { :; }
+ ptree() {
+ # Get process tree of the current process
+ pid=$$; pids="$pid"
+ while [ ${pid-0} -ne 1 ] && ppid=$(ps -e -o pid,ppid | awk "\$1 == $pid { print \$2 }"); do
+ pids="$pids $pid"; pid=$ppid
+ done
+ # Show process tree
+ case "$(uname)" in
+ Linux) ps -o ppid,pid,command -f -p $pids 2>/dev/null ;;
+ Darwin|*) ps -o ppid,pid,command -p $pids 2>/dev/null ;;
+ esac
+ # If ps command failed, try Busybox ps
+ [ $? -eq 0 ] || ps -o ppid,pid,comm | awk "NR == 1 || index(\"$pids\", \$2) != 0"
+ }
+ {
+ shell=$(ps -o pid,comm | awk "\$1 == $$ { print \$2 }")
+ printf "$(f 1 31)Error:$(f 22) Oh My Zsh can't be loaded from: $(f 1)${shell}$(f 22). "
+ printf "You need to run $(f 1)zsh$(f 22) instead.$(f 0)\n"
+ printf "$(f 33)Here's the process tree:$(f 22)\n\n"
+ ptree
+ printf "$(f 0)\n"
+ } >&2
return 1