path: root/themes/fino.zsh-theme
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-10-05fino: fix dangling "using" and clean up (#9307)Matsievskiy S.V
2019-05-08Themes: switch to using ruby_prompt_info()Andrew Janke
2018-10-07Fix tilde substitution in theme promptsMarc Cornellà
2018-08-29Fix rvm-prompt usage in fino* themes (#6477)Nick Diego Yamane
2015-07-19Fix little typo that makes the statement useless.Alex Talker
2015-02-15Fix echo nothing if $SHORT_HOST doesn't exist.Alex Talker
2014-11-06Change all hostname calls for $HOST or $SHORT_HOSTMarc Cornellà
2014-08-20Resets the font colour to originalAlex Shadrin
2014-03-08Remove all copyright information in themes. Closes #2587Dan Kerimdzhanov
2012-02-25clean up rbenv support for 'fino' themeMax Masnick
2012-02-25merge changes from offical repoMax Masnick
2012-01-23adding rbenv support to all the rvm themesBrent Faulkner
2011-10-30update fino theme to work with rbenvMax Masnick
2011-07-29Add fino.zsh-themeMax Masnick