path: root/include/toy/Dialect.h
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+//===- Dialect.h - Dialect definition for the Toy IR ----------------------===//
+// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// =============================================================================
+// This file implements the IR Dialect for the Toy language.
+// See g3doc/Tutorials/Toy/ for more information.
+#include "mlir/IR/Dialect.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/Function.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/OpDefinition.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/OpImplementation.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/StandardTypes.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/TypeSupport.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/Types.h"
+namespace mlir {
+class Builder;
+namespace toy {
+/// This is the definition of the Toy dialect. A dialect inherits from
+/// mlir::Dialect and register custom operations and types (in its constructor).
+/// It can also overridding general behavior of dialects exposed as virtual
+/// method, for example regarding verification and parsing/printing.
+class ToyDialect : public mlir::Dialect {
+ explicit ToyDialect(mlir::MLIRContext *ctx);
+ /// Parse a type registered to this dialect. Overridding this method is
+ /// required for dialects that have custom types.
+ /// Technically this is only needed to be able to round-trip to textual IR.
+ mlir::Type parseType(llvm::StringRef tyData,
+ mlir::Location loc) const override;
+ /// Print a type registered to this dialect. Overridding this method is
+ /// only required for dialects that have custom types.
+ /// Technically this is only needed to be able to round-trip to textual IR.
+ void printType(mlir::Type type, llvm::raw_ostream &os) const override;
+/////////////////////// Custom Types for the Dialect ///////////////////////////
+namespace detail {
+struct ToyArrayTypeStorage;
+/// LLVM-style RTTI: one entry per subclass to allow dyn_cast/isa.
+enum ToyTypeKind {
+ // The enum starts at the range reserved for this dialect.
+ TOY_TYPE = mlir::Type::FIRST_TOY_TYPE,
+/// Type for Toy arrays.
+/// In MLIR Types are reference to immutable and uniqued objects owned by the
+/// MLIRContext. As such `ToyArrayType` only wraps a pointer to an uniqued
+/// instance of `ToyArrayTypeStorage` (defined in our implementation file) and
+/// provides the public facade API to interact with the type.
+class ToyArrayType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<ToyArrayType, mlir::Type,
+ detail::ToyArrayTypeStorage> {
+ using Base::Base;
+ /// Returns the dimensions for this array, or and empty range for a generic
+ /// array.
+ llvm::ArrayRef<int64_t> getShape();
+ /// Predicate to test if this array is generic (shape haven't been inferred
+ /// yet).
+ bool isGeneric() { return getShape().empty(); }
+ /// Return the rank of this array (0 if it is generic).
+ int getRank() { return getShape().size(); }
+ /// Return the type of individual elements in the array.
+ mlir::Type getElementType();
+ /// Get a MemRef equivalent to this array type.
+ mlir::MemRefType toMemref();
+ /// Get the unique instance of this Type from the context.
+ /// A ToyArrayType is only defined by the shape of the array.
+ static ToyArrayType get(mlir::MLIRContext *context,
+ llvm::ArrayRef<int64_t> shape = {});
+ /// Support method to enable LLVM-style RTTI type casting.
+ static bool kindof(unsigned kind) { return kind == ToyTypeKind::TOY_ARRAY; }
+//////////////////// Custom Operations for the Dialect /////////////////////////
+/// Constant operation turns a literal into an SSA value. The data is attached
+/// to the operation as an attribute. For example:
+/// %0 = "toy.constant"()
+/// {value: dense<tensor<2x3xf64>, [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]>}
+/// : () -> !toy<"array<2, 3>">
+/// An operation inherits from `class Op` and specifies optional traits. Here we
+/// indicate that `toy.constant` does not have any operands and returns a single
+/// result. The traits provide some utilities methods for the operation, for
+/// instance we will be able to use `getResult()`, but `getOperand()` won't be
+/// available.
+class ConstantOp : public mlir::Op<ConstantOp, mlir::OpTrait::ZeroOperands,
+ mlir::OpTrait::OneResult,
+ mlir::OpTrait::HasNoSideEffect> {
+ /// This is the name used by MLIR to match an operation to this class during
+ /// parsing.
+ static llvm::StringRef getOperationName() { return "toy.constant"; }
+ /// The operation can have extra verification beyond the traits they define.
+ mlir::LogicalResult verify();
+ /// Interface to mlir::Builder::create<PrintOp>(...)
+ /// This method populates the `state` that MLIR uses to create operations.
+ /// The `toy.constant` operation does not have arguments but attaches a
+ /// constant array as an attribute and returns it as an SSA value.
+ static void build(mlir::Builder *builder, mlir::OperationState *state,
+ llvm::ArrayRef<int64_t> shape,
+ mlir::DenseElementsAttr value);
+ /// Similar to the one above, but takes a single float and returns a
+ /// !toy<"array<1>">.
