Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction to Categories
Category of Sets
Definition of Category
- Objects(\(A,B,C\))
- MAPS(\(f,g,h\))
- DOMAIN -> CODOMAIN(\(f: A \rightarrow B\))
- IDENTITY MAP(\(1_A : A\xrightarrow{1_A}B\))
- COMPOSITE MAP(\(A\xrightarrow{f}B\xrightarrow{g}C = A\xrightarrow{g \circ f}C\))
- IDENTITY LAW(\(f:A\rightarrow B; f = 1_B \circ f = f \circ 1_A\))
- ASSOCIATIVE LAW (\(h \circ g \circ f = h \circ (g \circ f)\))
Sets & Maps
- Maps = Functions (Internal diagram/External diagram)
- Test of equality: (for every \(x \in A\))
- endomap
Algebra of Composition
- Isomorphism / Invertible map (bijection,\(f: A \rightarrow B\), A B are isomorphic \(A \cong B\))
- Made two objects virtually the same
- Inverse of f => g at most 1
- Transitive
- Endomap => automorphism / permutation
Isomorphisms in algebra
- Sets + combining-rule(*)
- \(f (a*b) = (f a)*'(f b)\)
Det / Choice
- Determination (extension): \(f: A \rightarrow B; h: A\rightarrow C; \Rightarrow h = g \circ f, g = h \circ f^{-1}\), right div
- Retraction: More to Less \(C=A; h = 1_A\)
- = has solution for all determination problems
- \(f \circ x_1 = f \circ x_2 \Rightarrow x_1 = x_2\)
- f is injective / monomorphism
- Choice (lifting): \(g: B \rightarrow C; h: A\rightarrow C; \Rightarrow h = g \circ f, f = g^{-1} \circ f\), left div
- Section (cross section): Less to More \(C=A; h = 1_A\)
- = has solution for all choice problems
- \(x_1 \circ f = x_2 \circ f \Rightarrow x_1 = x_2\)
- epimorphism
- Both retraction and section are transitive
- Idempotent: endomap \(e: e \circ e = e\)
- Constant map -> can be factored through 1
- Stacking/Sorting/fibering/partitioning: elements of the same label
- naming/listing/sampling/parameterizing of codomain
- produce structure in the codomain
Abuses of Isomorphism
- Isomorphism of sets doesn’t pass alone internal structure
- Add the label for objects in two different sets (Objective -> Subjective)
Retraction & idempotent
- \(A \xrightarrow{s} B \xrightarrow{r} A; e = s \circ r\)
- fixed point of endomap
- idempotent map e, spliting of e
- Object A
- \(A \xrightarrow{s} B, A \xleftarrow{r} B, r \circ s = 1_A: e = s \circ r\)
- \(|B| = \mbox{number of fixed point in }A\)
- fixed point property: \(\forall f: X \rightarrow X, \exists x: T \rightarrow X: f \circ x=x\)
Three kinds of problems
- Museum director’s: \(B \xrightarrow{r} A \Rightarrow \mbox{choose } A \xrightarrow{s} B: r \circ s = 1_A\)
- Bird-watcher’s: \(A \xrightarrow{s} B \Rightarrow \mbox{choose } B \xrightarrow{r} A: r \circ s = 1_A\)
- Child’s: \(B \xrightarrow{e} B: e \circ e = e\)
Brouwer’s theorems
Continuous maps: f(p) doesn’t jump.
- Brouwer fixed point theorem
- I line segments. continuous endomap \(f: I \rightarrow I\), must have fixed point where f(x)=x.
- D closed disk. must have a fixed point for endomap f.
- Solid map. has a fixed point.
- Banach’s fixed point theorem (Contraction maps)
- Brouwer retraction theorem
- Inclusion map \(j: E \rightarrow I\), of two-point set E as boundary of interval I. No continuous map which is a retraction.
