path: root/themes
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-02-16Fixes incorrect prompt arrow colorRoderick Randolph
2015-02-10Merge pull request #3566 from mcornella/pfault-masterRobby Russell
2015-02-10Merge pull request #3143 from roramirez/theme-linuxRobby Russell
2015-02-10rkj-repos: code cleanup and updated with functions from lib/git.zsh (thx mcor...Martin Schrodi
2015-02-10Fixed breakage in new git repo without commitsMartin Schrodi
2015-02-10Clean up appearance lib file and redundant `colors` calls in other filesMarc Cornellà
2014-12-14added node- before node version for consistencyDavid Feinberg
2014-12-14mira theme shows active node, ruby and java versionsDavid Feinberg
2014-12-14Merge pull request #3389 from bubenkoff/add-current-bookmark-rkj-repozRobby Russell
2014-12-14Merge pull request #3326 from DanielFGray/masterRobby Russell
2014-12-10add current bookmark to rkj-repos themeAnatoly Bubenkov
2014-11-27Merge pull request #3283 from jaapz/masterRobby Russell
2014-11-16ignore any grep aliases that might be definedDanielFGray
2014-11-10Merge simplified superjarin themeJarin Udom
2014-11-06Change all hostname calls for $HOST or $SHORT_HOSTMarc Cornellà
2014-11-06Change all whoami calls for $USER variableMarc Cornellà
2014-11-06Merge pull request #2648 from dfarrell07/masterRobby Russell
2014-11-03Added VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT to steeef.zsh-themeJaap Broekhuizen
2014-09-16remove path not found for linuxonly themeRodrigo Ramírez Norambuena
2014-09-03Merge pull request #3072 from clippit/patch-1Robby Russell
2014-09-01fix missing add-zsh-hook in pygmalion.zsh-themeLetian Zhang
2014-09-01Use the library function for ruby promptHalil Özgür
2014-08-31Merge pull request #3044 from alexshd/patch-1Robby Russell
2014-08-20Resets the font colour to originalAlex Shadrin
2014-08-04Update half-life.zsh-themeAdam Poskitt
2014-07-08terminal party show exit status with colorAndy Hayden
2014-06-08fix root mode not working in bureauClemens Werther
2014-06-08fixed rvm warningMenno Pruijssers
2014-06-06Show user prompt in gnzh theme regardless of UIDMarc Cornellà
2014-05-28Steeef theme checks untracked files instead of directoriesYuanxuan Wang
2014-03-26Added git mode support for merging, rebasing, and bisectingtcasparro
2014-03-25Simplified gallois RPS1 setup using some helpful scriptsDaniel Farrell
2014-03-23Fixed which output at each new shell creationDaniel Farrell
2014-03-22Merge pull request #995 from wting/fix_gnzh_ruby_detectionRobby Russell
2014-03-17Don't show useless '[]' when chruby_prompt_info is emptyKory Prince
2014-03-13Merge pull request #2380 from rkh/chruby-galloisRobby Russell
2014-03-13Merge pull request #2435 from tompelka/masterRobby Russell
2014-03-13Merge pull request #2466 from jarus/steeef-virtualenv-fixRobby Russell
2014-03-13Merge pull request #2588 from kerimdzhanov/remote-themes-copyright-infoRobby Russell
2014-03-11Merge pull request #2596 from ryanwmarsh/fixing_bureau_scrollbackRobby Russell
2014-03-10Fixes #2467 tab completion scrolls back in terminal when using bureau themeRyan Marsh
2014-03-08Remove all copyright information in themes. Closes #2587Dan Kerimdzhanov
2014-03-08Merge pull request #2479 from mrbfrank/theme-agnosterRobby Russell
2014-03-08Merge pull request #2481 from felds/masterRobby Russell
2014-03-08Cleaning up conflict with merge of #2330Robby Russell
2014-01-30highlight the username when rootFelds Liscia
2014-01-29theme agnoster: remove trailing spacemrbfrank
2014-01-28corrected branch charactermrbfrank
2014-01-28updated url to latest powerline-patched fontsmrbfrank
2014-01-24Improve virtualenv prompt in steeef themeChristoph Heer