+ static void build(mlir::Builder *builder, mlir::OperationState *state,
+ mlir::FloatAttr value);
+ mlir::DenseElementsAttr getValue() {
+ return getAttr("value").cast<mlir::DenseElementsAttr>();
+ }
+ /// Inherit constructor.
+ using Op::Op;
+/// Generic calls represent calls to a user defined function that needs to
+/// be specialized for the shape of its arguments. The callee name is attached
+/// as a literal string as an attribute. The arguments list must match the
+/// arguments expected by the callee. For example:
+/// %4 = "toy.generic_call"(%1, %3) {callee: "my_func"}
+/// : (!toy<"array<2, 3>">, !toy<"array<2, 3>">) -> !toy<"array">
+/// This is only valid if a function named "my_func" exists and takes two
+/// arguments.
+class GenericCallOp
+ : public mlir::Op<GenericCallOp, mlir::OpTrait::VariadicOperands,
+ mlir::OpTrait::OneResult> {
+ /// MLIR will use this to register the operation with the parser/printer.
+ static llvm::StringRef getOperationName() { return "toy.generic_call"; }
+ /// Operations can add custom verification beyond the traits they define.
+ mlir::LogicalResult verify();
+ /// Interface to the builder to allow:
+ /// mlir::Builder::create<GenericCallOp>(...)
+ /// This method populate the `state` that MLIR use to create operations.
+ /// The `toy.generic_call` operation accepts a callee name and a list of
+ /// arguments for the call.
+ static void build(mlir::Builder *builder, mlir::OperationState *state,
+ llvm::StringRef callee,
+ llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Value *> arguments);
+ /// Return the name of the callee.
+ llvm::StringRef getCalleeName();
+ /// Inherit constructor.
+ using Op::Op;
+/// Return operations terminate blocks (and functions as well). They take a
+/// single argument and the type must match the function return type.
+class ReturnOp
+ : public mlir::Op<ReturnOp, mlir::OpTrait::VariadicOperands,
+ mlir::OpTrait::ZeroResult, mlir::OpTrait::IsTerminator> {
+ static llvm::StringRef getOperationName() { return "toy.return"; }
+ /// Operations can add custom verification beyond the traits they define.
+ mlir::LogicalResult verify();
+ /// Interface to mlir::Builder::create<PrintOp>(...)
+ /// This method populate the `state` that MLIR use to create operations.
+ /// The `toy.return` operation accepts an optional single array as an argument
+ /// and does not have any returned value.
+ static void build(mlir::Builder *builder, mlir::OperationState *state,
+ mlir::Value *value = nullptr);
+ /// Return true if there is a returned value.
+ bool hasOperand() { return 0 != getNumOperands(); }
+ /// Helper to return the optional operand. Caller must check if the operand
+ /// is present before calling this.
+ mlir::Value *getOperand() { return getOperation()->getOperand(0); }
+ /// Inherit constructor.
+ using Op::Op;
+/// The print builtin takes a single array argument and does not return any.
+class PrintOp : public mlir::Op<PrintOp, mlir::OpTrait::OneOperand,
+ mlir::OpTrait::ZeroResult> {
+ static llvm::StringRef getOperationName() { return "toy.print"; }
+ /// Operations can add custom verification beyond the traits they define.
+ mlir::LogicalResult verify();
+ /// Interface to mlir::Builder::create<PrintOp>(...)
+ /// This method populate the `state` that MLIR use to create operations.
+ /// The `toy.print` operation accepts a single array as argument and does
+ /// not have any returned value.
+ static void build(mlir::Builder *builder, mlir::OperationState *state,
+ mlir::Value *value);
+ /// Inherit constructor.
+ using Op::Op;
+class TransposeOp : public mlir::Op<TransposeOp, mlir::OpTrait::OneOperand,
+ mlir::OpTrait::OneResult,
+ mlir::OpTrait::HasNoSideEffect> {
+ static llvm::StringRef getOperationName() { return "toy.transpose"; }
+ /// Operation can add custom verification beyond the traits they define.
+ mlir::LogicalResult verify();
+ /// Interface to mlir::Builder::create<TransposeOp>(...)
+ /// This method populate the `state` that MLIR use to create operations.
+ /// The `toy.transpose` operation accepts a single array as argument and
+ /// returns the transposed array as its only result.
+ static void build(mlir::Builder *builder, mlir::OperationState *state,
+ mlir::Value *value);
+ // Register our patterns for rewrite by the Canonicalization framework.
+ static void
+ getCanonicalizationPatterns(mlir::OwningRewritePatternList &results,
+ mlir::MLIRContext *context);
+ /// Inherit constructor.
