path: root/themes/agnoster.zsh-theme
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-09-24agnoster: respect git config oh-my-zsh.hide-status (#6362)Marten Seemann
2018-08-19Agnoster: solarized light variant (#4680)Frederic Crozat
2018-08-07use https everywhere (#6574)Janosch Schwalm
2018-05-23Revert fbcda4dMarc Cornellà
2018-05-17agnoster: cut down on fork/execs improve performance when not in a repo (#6210)Andrew Baumann
2016-09-21Add check for git and bzr to agnoster themeDawnflash Lightstring
2016-09-19added support for bazaar in agnoster theme (#5016)grindhold
2016-07-22Fix hg call when missing on archlinux with command-not-found (#5218)Anton
2015-12-15Merge pull request #4589 from apjanke/agnoster-powerline-char-stronger-warningMarc Cornellà
2015-11-07I noticed that for certain projects with unstaged changed I would get a 'U' c...Justin LeFebvre
2015-11-06agnoster: stronger warning about changing SEGMENT_SEPARATOR characterAndrew Janke
2015-09-19Merge pull request #4091 from apjanke/agnoster-clarify-powerlineRobby Russell
2015-07-27agnoster: speed up git promptBrian Degenhardt
2015-07-03agnoster: Protect Unicode esape sequences with local LC_* settingsAndrew Janke
2015-06-25agnoster: Define Powerline chars with escape sequence, and use same character onAndrew Janke
2015-06-14Merge pull request #4001 from ivanfoo/fixOddCharsOnMacRobby Russell
2015-06-15Fixed odd chars on mac for agnoster themeivanfoo
2015-06-10Grep bug in AgnosterMark Mendoza
2014-11-16ignore any grep aliases that might be definedDanielFGray
2014-11-06Change all whoami calls for $USER variableMarc Cornellà
2014-03-26Added git mode support for merging, rebasing, and bisectingtcasparro
2014-01-29theme agnoster: remove trailing spacemrbfrank
2014-01-28corrected branch charactermrbfrank
2014-01-28updated url to latest powerline-patched fontsmrbfrank
2013-11-14no tabs in a space-d fileEddie Monge
2013-11-13Merge pull request #2219 from Profpatsch/theme-agnosterRobby Russell
2013-11-09agnoster theme not showing virtualenv statusLeonardo Santagada
2013-11-04Forgot one symbol for hg.Profpatsch
2013-10-24Merge pull request #2138 from Profpatsch/theme-agnosterRobby Russell
2013-10-20Fix: Agnoster theme added venv name even if disabledJacob Magnusson
2013-10-02More expressive symbols for git and mercurial.Profpatsch
2013-09-19Revert "Replace no unicode glyph on hexa string"Robby Russell
2013-08-29Replace no unicode glyph on hexa stringMr Prud
2013-06-25add virtualenv prompt support for agnoster themeGong Hao
2013-06-06Update the character used in powerlineGrégoire Détrez
2013-04-23Merge pull request #1575 from mguindin/agnoster-changeRobby Russell
2013-03-26IMPROVED: untracked file status has priority over modified (ie: if you have b...Yohann Bianchi
2013-01-30[agnoster] modifying theme to show dot for dirty files and plus for staged fi...Matt Guindin
2013-01-20ADDED: Mercurial prompt info support even if hg prompt extension is unavailableYohann Bianchi
2013-01-19ADDED: Mercurial repository infoYohann Bianchi
2012-12-21Revert "agnoster theme shows error code instead of an "x""Isaac Wolkerstorfer
2012-11-27fixed symbolic-ref git view of agnoster themeHauke Stange
2012-11-27removed 'x' from prompt_context() function nameHauke Stange
2012-11-03agnoster theme shows error code instead of an "x"Fuad Saud
2012-09-25Add link to gistIsaac Wolkerstorfer
2012-09-25Updated documentation for agnoster themeIsaac Wolkerstorfer
2012-09-17Refactored themeIsaac Wolkerstorfer
2012-09-13Add agnoster.zsh-themeIsaac Wolkerstorfer