path: root/plugins/bgnotify
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-08-19Bring bgnotify plugin up to date with t413/zsh-background-notifyTim O'Brien
2015-06-11Update bgnotify.plugin.zshPaul
2015-02-23Re-order OS detection if..else statement.Kristján Oddsson
2015-02-22Fixing spaces in title and message given to bgnotify on OS XMads Mætzke Tandrup
2014-11-08Add screenshots to readmeTim O'Brien
2014-11-08Fix for OS X when no window id is returned (like on the desktop)Tim O'Brien
2014-11-07Add window ID fallback for windows. Tim O'Brien
2014-11-07Fix renamed method issue.Tim O'Brien
2014-11-06add cygwin windows support with notifu, add to readmeTim O'Brien
2014-11-06Fixed math on linux, removed debug echo.Tim O'Brien
2014-11-06Add bgnotify plugin, a cross-platform background notifier!Tim O'Brien