+ using Op::Op;
+/// Reshape operation is transforming its input array into a new array with the
+/// same number of elements but different shapes. For example:
+/// %0 = "toy.transpose"(%arg1) : (!toy<"array<10>">) -> !toy<"array<5, 2>">
+class ReshapeOp : public mlir::Op<ReshapeOp, mlir::OpTrait::OneOperand,
+ mlir::OpTrait::OneResult,
+ mlir::OpTrait::HasNoSideEffect> {
+ static llvm::StringRef getOperationName() { return "toy.reshape"; }
+ /// Operation can add custom verification beyond the traits they define.
+ mlir::LogicalResult verify();
+ /// Interface to mlir::Builder::create<ReshapeOp>(...)
+ /// This method populate the `state` that MLIR use to create operations.
+ /// The `toy.reshape` operation accepts a single array as argument and
+ /// returns the array with the specified reshapedType as its only result.
+ static void build(mlir::Builder *builder, mlir::OperationState *state,
+ mlir::Value *value, ToyArrayType reshapedType);
+ // Register our patterns for rewrite by the Canonicalization framework.
+ static void
+ getCanonicalizationPatterns(mlir::OwningRewritePatternList &results,
+ mlir::MLIRContext *context);
+ /// Inherit constructor.
+ using Op::Op;
+/// Binary operation implementing a multiplication. For two-dimensional array
+/// a matrix multiplication is implemented, while for one dimensional array a
+/// dot product is performed.
+class MulOp : public mlir::Op<MulOp, mlir::OpTrait::NOperands<2>::Impl,
+ mlir::OpTrait::OneResult,
+ mlir::OpTrait::HasNoSideEffect> {
+ static llvm::StringRef getOperationName() { return "toy.mul"; }
+ /// Operation can add custom verification beyond the traits they define.
+ mlir::LogicalResult verify();
+ /// Interface to mlir::Builder::create<PrintOp>(...)
+ /// This method populate the `state` that MLIR use to create operations.
+ /// The `toy.mul` operation accepts two operands as argument and returns
+ /// a single value.
+ static void build(mlir::Builder *builder, mlir::OperationState *state,
+ mlir::Value *lhs, mlir::Value *rhs);
+ /// Convenience accessor for LHS of the expression.
+ mlir::Value *getLHS() { return getOperand(0); }
+ /// Convenience accessor for RHS of the expression.
+ mlir::Value *getRHS() { return getOperand(1); }
+ /// Inherit constructor.
+ using Op::Op;
+/// Element wise addition of two arrays. The shape must match.
+class AddOp : public mlir::Op<AddOp, mlir::OpTrait::NOperands<2>::Impl,
+ mlir::OpTrait::OneResult,
+ mlir::OpTrait::HasNoSideEffect> {
+ static llvm::StringRef getOperationName() { return "toy.add"; }
+ /// Operation can add custom verification beyond the traits they define.
+ mlir::LogicalResult verify();
+ /// Interface to mlir::Builder::create<PrintOp>(...)
+ /// This method populate the `state` that MLIR use to create operations.
+ /// The `toy.mul` operation accepts two operands as argument and returns
+ /// a single value.
+ static void build(mlir::Builder *builder, mlir::OperationState *state,
+ mlir::Value *lhs, mlir::Value *rhs);
+ /// Convenience accessor for LHS of the expression.
+ mlir::Value *getLHS() { return getOperand(0); }
+ /// Convenience accessor for RHS of the expression.
+ mlir::Value *getRHS() { return getOperand(1); }
+ /// Inherit constructor.
+ using Op::Op;
+/// AllocOp is a temporary operation for buffer allocation, created as part of
+/// partial lowering.
+class AllocOp : public mlir::Op<AllocOp, mlir::OpTrait::ZeroOperands,
+ mlir::OpTrait::OneResult> {
+ static llvm::StringRef getOperationName() { return "toy.alloc"; }
+ /// Interface to mlir::Builder::create<AllocOp>(...)
+ /// This method populate the `state` that MLIR use to create operations.
+ /// `toy.alloc` does not have any argument and returns a toy array.
+ static void build(mlir::Builder *builder, mlir::OperationState *state,
+ mlir::Type retType);
+ /// Inherit constructor.
+ using Op::Op;
+/// FIXME: should be in std?
+class TypeCastOp : public mlir::Op<TypeCastOp, mlir::OpTrait::OneOperand,
+ mlir::OpTrait::OneResult,
+ mlir::OpTrait::HasNoSideEffect> {
+ static llvm::StringRef getOperationName() { return "toy.cast"; }
+ static void build(mlir::Builder *builder, mlir::OperationState *state,
+ mlir::Value *value, mlir::Type destTy);
+ // Register our patterns for rewrite by the Canonicalization framework.
+ static void
+ getCanonicalizationPatterns(mlir::OwningRewritePatternList &results,
+ mlir::MLIRContext *context);
+ /// Inherit constructor.
+ using Op::Op;
+} // end namespace toy