path: root/mlir/ShapeInferencePass.cpp
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1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mlir/ShapeInferencePass.cpp b/mlir/ShapeInferencePass.cpp
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+++ b/mlir/ShapeInferencePass.cpp
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+//===- ShapeInferencePass.cpp - Toy Shape Inference / Func Specialization -===//
+// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// =============================================================================
+// This file implements a Module level pass performing interprocedural
+// propagation of array shapes through function specialization.
+#include "toy/Dialect.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/BlockAndValueMapping.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/StandardTypes.h"
+#include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
+#include "mlir/StandardOps/Ops.h"
+#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#define DEBUG_TYPE "toy-shape-inference"
+using namespace toy;
+using llvm::MutableArrayRef;
+using llvm::SmallVector;
+using llvm::SmallVectorImpl;
+using llvm::StringRef;
+using llvm::Twine;
+/// Create mangled name for function specialization. We will simply append the
+/// shape of the arguments to the function name. For example calling
+/// "toy.generic_call"(%1, %3) {callee: "foo"}
+/// : (!toy<"array<2, 3>">, !toy<"array<2, 3>">) -> !toy<"array">
+/// would be mangled foo_2x3_2x3. This mangling isn't robust as the user could
+/// have provide a function with a similar name. But we will claim this as a
+/// feature: this allow the user to provide custom specialization!
+static std::string mangle(StringRef funcName,
+ MutableArrayRef<mlir::OpOperand> operands) {
+ std::string mangledName;
+ mangledName.reserve(funcName.size() + operands.size() * 6);
+ mangledName = funcName;
+ for (auto &operand : operands) {
+ auto arrayTy = operand.get()->getType().cast<ToyArrayType>();
+ mangledName += "_";
+ const char *sep = "";
+ for (auto dim : arrayTy.getShape()) {
+ mangledName += (sep + Twine(dim)).str();
+ sep = "x";
+ }
+ }
+ return mangledName;
+namespace {
+/// The ShapeInferencePass is a ModulePass: it will run on the Module as a
+/// whole. MLIR also supports FunctionPass which are restricted to modify a
+/// single function at a time. This pass couldn't be a function pass due the
+/// nature of its interprocedural transformations.
+/// The algorithm has two levels, first intra-procedurally:
+/// 1) Build a worklist containing all the operations that are returning
+/// a generic Toy array: these are the operations that need shape
+/// inference.
+/// 2) Iterate on the worklist:
+/// a) find an operation to process: the next ready operation in the
+/// worklist has all of its arguments non-generic,
+/// b) if no operation is found, break out of the loop,
+/// c) remove the operation from the worklist,
+/// d) infer the shape of its output from the arguments type.
+/// 3) If the worklist is empty, the algorithm succeeded and we infer the
+/// return type for the function from the return operation.
+/// There is a twist though: when a call to a generic function is encountered,
+/// shape inference requires the return type of the callee to be inferred first.
+/// At this point we need to run specialize the callee by cloning it. Here is
+/// the inter-procedural flow:
+/// 1) Keep a worklist of function to process. Start with function "main".
+/// 2) While the worklist isn't empty:
+/// a) Take the last inserted function in the worklist.
+/// b) Run the intra-procedural shape inference on this function.
+/// c) If the intra-procedural shape inference can't complete, it returns
+/// a Function that needs to be inferred first. In this case, queue this
+/// new function and continue. Otherwise the inference succeeded and we
+/// can pop from the queue.
+class ShapeInferencePass : public mlir::ModulePass<ShapeInferencePass> {
+ // One entry in the inter-procedural worklist. It keeps track of the
+ // function to process, the mangled name for this specialization, and the
+ // types of the arguments on which to specialize.
+ struct FunctionToSpecialize {
+ mlir::Function *function;
+ std::string mangledName;
+ std::vector<mlir::Type> argumentsType;
+ };
+ void runOnModule() override {
+ auto &module = getModule();
+ auto *main = module.getNamedFunction("main");
+ if (!main) {
+ module.getContext()->emitError(
+ mlir::UnknownLoc::get(module.getContext()),
+ "Shape inference failed: can't find a main function\n");
+ signalPassFailure();
+ return;
+ }
+ /// Inter-procedural loop, initialize with `main` and iterate till
+ /// successfully infer the full reachable call-graph from main.
+ SmallVector<FunctionToSpecialize, 8> worklist;
+ worklist.push_back({main, "", {}});
+ while (!worklist.empty()) {
+ if (failed(specialize(worklist)))
+ return;
+ }
+ // Delete any generic function left
+ // FIXME: we may want this as a separate pass.
+ for (mlir::Function &function : llvm::make_early_inc_range(module)) {
+ if (auto genericAttr =
+ function.getAttrOfType<mlir::BoolAttr>("toy.generic")) {
+ if (genericAttr.getValue())
+ function.erase();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Run inference on a function. If a mangledName is provided, we need to
+ /// specialize the function: to this end clone it first.