- no continuous map: \(circle \rightarrow disk\)
- also, Sphere S, ball B, \(f: S \rightarrow B\)
- No continuous retraction to boundary, then has a fixed point
- Contrapositive: Contunous endomap with no fixed point, then continuous retraction to its boundary(proved by imaging f(x),x to boundary)
- Inclusion map f is when \(A \subset B, f: A \rightarrow B\)
Categories of Structured Sets
maps as extra structure on sets & “structure-preserving maps” \[S \Rightarrow S^{\circlearrowright}\]
Category of endomap of sets
\[X^{\circlearrowright \alpha} \xrightarrow{f} Y^{\circlearrowright \beta}\] if satisfies \[f \circ \alpha = \beta \circ f\] preserves the given structure
isomorphisms will mean equal number of everything
Map & properties
- Positive properties -> Preserved
- accessibility
- Negative properties -> Reflected
- not being a fixed point
- Period of n : \(\alpha^n(x) = x\) produce a cycle of period n: \(C_n\) 1: fixed point
- Successor map\(\sigma : N \rightarrow N, N^{\circlearrowright \sigma}\) corresponds to any \(Y^{\circlearrowright \beta}\)
- evaluation & iteration : recapture Y
- \(\sigma ,f \mbox{ recapture } \beta\)
Typical applications
- dynamical system/automata (sets of possible states)
- \(\alpha (\alpha (x))\) as the natural advancement of time
- presentations
- names for some elements, hair ends or single elem in loop
- list them
- apply \(\alpha\)
- remove identicals till distinct with labels & relations
- maps keep relations
- question of acessibility, have x’ possible to get to x, x = a(x’)
- question of covergence to equilibrium, give x, possible to have \(\alpha^{n+1} (x) = \alpha^{n} (x)\)
Two subcategories
\[S^{\circlearrowright} \begin{cases} \supset S^e \\ \supset S^{circleftrightarrow} \end{cases}\]
- all idempotent endomaps of sets
- contains only fixed points with branches
- corresponding fixed points with corresponding branches
- invertible endomaps (automorphism,permutations)
- only circles (0 -> “fixed point”)
For any category
- e is any category, we can build \(e^{\circlearrowright}\) as we build it for S
- many full subcategories:
- \(endomaps \supset idempotents \supset identities\)
- \(endomaps \supset automorphisms \supset involutions(e^{\theta}) \supset identites\)
- θ is an involutions of A, if and only if \(\theta \circ \theta = 1_A\)
- internal diagram: “2-cycles” & fixed points
Irreflexive graphs (Irreflexive directed multi-graphs, graphs)
Pair of sets(X,Y) + pair of maps(s,t)
- s : Source of X
- t : Target of X
- endomaps are a subcategory of it
- \(s: 1_X, t: \alpha\)
A map between them is a pair of maps of sets * \(X \xrightarrow{f_A} X'\) * \(Y \xrightarrow{f_D} Y'\) * \(f_D \circ s = s' \circ f_A\) * \(f_D \circ t = t' \circ f_A\)
impossible journeys: maps from G to
- \(0 \rightarrow 0, 1 \rightarrow 1, 1 \rightarrow 0\)
- for \(b \rightarrow 0, e \rightarrow 1\)
- no path from b to e
- paths are maps from path to graphs
Free category created by graph G, arrows as functions, points as objects
- A diagram of shape G commutes
- for each pair p,q, all paths are interpreted as the same map(not necessarily labled)
Reflexive graphs
\[X \xleftarrow{i} P, X \xrightarrow{s,t} P\]
- \(s \circ i = 1_p\)
- \(t \circ i = 1_p\)
- the level of dots f can be evaluated by just knowing f at the level of arrows
- \(f_D = 1_Q \circ f_D =s' \circ j \circ f_D = s' \circ f_A \circ i\)
- Preferred loops, makes an arrow degenerate into a point of H
Retraction and Injectivity
\[retraction \cong injectivity\]
Injective a: iff for any maps x1 x2, \(a \circ x_1 = a \circ x_2 \Rightarrow x_1=x_2\)
Types of structure
- A set of names for the components of structure
- A set of names for the crucial structure maps
- Specification which structural component object is the domain or codomain
- Definition : A category with exactly one object
- many endomaps
- with the unit map(identity): \(e \circ f = f\)
- and multiplication op
- functor: structure-preserving interpretation of one category into another
- Ex: for endomaps \(X^{\circlearrowright \alpha}\)
- \(h(*) = X\)
- \(h(n) = \alpha^n\)
- \(h(0) = 1_X\)
Elementary universal mapping properties
Terminal objects
- S: For each object X of e there is exactly one e-map: \(X \rightarrow S\)
- Uniqueness of terminal object: all terminal objects are isomorphic
