path: root/plugins/virtualenvwrapper
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-01-19virtualenvwrapper: fix finding script on Ubuntu 19.10 (#8451)Jimmy Merrild Krag
2019-12-20Change order of automatic virtualenv activation/deactivation (#6687)Jay Tavares
2019-11-19Use safer append to hook function arrays (#8406)Jacob Tomaw
2019-10-07virtualenvwrapper: add README (#8226)Michael C
2018-06-06virtualenvwrapper: set $WORKON_HOME if undefinedMarc Cornellà
2018-05-26Prefer virtualenvwrapper_lazy (#6842)Lorenzo Bolla
2018-05-13Fix default location of the virtualenvwrapper script (#6348)Ian Chesal
2015-08-07Add quotes to support folders with whitespaceMarc Cornellà
2015-07-02virtualenvwrapper: treat git repos as project roots again (instead of requiri...Andrew Janke
2015-06-29virtualenvwrapper: Replace "realpath" with portable zsh-native `:A` and `:h` ...Andrew Janke
2015-06-14Merge pull request #3918 from cbazin/masterRobby Russell
2015-06-13use local options to set no_equals before sourcing bash completion scriptTommy Wang
2015-05-21Detect the .venv in any parent directory of the current directoryepelletier
2015-02-10Simplify adding workon_cwd to chpwd hookMarc Cornellà
2015-02-10Organize error checking in virtualenwrapper pluginMarc Cornellà
2015-02-10Fixing virtualenvwrapper plugin for Ubuntu (and Debian)Brandon Sandrowicz
2015-01-07virtualenvwrapper: Deactivate only if in virtualenvJyrki Pulliainen
2014-11-28Throw an error message when $WORKON_HOME is not setbenjaoming
2014-03-17Don't lazy load the virtualenvwrapper.Felix Laurie von Massenbach
2013-10-16Add support .venv folder as virtual envLei Zhang
2013-06-08virtualenvwrapper plugin cleanupAndrew Grangaard
2013-05-21Fixed recursion. Git not needed for it to work.Germán M. Bravo
2012-12-02use lazy load for virtualenvwrapperJ. Randall Hunt
2012-08-25search in PATHCenk Alti
2012-08-25Added another path for virtualenvwrapper pluginCenk Alti
2012-06-25Added another pathDavid Barragan
2012-06-18remove readlink call and clean upJames Walker
2012-06-09Plugin which loads Python virtualenvwrapper and activates virtualenvs on cd i...Jaiden Mispy