+ mlir::LogicalResult
+ specialize(SmallVectorImpl<FunctionToSpecialize> &funcWorklist) {
+ FunctionToSpecialize &functionToSpecialize = funcWorklist.back();
+ mlir::Function *f = functionToSpecialize.function;
+ // Check if cloning for specialization is needed (usually anything but main)
+ // We will create a new function with the concrete types for the parameters
+ // and clone the body into it.
+ if (!functionToSpecialize.mangledName.empty()) {
+ if (getModule().getNamedFunction(functionToSpecialize.mangledName)) {
+ funcWorklist.pop_back();
+ // Function already specialized, move on.
+ return mlir::success();
+ }
+ // Create a new function with a generic array return type, it will be
+ // updated when the inference for the function body completes.
+ auto type = mlir::FunctionType::get(functionToSpecialize.argumentsType,
+ {ToyArrayType::get(&getContext())},
+ &getContext());
+ auto *newFunction = new mlir::Function(
+ f->getLoc(), functionToSpecialize.mangledName, type, f->getAttrs());
+ getModule().getFunctions().push_back(newFunction);
+ // Clone the function body
+ mlir::BlockAndValueMapping mapper;
+ f->cloneInto(newFunction, mapper);
+ llvm::dbgs() << "====== Cloned : \n";
+ f->dump();
+ llvm::dbgs() << "====== Into : \n";
+ newFunction->dump();
+ });
+ f = newFunction;
+ f->setAttr("toy.generic", mlir::BoolAttr::get(false, &getContext()));
+ // Remap the entry-block arguments
+ // FIXME: this seems like a bug in `cloneInto()` above?
+ auto &entryBlock = f->getBlocks().front();
+ int blockArgSize = entryBlock.getArguments().size();
+ assert(blockArgSize == f->getType().getInputs().size());
+ entryBlock.addArguments(f->getType().getInputs());
+ auto argList = entryBlock.getArguments();
+ for (int argNum = 0; argNum < blockArgSize; ++argNum) {
+ argList[0]->replaceAllUsesWith(argList[blockArgSize]);
+ entryBlock.eraseArgument(0);
+ }
+ assert(succeeded(f->verify()));
+ }
+ LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
+ << "Run shape inference on : '" << f->getName() << "'\n");
+ auto *toyDialect = getContext().getRegisteredDialect("toy");
+ if (!toyDialect) {
+ getContext().emitError(mlir::UnknownLoc::get(&getContext()),
+ "Toy dialect is not registered");
+ signalPassFailure();
+ return mlir::failure();
+ }
+ // Populate the worklist with the operations that need shape inference:
+ // these are the Toy operations that return a generic array.
+ llvm::SmallPtrSet<mlir::Operation *, 16> opWorklist;
+ f->walk([&](mlir::Operation *op) {
+ if (op->getDialect() == toyDialect) {
+ if (op->getNumResults() == 1 &&
+ op->getResult(0)->getType().cast<ToyArrayType>().isGeneric())
+ opWorklist.insert(op);
+ }
+ });
+ // Iterate on the operations in the worklist until all operations have been
+ // inferred or no change happened (fix point).
+ while (!opWorklist.empty()) {
+ // Find the next operation ready for inference, that is an operation
+ // with all operands already resolved (non-generic).
+ auto nextop = llvm::find_if(opWorklist, [](mlir::Operation *op) {
+ return llvm::all_of(op->getOperands(), [](mlir::Value *v) {
+ return !v->getType().cast<ToyArrayType>().isGeneric();
+ });
+ });
+ if (nextop == opWorklist.end())
+ break; // failure: no operations can be inferred.
+ mlir::Operation *op = *nextop;
+ opWorklist.erase(op);
+ LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Inferring shape for: " << *op << "\n");
+ // The add operation is trivial: propagate the input type as is.
+ if (auto addOp = op->dyn_cast<AddOp>()) {
+ op->getResult(0)->setType(op->getOperand(0)->getType());
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Transpose is easy: just invert the dimensions.
+ if (op->getName().getStringRef() == "toy.transpose") {
+ SmallVector<int64_t, 2> dims;
+ auto arrayTy = op->getOperand(0)->getType().cast<ToyArrayType>();
+ dims.insert(dims.end(), arrayTy.getShape().begin(),
+ arrayTy.getShape().end());
+ if (dims.size() == 2)
+ std::swap(dims[0], dims[1]);
+ op->getResult(0)->setType(ToyArrayType::get(&getContext(), dims));
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Multiplication is a bit trickier, handle rank 1 as dot product and rank
+ // 2 as matrix multiplications.
+ // We need to be careful about rank mismatch here: the verifier could
+ // catch it but shape inference earlier in the pass could generate an
+ // invalid IR (from an invalid Toy input of course) and we wouldn't want
+ // to crash here.
