path: root/plugins
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-03-09nvm: add `install-latest-npm` to completion (#8709)Nick Paterno
2020-03-09phing: fix copy-paste error in READMEMarc Cornellà
2020-03-05aws: add support for AWS CLI v2 autocompletion (#8670)Marc Cornellà
2020-03-05shrink-path: added glob and quote options (#7694)Marc Cornellà
2020-03-04arcanist: add functions which allow copy-pasting of URLS (#8688)Alexey Györi
2020-03-04rbenv: fix rbenv_prompt_info prefix and suffix (#3764)chieping
2020-03-04knife: fix refactor mistakeMarc Cornellà
2020-03-04knife: improve knife-solo support in completion (#3315)Masato Ikeda
2020-03-03kube-ps1: update to latest upstream version (c685ac8)Marc Cornellà
2020-03-03git: make the gpristine alias remove untracked git repos (#8697)Jean-Yves Rivallan
2020-03-02Some tweaks to the Jira pluginJosh Christopherson
2020-03-02Clean up jira functionMarc Cornellà
2020-03-02Better support for branch nameRoToRx88
2020-03-02Uppercase the issue in open issue command in the JIRA pluginMatthew Manuel
2020-03-02sdk: add support for local versions and optimize sed calls (#7870)Andrea Nanni
2020-03-02python: add pyuserpaths function (#7758)0b10
2020-03-02command-not-found: speed up call to Homebrew command-not-found (#7740)Hielke Walinga
2020-03-02shrink-path: add minimum length and ellipsis symbol options (#7382)Pavel N. Krivitsky
2020-03-02minikube: cache command completions (#7446)Pavel Fokin
2020-03-02pip: add local Python package files to completion (#7442)Dan D'Avella
2020-02-28zsh_reload: respect `$ZDOTDIR` when searching for `.zshrc` (#7706)Alexander Schlarb
2020-02-28gitignore: add newline to `gi` output (#7586)Gianluca Recchia
2020-02-28mercurial: add hga alias to README (#7547)Michal Kielan
2020-02-28mix: add format option to completion (#7256)Cody Fuller
2020-02-28gradle: fix command option name in completion (#6586)Wenbing Li
2020-02-28pass: update completion to upstream version (675a002e) (#6475)Sven Hergenhahn
2020-02-28fasd: cache full fasd initialisation script (#6097)Ville Lautanala
2020-02-28stack: use builtin completion command (#6230)Joshua Pratt
2020-02-28composer: keep composer autocompletion when using global (#5933)Thomas Ruiz
2020-02-28kitchen: change sed regex in completion to capture all commands (#5820)Gustavo Maia
2020-02-28geeknote: update completion (#4986)Ján Koščo
2020-02-28fancy-ctrl-z: ensure widgets are called with full context (#4838)mickk-on-cpp
2020-02-27Fix an issue with escape characters (#7979)Chai Feng
2020-02-27ng: refactor READMEMarc Cornellà
2020-02-27macports: add rdeps and rdependents completion (#4717)Guillermo del Fresno
2020-02-27jhbuild: add some missing commands and update README (#5195)Miguel Vaello Martínez
2020-02-27jhbuild: add shell alias (#3707)Adrien Plazas
2020-02-27nmap: add alias for ICMP scan (#4807)Ciacho
2020-02-27python: add alias to run the proper IPython based on virtualenvPetr Bělohlávek
2020-02-27vagrant: document aliasesMarc Cornellà
2020-02-27vagrant: add common aliases (#3762)Marc Cornellà
2020-02-26zsh-interactive-cd: add vi-mode support (#8681)wallace11
2020-02-25npm: hardcode completion function and delete cached one (#8679)Marc Cornellà
2020-02-25battery: remove redundant grep calls in battery_pct functionMarc Cornellà
2020-02-25Add JFrog CLI plugin (#8250)Yahav Itzhak
2020-02-25battery: fix floating point output in macOSMarc Cornellà
2020-02-24vscode: add documentation for running in macOS (#8674)Andy Pickle
2020-02-19Polish themes plugin and error out if theme not foundMarc Cornellà
2020-02-19Move random theme functionality into "random" themeWilly Weiskopf
2020-02-18systemd: add prompt function to show systemd units' status (#7657)Sir Mobus Gochfulshigan Dorphin Esquire XXIII