1 is terminal object of e, e-map: \(1 \rightarrow X\) is a point of X
- Construction: use the property of only having one map
- for Irreflexive graphs
- 1 arrow + 1 point(just like fixed point for the endomaps)
- \(f,g: X \rightarrow Y, f \neq g, \exists B: B \xrightarrow{x} X, with f \circ x \neq g \circ x\)
- x separates f from g
- most categories terminal object is not sufficient describe all the structures
- endomaps only fixed point is described
Initial objects
- S: For every object X of e there is exactly one e-map: \(S \rightarrow X\) (dual of terminal object)
- Uniqueness of initial object
- Abstract sets: initial object -> empty set
- An object P, a pair of maps \(P \xrightarrow{p_1} B_1, P \xrightarrow{p_2} B_2\)
- for each X and \(X \xrightarrow{f_1} B_1, X \xrightarrow{f_2} B_2\)
- exactly one map \(X \xrightarrow{f} P, \mbox{ which } f_1 = p_1 \circ f, f_2 = p_2 \circ f\)
- \(f \rightarrow <f_1,f_2>\)
- projections
- \(P \rightarrow B_1 \times B_2\)
- can be expanded to more objects
- \(\#(A \times B) = \#A \times \#B\)
- Uniqueness of products (all are isomorphic)
- commutative
- associative
- identity
- involves interaction of the elements of factors
- binary op on an object A: \(A \times A \rightarrow A\)
- action of an object A on an object X: \(A \times X \rightarrow X\)
- Construction: making sure the additional structures are preserved
- Circle of 2 & 3 gives a circle of 6
- circle of 2 & 4 gives two circles of 4
- circle of a & b gives gcd(a,b) circles of ab/gcd(a,b)
- An object S, a pair of maps \(B_1 \xrightarrow{j_1} S, B_2 \xrightarrow{j_2} S\)
- for each object Y and pair of maps \(B_1 \xrightarrow{g_1} Y, B_2 \xrightarrow{g_2} Y\)
- exactly one map, \(S \xrightarrow{g} Y, \mbox{ which } g_1 = g j_1, g_2 = g j_2\)
- injections \[g =\begin{cases} g_1 \\ g_2 \end{cases}\]
Distributive laws
not universal, only if the standard maps are satisfied(always isomorphisms):
- \((A \times B_1) + (A \times B_2)+ \dots + (A \times B_n) \rightarrow A \times (B_1 + B_2 + \dots + B_n)\)
- general distributive law
- use injection and projection relations to construct the matrix \[f = \begin{bmatrix} f_{1A} & f_{1B} \\ f_{2A} & f_{2B} \end{bmatrix}\] from coproducts to factors, then represents them using in/pro
\(0 \rightarrow A \times 0\)
- Satisfy:
- set
- set + endomap
- Irreflexive graph
- Not satisfy:
- pointed sets: set plus garbage point(\(1 \xrightarrow{x} X\)), A+B, glue by base/garbage point
- linear categories
- A category with zero maps in which every ‘identity matrix’ is an isomorphism
\[f = \begin{bmatrix} 1_X & 0_{XY} \\ 0_{YX} & 1_Y \end{bmatrix}: X+Y \rightarrow X \times Y\]
Universal mapping properties, Incidence relations
- Universal mapping properties
- detecting the structure of an object by means of figures and incidence relations
- singular figures: mapping collapses the original structure
- original factors through the singular
- for Successor: the future of x(0) has “singular shape”
- big arrow head means epimorphism
- Any problem of factoring a map through such a map has at most one solution
- right cancellative: \(g_1 \circ f = g_2 \circ f \Rightarrow g_1 = g_2\)
- Incidence relations: to what extent figures are incident
- In X, figure x of shape A and figure y of shape B
- possibility 1 :\(u: A \rightarrow B, y \circ u = x\)
- possibility 2 :\(T, u_1: T \rightarrow A, u_2: T \rightarrow B, x \circ u_1 = y \circ u_2\)
- In sets: If two maps agree on points, they are the same map.
- In endomaps: any pair of maps f,g, if for all \(N^{\circlearrowright \sigma} \xrightarrow{x} X^{\circlearrowright \alpha}, f \circ x = g \circ x \Rightarrow f = g\)
- In graphs: any pair of maps f,g, if for all arrows & dots blah blah
Universal Construction
- colimits
- Initial object
- sum of two objects
- limits
- Terminal objet
- product of two objects
- negative of object
- \(A + B = 0\)
- reciprocal of object
- \(A \times B = 0\)
- Idempotent objects
\(C \times C = C\)
- solving equations
- if fx = gx, x is the solution of the equation f = g
- Universal solution: one that “includes” all other solutions
- equalizer of f,g: \(E \xrightarrow{p} X\), if fp = gp and for each \(T \xrightarrow{x} X\), fx = gx
- exactly one \(T \xrightarrow{e} E\) for which x = pe.
