path: root/plugins
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-08-31Merge pull request #3058 from chrisfsmith/feature/textasticRobby Russell
2014-08-31Merge pull request #1755 from johnjohndoe/feature/adb-autocompletionRobby Russell
2014-08-31Merge pull request #1504 from jediant/masterRobby Russell
2014-08-31Adding README.mdChris Smith
2014-08-31Merge pull request #2941 from mcornella/fix-pass-completionRobby Russell
2014-08-31Merge pull request #2922 from ncanceill/easymergeRobby Russell
2014-08-31Merge pull request #2845 from mfaerevaag/masterRobby Russell
2014-08-31Merge pull request #3065 from posva/tmuxinator-updateRobby Russell
2014-08-31Merge pull request #3052 from DariusPHP/masterRobby Russell
2014-08-31Merge pull request #3068 from nervo/patch-1Robby Russell
2014-08-31Merge pull request #3057 from igorzoriy/masterRobby Russell
2014-08-31Add Composer's local binaries to PATHnervo
2014-08-30Amended to source the original rather thanDouglas S.D. Hall
2014-08-29tmuxinator completion update:Eduardo San Martin Morote
2014-08-29Fix pass zsh completion and autoloadingMarc Cornellà
2014-08-29Update pass completion to upstreamMarc Cornellà
2014-08-29Added a link to the file's license and added the commiter as plugin maintaner.Santiago Borrazás
2014-08-27Adding quotes around $1Chris Smith
2014-08-26Adding Textastic pluginChris Smith
2014-08-26Added 'uninstall' command to brew completionIgor Zoriy
2014-08-22#git plugin git diff-tree --name-only addedDariusPHP
2014-08-06Added _files to complete all arguments following the first as filesFrederik Mogensen
2014-08-06Added autocompleting plugin for Android Debug Bridge (adb).Frederik Mogensen
2014-07-31Update rvm.plugin.zshAdam Poskitt
2014-07-20Update brew.plugin.zshNicolas Brousse
2014-07-16gem plugin: added _files to install commandChristian Köstlin
2014-07-16make sure cache dir exists, just like log dirncanceill
2014-07-16Revert "specify python2 in shebang"ncanceill
2014-07-16[wd] v0.2.2: Added MIT-LicenseMarkus Faerevaag
2014-07-16Merge pull request #2914 from bezoerb/symfony2-generalRobby Russell
2014-07-15[wd] v0.3.1: Improved completion and bug fixesMarkus Faerevaag
2014-07-15add BUNDLED_COMMANDS functionality to bundler pluginThomas Kriechbaumer
2014-07-15added Bundler readme fileThomas Kriechbaumer
2014-07-15add pry to bundler-commandsThomas Kriechbaumer
2014-07-15add spring to bundler-commandsThomas Kriechbaumer
2014-07-15remove double bundle execThomas Kriechbaumer
2014-07-15Add 'outdated' and 'platform' completions to bundler plugintoooooooby
2014-07-15remove berkshelf from bundler-commandsThomas Kriechbaumer
2014-07-15remove ruby from bundler-commandsThomas Kriechbaumer
2014-07-15remove spin from bundler-commandsThomas Kriechbaumer
2014-07-15remove foreman from bundler-commandsThomas Kriechbaumer
2014-07-15add sidekiq to bundler-commandsThomas Kriechbaumer
2014-07-15split bundler-commands into seperate linesThomas Kriechbaumer
2014-07-15Merge pull request #2885 from tsujigiri/bundler/run_binstubbedRobby Russell
2014-07-15Merge pull request #2935 from kubamarchwicki/mvn-plugin-spring-bootRobby Russell
2014-07-15Merge pull request #2834 from jbdatko/masterRobby Russell
2014-07-15Merge pull request #2745 from nicolas-brousse/patch-1Robby Russell
2014-07-15Merge pull request #2670 from trrbl/masterRobby Russell
2014-07-15Merge pull request #2108 from rimenes/add-status-reload-to-postgresRobby Russell
2014-07-15Merge pull request #2953 from jjcomer/masterRobby Russell