path: root/templates
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-07-24Display red dots during completion process (disabled by default)Loïc Yhuel
2011-07-23Don't export oh-my-zsh configuration paramaters to the environmentDieter Plaetinck
2011-04-29Feature: Random themes now supported. Just set your theme to 'random' and it'...Robby Russell
2011-03-23Introduce DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE optionLorrin Nelson
2010-12-01Don't export oh-my-zsh configuration paramaters to the environmentDieter Plaetinck
2010-06-03Updating default .zshrc template file to include plugins declarationRobby Russell
2009-11-05Enabled colors in ls and made it possible to theme themToon Claes
2009-10-07allow case sensitivity to be toggledMatthew Donoughe
2009-09-23Oh My Zsh gets a weekly auto-updater... the future is now!Robby Russell
2009-09-07Updating install process to copy your current environments PATH and adding it...Robby Russell
2009-09-01Updating the template file to use the loaderRobby Russell
2009-09-01Renaming template file one last time (for now)Robby Russell
2009-09-01Moving and renaming the zshrc file to a template fileRobby Russell