- dual: coequalizer
- graphs picturing the behavior of particular functions
- for any \(X \xrightarrow{f} Y\), unique sections \(\Gamma \mbox{ of } p_x \mbox{ for which } f = p_y \Gamma, \Gamma =<?,f>\)
Binary operations and diagonal arguments
- Binary operations and actions
- can be viewed as family of maps determined by the set of actions
- parameterized maps
- (Georg Cantor’s) diagonal theorem(in any category with product)1
- if Y is an object such that
- there exists an object T with enough points to parameterize all the maps \(T \rightarrow Y\)
- by means of some single map \(T \times T \xrightarrow{f} Y\)
- then Y has the fixed point property: every endomap of Y has at least one fixed point
- Cantor’s Contrapositive Corollary
Higher universal mapping properties
Map objects(Exponentiation)
- Definition of map object(function space)
- Given two objects T,Y in a category with products
- an object M together with a map \(T \times M \xrightarrow{x} Y\) is
- an object of maps from T to Y with evaluation map
- provided M and e satisfy: for each X and each map \(T \times X \xrightarrow{f} Y\)
- there is exactly one map \(\lceil f \rceil :X \rightarrow M\) for which \(f = e(1_T \times \lceil f \rceil)\)
- an boject denoted Y^T
- a map e, called evaluation
- e is called evaluation map, M can use symbol \(Y^T, T \times Y^T \xrightarrow{e} Y\)
Law of exponents
- Base is a product: \((Y_1 \times Y_2)^T \cong Y_1^T \times Y_2^T\)
- exponent is a sum: \(Y^{T_1 + T_2} \cong Y^{T_1} + Y^{T_2}\)
- If sum exists in e and T is an object such that map objects \(Y^T\) exist for all objects Y
- e stisfies the distributive law for multiplication by T
Universal properties and ‘observables’
- Chaotic: observable \(X \xrightarrow{f} Y\) on a dynamical system \(X^{\circlearrowright \alpha}\)
- induced \(S^{\circlearrowright}-map\) \[X^{\circlearrowright \alpha} \xrightarrow{\bar{f}} (Y^N)^{\circlearrowright \beta}\]
is onto for states: for every possible sequence is generated by at least one state in X
- Admissible notion of underlying configuration: faithful
every two equal sequences must be generated by the same state in X
Contravariant parts functor
Parts and stable conditions
- Stable condition: figure of some shape has the same condition after transform
\(x:A \rightarrow X\) is in \(g:W \rightarrow X\) (x belongs to g) if and only if there exists \(w:A \rightarrow W\), for which \(x = gw\)
- An image of a map g is a part i of the codomain of g for which
- g is in i
- for all parts j, if g is in j then i is in j
- sets: \(2=\{true,false\}\)
- dynamical systems: \(\{Inf \rightarrow Inf\}+prev\)
Irreflexive graphs: \(\{a\rightarrow b,b\rightarrow a, a\rightarrow a,b\rightarrow b,b\rightarrow b\}\)
Toposes and logic
- e/X is maps of e with codomain X
- topos
- e has 0,1,x,+,and for every X, e/X has product
- e has map objects \(Y^X\)
- e has truth value object \(1 \rightarrow \Omega\)(Subobject classifier)
- logic: \(T\xrightarrow{a=<b,c>} \Omega \times \Omega \xrightarrow{x} \Omega\)
- And/intersection: \(x = \wedge, \wedge \circ <b,c> = b \wedge c\)
- Implication: \(x = \Rightarrow,b \Rightarrow c = b \subseteq c\)
- Or/disjunction: \(x = \vee\)
Rules \[\frac{\xi \subseteq \beta_1 \times \beta_2}{\xi \subseteq \beta_1 \mbox{ and } \xi \subseteq \beta_2}\] modus ponens rule of inference \[\frac{\xi \subseteq (\alpha \Rightarrow \eta)}{\xi \wedge \alpha \subseteq \eta}\] \[\frac{\beta_1 \vee \beta_2 \subseteq \xi}{\beta_1 \subseteq \xi \mbox{ and } \beta_2 \subseteq \xi}\] \[not \varphi \overset{def}{=} [\varphi \Rightarrow false]\]
- \(\varphi \wedge not\varphi = false\)
- \(\varphi \subseteq not \; not \varphi\)
- might not be equal, consider Irreflexive graph
Inverse image and truth
- Inverse image of i along f
- a part j such that for any x
x is in j if and only if fx is in i
- subobject classifier or truth value object
- An object \(\Omega, v: T\xrightarrow{v} \Omega\)
- for every part g of any X
- exactly one map \(f:X\rightarrow \Omega\), g is the inverse image of v along f
fx is the truth value of x belongs to g
The connected components functor
- Connectedness: undirected path leads from d to d’
- Reflexive graphs are made of connected components
Discrete: no arrow other than the degenrate loop(dynamical system: rest states)
- A map \(X\rightarrow \pi_0 X\) with discrete codomain is universal if for every \(X \rightarrow S\) with discrete codomain
- there is exactly one map \(\pi_0 X \rightarrow S\) making a commutative triangle
- \(\pi_0 X\) space of components
inverse imange of any point i of it i-th connected component of X
- A map \(|X| \rightarrow X\) with discrete domain is universal if for every \(S \rightarrow X\) with discrete domain
- there is exactly one map \(S \rightarrow |X|\) making a commutative triangle
|X| is the space of points of X
- Small monoid a set M with a given associative multiplication \(M \times M \rightarrow M\) with unit\(1\rightarrow M\)
- Representation of M, or right action of M on a set X is given map \(X \times M \rightarrow X\) denoted by juxtaposition
\(x(ab) = (xa)b\), \(x1=x\)
Proof: How it apply to all endomaps↩