path: root/plugins/common-aliases
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-11-02PHP suffix alias should be removedMarco De Bortoli
2016-10-08Add m4a format in the common aliases plugin (#5502)Florian Boulay
2015-12-11common-aliases: handle "dev" versions in version checkAndrew Janke
2015-05-06Use $EDITORAleks
2015-02-10Deletes dot aliases from common-aliases.LFDM
2014-09-13Remove j alias for autojumpHalil Özgür
2014-05-24Fix dud alias. Switch --max-depth for just -dBrian Hartvigsen
2014-05-24This is already done in lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh and supports Darwin/BSD/etcBrian Hartvigsen
2014-03-22add common video formats FLV and WEBMjieryn
2013-06-12Better super-grepGaetan Semet
2013-06-11New plugin 'common-aliases' for optional cutting edge zsh aliasesGaetan Semet