path: root/themes/agnoster.zsh-theme
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-01-30[agnoster] modifying theme to show dot for dirty files and plus for staged fi...Matt Guindin
2012-12-21Revert "agnoster theme shows error code instead of an "x""Isaac Wolkerstorfer
2012-11-27fixed symbolic-ref git view of agnoster themeHauke Stange
2012-11-27removed 'x' from prompt_context() function nameHauke Stange
2012-11-03agnoster theme shows error code instead of an "x"Fuad Saud
2012-09-25Add link to gistIsaac Wolkerstorfer
2012-09-25Updated documentation for agnoster themeIsaac Wolkerstorfer
2012-09-17Refactored themeIsaac Wolkerstorfer
2012-09-13Add agnoster.zsh-themeIsaac Wolkerstorfer