+ if (auto mulOp = op->dyn_cast<MulOp>()) {
+ auto lhs = mulOp.getLHS()->getType().cast<ToyArrayType>();
+ auto rhs = mulOp.getRHS()->getType().cast<ToyArrayType>();
+ auto lhsRank = lhs.getShape().size();
+ auto rhsRank = rhs.getShape().size();
+ if (lhsRank != rhsRank) {
+ op->emitError("Shape mismatch: LHS and RHS must have the same "
+ "rank for multiplication, got " +
+ Twine(lhsRank) + " vs " + Twine(lhsRank));
+ return mlir::failure();
+ }
+ SmallVector<int64_t, 2> dims;
+ if (lhsRank == 1) {
+ // dot product, result shape is <1>
+ dims.push_back(1);
+ } else {
+ if (lhsRank != 2) {
+ op->emitError(
+ "Shape mismatch: expect rank 1 or 2 for mul operands, got " +
+ Twine(lhsRank));
+ return mlir::failure();
+ }
+ dims.push_back(lhs.getShape()[0]);
+ dims.push_back(rhs.getShape()[1]);
+ }
+ op->getResult(0)->setType(ToyArrayType::get(&getContext(), dims));
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Process calls: lookup the callee after mangling the name with the
+ // argument shapes. If the callee does not exist, we stop the inference
+ // for this function, queue the callee in the inter-procedural work list,
+ // and return. The current function stays in the work list and will
+ // restart after the callee is processed.
+ if (auto callOp = op->dyn_cast<GenericCallOp>()) {
+ auto calleeName = callOp.getCalleeName();
+ auto *callee = getModule().getNamedFunction(calleeName);
+ if (!callee) {
+ f->emitError(
+ llvm::Twine("Shape inference failed, call to unknown '") +
+ calleeName + "'");
+ signalPassFailure();
+ return mlir::failure();
+ }
+ auto mangledName = mangle(calleeName, op->getOpOperands());
+ LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Found callee to infer: '" << calleeName
+ << "', mangled: '" << mangledName << "'\n");
+ auto *mangledCallee = getModule().getNamedFunction(mangledName);
+ if (!mangledCallee) {
+ // Can't find the target, this is where we queue the request for the
+ // callee and stop the inference for the current function now.
+ std::vector<mlir::Type> funcArgs;
+ for (auto operand : op->getOperands())
+ funcArgs.push_back(operand->getType());
+ funcWorklist.push_back(
+ {callee, std::move(mangledName), std::move(funcArgs)});
+ return mlir::success();
+ }
+ // Found a specialized callee! Let's turn this into a normal call
+ // operation.
+ SmallVector<mlir::Value *, 8> operands;
+ for (mlir::Value *v : op->getOperands())
+ operands.push_back(v);
+ mlir::FuncBuilder builder(f);
+ builder.setInsertionPoint(op);
+ auto newCall =
+ builder.create<mlir::CallOp>(op->getLoc(), mangledCallee, operands);
+ if (newCall.getNumResults()) {
+ op->getResult(0)->replaceAllUsesWith(newCall.getResult(0));
+ op->erase();
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Done with inference on this function, removing it from the worklist.
+ funcWorklist.pop_back();
+ // Mark the function as non-generic now that inference has succeeded
+ f->setAttr("toy.generic", mlir::BoolAttr::get(false, &getContext()));
+ // If the operation worklist isn't empty, this indicates a failure.
+ if (!opWorklist.empty()) {
+ std::string str;
+ llvm::raw_string_ostream errorMsg(str);
+ errorMsg << "Shape inference failed, " << opWorklist.size()
+ << " operations couldn't be inferred\n";
+ for (auto *ope : opWorklist)
+ errorMsg << " - " << *ope << "\n";
+ f->emitError(errorMsg.str());
+ signalPassFailure();
+ return mlir::failure();
+ }
+ // Finally, update the return type of the function based on the argument to
+ // the return operation.
+ for (auto &block : f->getBlocks()) {
+ auto ret = block.getTerminator()->cast<ReturnOp>();
+ if (!ret)
+ continue;
+ if (ret.getNumOperands() &&
+ f->getType().getResult(0) == ret.getOperand()->getType())
+ // type match, we're done
+ break;
+ SmallVector<mlir::Type, 1> retTy;
+ if (ret.getNumOperands())
+ retTy.push_back(ret.getOperand()->getType());
+ mlir::Type elementType = mlir::FloatType::getF64(&getContext());
+ std::vector<mlir::Type> argumentsType;
+ for (auto arg : f->getArguments())
+ argumentsType.push_back(arg->getType());
+ auto newType =
+ mlir::FunctionType::get(argumentsType, retTy, &getContext());
+ f->setType(newType);
+ assert(succeeded(f->verify()));
+ break;
+ }
+ return mlir::success();
+ }
+} // end anonymous namespace
+namespace toy {
+mlir::Pass *createShapeInferencePass() { return new ShapeInferencePass(); }
+} // namespace toy